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chris r asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

when working with free weights how much time do you rest between each set?

i have been told in Fittness Made Simple video to do three sets of seven but he never mentioned how much time i should rest between each set

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    rule of thumb if you are lifting heavy to gain mass is 60 seconds

  • 1 decade ago

    This is a debated issue throughout competitive bodybuilding. How long to rest between sets. I think you have to listen to your body and what are your training goals. If you are trying to get stronger, you will need more rest between sets because you are taxing the muscles with heavier weights. If you are trying to get more definition, you would want to decrease your rest to boost your metabolism and use a more moderate weight. My general rule of thumb is if I am trying to train heavy, I will aloow myself up to 5 minutes to rest. If I am training with lighter weights and training more for definition, I would keep my rest to 60 seconds-3 minutes. If you are able to bench press 200 pounds for 3 sets of 7 with 60 seconds rest, I would say you are not training the muscle hard enough because the weight isn't challenging your muscles. You want your sets to be hard and the last couple of reps should be very diffcult to fully stimulate the muscle. If you do this, I guarantee you won't be able to lay down on a bench within 3 minutes and knock out another set of 7 within 3 minutes.

    Source(s): 24 years as a competitive bodybuilder
  • 1 decade ago

    I do a set until I get a good burn going in the muscle group that I'm working. Then I put down the weight and wait until the burning goes away. I will also move that muscle area around, life if I'm working my upper arms I'll do some shoulder shrugs for about 30 seconds, that eases off the burn. I wait at the most 1 minute, you don't want your muscles to cool down.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I rest about 15 to 20 seconds but I like a good cardio with the work out.

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  • 1 decade ago

    A few minutes between each set should be adequate. Give yourself as much time as you feel necessary. You are the one to judge how much time you need to rest.

  • 1 decade ago

    if you are lifting to build muscle (almost maxing out), you should rest about 3 minutes, if you are building endurance or trying to tone your muscles, you should rest 30 seconds to 1 minute.

  • 1 decade ago

    Depends on the individual. Your body will tell you when your ready to go again

  • Ivette
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i know you need to allow yourself a minute between reps. other than that i have no idea

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