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What do you know about evolution?

Evolution is so often bashed by Born Again Christians and others that I have to wonder if they have ever actually STUDIED evolution. Do they understand what it really means? Do they actually understand the concept of evolution?

Judging from some past answers, I suspect not.

For the record, stating that something which is declared as Theory in science as just a guess is wrong. In science, a theory is something which cannot be disproven despite many many tests and a great deal of evidence.

Don't get psychological theories mixed up with scientific ones. The two sciences are different.

Why dismiss what has been proven? Instead of fearing it and hating it, why not learn more about it?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I absolutely agree. It is highly disingenuous of ignorant people who know nothing of science to be marching around saying "Science has proven that evolution is not true". These statements are an absolute lie.

    Science is a community of scientists. Not a single member of the US National Academy of Scientists does not believe in evolution. There isn't a single professor of biology in a Western University who doesn't believe in evolution.

    Evolution is the single most fundamental theory in the whole of biology. None of modern biology makes sense without it because all of modern biology is founded on the science of genetics, and the ideas behind evolution is absolutely central to genetics.

    I'm generally a very tolerant person, but I have no time, and absolutely no respect, for creationists. Especially those who like to tell ME as a bioscientist that science has proven evolution wrong.

  • Patty
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I know exactly what evolution is.I have studied and researched it thoroughly. But I have done one thing many atheists and evolutionists won't do.I have researched both sides,the Creationist view and the Evolutionist view.What I have found is very interesting.The evolutionists are holding fast to the Theory of Evolution even though it is being PROVEN by the very same science that it is not nearly as accurate as they once thought.In fact,with every study that has been done in the last few years on the subject of evolution,the theory is being more and more disproven.Studies have demonstrated increasing numbers of problems associated to evolution.These studies have not only been done by scientists who believe God created the universe,but also by scientists who believe in the Theory of Evolution as opposed to the Creationist view.

    So,why dismiss what has been disproven? Instead of fearing it and hating it,why not learn more about it?

    People are always saying that Creationists have a closed mind to evolution.In turn,I say Evolutionists have a closed mind to Intelligent Design.If you really aren't afraid to open your mind and study ALL the facts instead of just what you want to believe,perhaps you could research our side of the matter as well as yours.Try visiting some websites on subjects like God vs. Science or Evolutionists vs.Creationists,something along those lines.As you will see,the facts are indisputable.I will admit that the Theory of Evolution sounds plausible,that is,until I further researched it thoroughly and found out how many inconsistencies there were.But if you don't believe me,by all means,find out for yourself. Or,are you afraid of what you may find?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think you may be a little confused on your scientific terms. To date, there is no evidence for evolution. At this point it is all conjecture (100%). The fact that many scientist (about 55% according to a NYT poll c. 1998) agree on certain principals in theory, does not mean by any stretch of the imagination that evolution is a proven fact. Nearly half the scientist do not support the assumptions that evolution is based on. It "is" all just a guess based on supposition. No scientist, or anyone else, can confirm the date of any artifact beyond about 5,000 years. The very best they can do is to "estimate" the age of something relevant to the "index fossil" found in the same layer of a dig. The index fossil's age is based on the geologic column which was theoretically constructed around 1830, long before any radio-metric method was even thought of. Today if a date from a radio-metric method does not agree with the index fossil (c. 1830), it is discarded as faulty data. Evolution has no support what so ever from dates. No date beyond 5,000 years is reliable.

    You should look into 'modeling'. This is the only method of determining origins that is showing real results today. Evolution is not doing well.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have had this debate with you before. Modern day Science is extremely self critical, their believe is that fact and theory is two different entities. I agree that some theories can't be disproved, but they can be improved on. I believe in evolution and creation as they go hand in hand. One can't be proved without the other.

    Edit: There's a fine line between dismissing what has been proved, and dismissing that which others believe to b true. I know of at least one time where you yourself have crossed the line, so this self righteous routine you've got going is nothing but complete hypocrisy

    PS Before attempting the complexity of Science maybe you should familiarize yourself with the basics of english grammar first.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Actually, by empirical evidence, that which science itself uses to determine if a thing is true and correct, evolution is errant.

    The original theorems about gravity have not been changed since inception - although more evidence has been added and the theory has been enhanced.

    With evolution, over 85% of Darwin's original theorem has been proven wrong - through science. By science's own standards, this theory should have been negated.

    Even the mathematics behind evolution have given the theory a very slim chance of validity.

    There is a good book on the subject, if you are truly interested, by Lee Strobel call The Case for a Creator.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    a million) in accordance to evolutionists, human beings stepped forward from apes? human beings are apes via definition. Linnaeus labeled us as such and he exchange right into a creationist. 2) there are various shown data in technological wisdom, yet evolution is in basic terms a concept. fake by way of a faux effect of the observe concept. A actuality, in technological wisdom, is a discrete ingredient of innovations. Theories connect data and clarify them. there is not any larger type than concept. 3) A transitional form is a fossil of an animal it incredibly is an element one species and section yet another. fake. All organisms are transitional. 4) The age of the earth is desperate via scientists completely interior the path of the radioactive relationship of fossils ? The age of the Earth exchange into desperate via relationship a meteor on the theory that the photograph voltaic device exchange into each and each of a similar age. All different calculations in effective condition the age got here across. 5) The medical approach starts with a prediction and then seems for data to help that prediction? It starts with assertion. Then a hypothesis is formed from that assertion. After the hypothesis is formed, scientists seek for data to help or falsify the hypothesis. 6) the thought of evolution includes the massive Bang? fake. 7) To have self assurance in evolution is to have self assurance that life and rely got here from no longer something? fake.

  • 1 decade ago

    The 'Theory of Evolution' is just that, a theory, aka, a GUESS. Look in the dictionary, that is the definition of 'theory'.

    I did study evolution when I was younger, and I know for a fact it was never proven, for when a scienfitic theory is proven, it is no longer a 'theory', it becomes a 'Law', like the 'Law of Gravity'.

    Judging from your remarks, you don't know anything about scientific things.

    There is no evidence to prove evolution, and the main thing is that life can't evolve from non-life. Scientists tried to do it in their labs and FAILED.

    And 'Lucy' was already dismissed as a hoax.

    So, looks like Darwin has made a monkey out of you!


  • 1 decade ago

    evolution , everything evolves but it has to have a begining. We weren't just born. We were created by someone, something. I don't believe we came from apes, just because our structure when compared to them is the closest. Before that, where did the ape come from? Why not just give God cedit, is it so hard? I don't believe there is a missing link, by now the scientist would have found it. Everyone can believe what they want, we have that right, but you could be wasting your time , when you could be amazed by what the bible says happened. Read the Book.

  • 1 decade ago

    Evolution is a bitter truth for the three messiahanic religions - Jews, Christianity & Islam. They are not able to come to terms with this reality. Whether they accept it or not, this cosmos is not the creation of one man called god. He is not even in control of himself. Just look around. all his creations are so disobedient and he cannot even take one to task.

    Born Again christians have a problem. they do not look beyond bible. They are like those frogs in a pond. their world is so small.

    Evolution is a process of millions or even a billion year. Just look at ourselves, from womb to the grave. its long process. From a zygote, then spend nine months in the womb, then into this world. the journey doesnt end there, its a mystery. but do not call it the miracle of god. god is utterly helpless. eveolution has always disobeyed him. evolution does not listen to any creator, it knows what is good for the species and equips them with the necessary intelligence though a process of memory storage. these are then replayed, when similar incidents occur later. these memories are updated regulary for self defense.

    If have a simple question to the born agains. why does my mother conceive me, then carry me in her womb for nine months, then deliver me. i start growing towards a frail old man. this entire process is a slow evolution. why cant god change this long process. most of us will choose to be a beautiful young man or woman. why this does not happen. even god evolves and changes as time passes. born again christians are a stupid group. ignore them. they cannot even prove the presence of thier god in thier own ways.

    Scientific theories do get mixed up as time passes. that is not a real problem. we need to update our knowledge. nothing should be allowed to remain stagnant, then it will be like the born again christians. in this existence nothing remains stagnant, everything changes. change is the only thing that does not change, because it keeps changing from one form to a better one, every moment.

    it is in the nature of man to dismiss old ones to prove oneself as superior in knowledge. that is competition. but the wise men will carry on the work and improve upon the previous theories. the existence offers us a great opportunity to learn new things, every moment. lets be grateful to the existence for having offered us such wonderful opportunity to learn.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What I know is based on the fact that I have a qualification in ecology, have a lifetime interest in natural history and have studied the evidence from literally hundreds of biologists confirming evolution as an undeniable fact. There is no real debate or conjecture in fact there never was-evolution happens and it's for creationists to come to terms with that fact.

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