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Do you believe that there are other planets similar to Earth?

do you think there are planets like Earth that have human-like animals.....or whether there are other planets which are as advanced as we are?

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are roughly 100,000,000,000 stars in an average sized galaxy (Yes, I counted them last week when I was bored, okay?), and say only one of those stars in the whole galaxy had an Earth like planet that could support our kind of life, and this applied to all the other galaxies as well (one Earth in each) Well, there are roughly 100,000,000,000 galaxies in the universe ( although I think this has to be an arbitrary figure) So, there have to be at least a hundred billion Earth like planets out there! That's quite a bit of real estate just waiting to be claimed. Just imagine, there are about six billion of us. If one day we were able to develop the technology to go anywhere in the universe at warp speed (whatever that is) then forget about being up to your a$$ in mortgage repayments for a lousy quarter acre. You could have your own private planet!!!! *sigh*

    As for advancement/ intelligence, ahhhh.....we really don't have anyway to say what those are with any authority, because we have nothing to measure ourselves against. We like to think of ourselves as advanced, but maybe the joke's on us. Maybe we're actually like cosmic pond scum, and all the really advanced species are laughing their a$$es off everytime they tune into our smug conversations about how we hope to discover "other " intelligent life....

  • Labsci
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    There are probably planets similar to Earth, but as to whether there is intelligent life - I doubt it. Remember, humans have been on this Earth for about 2 million year, give or take a bit and have developed space flight. You might then argue that this is evidence that intelligence at this level or beyond is inevitable, but it is not. Dinosaurs had been around for 200 million years or so, and mammals for nearly that, without developing any intelligence approaching ours. So why, in the remote planets that exist which might support life, would life develop to any level above the dinosaurs?

  • amg503
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I know there are planets which appear similar to Earth; scientists have found them. The question is, do they have water, and can (DO) they currently support life?

    Many scientists think that Mars, at one point, was similar to Earth. They believed something happened, and all life died out, along with all things needed to sustain life (namely, water & air.) Watch the end of "Mission to Mars" to see what some believed happened (although I'm not quite sure I buy the whole "how life got onto Earth" part.)

    So, they're out there; they have to be. It'd be impossible for another planet at least somewhat similiar to Earth to NOT exist. But who says all life needs oxygen & water to survive? Different life forms, I'm sure need different things. For all we know, there could be life on Jupiter.

    Speaking of, on of Jupiter's moons is covered with ice, and it's believed a sea is underneath.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes i do believe that there is a similar planet like earth. it's a big waste of space if there is only one planet where living things can live.

    its just a mater of time and resources. or maybe somebody found already and not informing the people about it.

    NASA have made a hundred explorations and they could have stumble on it already. who knows maybe they have sent a political envoy already.

    but would it change the fate of humanity it it would be true?

    Source(s): me
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the existence of earth like planets (rocky, gravity around 1g, liquid water on the surface) is a 99.999% certainty, since planets were found around other stars.

    Life on such planets is an uncertainty.

    life similar to earth's is even more doubtful.

    we will know more during this century.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sure, I totally believe there are planets like Earth. However, when human find out them, we are all dead, so why do we care about it? :-??

    Good luck !

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I love the notion of how "advanced" we are.... Particularly since our database of comparisons is so limited....

    Is a society with... fights at little league games... pedophilia...murders...rapists...religious zealots... advanced?

    While I am confident that with the billions of stars and even more planets that life does exist, I hope that they are a whole hell of alot more advanced than we are...

  • 1 decade ago

    i do beleive.. cause i have had a UFO sighting... i live in India and on my trip from Delhi to Jaipur around 7-8 yrs back we saw a bright yellow disc which followed our train for about an hour.. then it disappeared and after about half an hour.. there was huge flash in the sky... that wz a gr8 experience

  • 1 decade ago

    yes, i do believe there are other planets similar to earth, because there are enless of possiblities in the universe.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    think about this:

    the earth is just a speck in the milky way galaxy.

    the milky way galaxy is just one of the many billions of galaxies in the universe.

    the universe is so humongous there is no word big enough to describe its vastness.

    so, if you ask me: anything is possible. who knows?

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