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I just recently had a miscarriage after going 9 weeks. Please, only serious answers.......(see details)?

Okay, I am really bummed because I thought this was going to be the one. I had my first miscarriage around this same time last year. A week after I found out, I lost it. I was okay because my doc says that is natural,that often pregnancy may end in miscarriage in the first trimester; and I only had a week to think about it. But this is the second one and honestly, I am so afraid that I will never know that joy of holding a little one. I just celebrated my 33rd birthday.

Has anyone shared a similar experience they care to share with me? Is there something I should be doing beforehand to increase my chances of having a baby the next time.

Any helpful advice/ words of encouragement would be helpful and thanks in advance.

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Miscarriage just happens. There is generally no specific reason a woman miscarries. That is what the doctors tell you after a miscarriage. It doesn't stop us from blaming ourselves and trying to figure out what went wrong.

    They say the best thing to do for your self when you are trying to get pregnant is to get healthy. Cut out all smoking and drinking and limit your intake of over the counter medications. Increase your folic (sp) acid (Orange Juice etc.)intake. Take prenatal vitamins and eat healthy.

    That is the best you can do without medical intervention. I am 33 I miscarried at the end of February this year. I am now 18 weeks pregnant and scared daily that something will go wrong. We are still young. You have plenty of time. Don't beat yourself up over an act of nature. I know none of this makes you feel any better but I hope it helped a little.

  • Lily18
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Im so sorry for your loss. And it IS a loss , no matter what ppl try to tell you . I have had 3 live births , been pregnant 6 times . 3 miscarriages ( all around the 6-9 week range) so i know how you feel . One of those was 3 months before i got pregnant with my second child. So it is possible to get pregnant and stay pregnant. Jut have faith , it will happen for you too . Hope this helps any .

    Source(s): Mom of 3 beautiful girls!
  • saleh
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    9 Week Miscarriage

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    God, yes!!!!!! I'm so sorry that happened, I was 3 months, and It was planned, i lost my child in the toilet. I'm still not over it. Every time I see mothers and their baby I cry. It happened a year ago. I cant even get close to my godchild, her mother and I were suppose to have our babies at the same time. All I suggest is that you look to the future and think happiness and blessings of a baby. I'm pregnant now and I hope everything will work out. I'm so scarred. Just pray. It will happen when its really right for you. Now I'm only a few days pregnant and Ive been taking prenatal pills like everyday a month before and I'm still on them, I eat right and exercises. Good Luck. Everything will be fine.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I have had 4 miscarriages. I found out I had a thyroid problem which affected certain hormones neccesary for a healthy pregnancy. It you have noticed alot of weight gain over the past few years or if you are very thin and eat and eat and eat and don't gain weight you could have an over active or under active thyroid. It can even be possible you and your partner are not a chromosomal match with one another. You could even have a smooth uterus lining which could make it more likely for you to miscarry due to the placenta not being able to latch onto the ridges that are normally there. Ask for some lab work to be done.

  • donp
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Miscarriages can be due to many reasons. You must remember that the child formation in a body is not like something that is happening in a machine. There is nothing being held together by bolts and nuts. There are no screws to be tightened. The whole thing is held together by your own muscles and other results of hormones and enzyme reactions.

    Your physical activities contribute to this a lot. If you strain yourself. If you wear tight body wear. If you wear high heeled shoes - all have an affect on it

    Your mental condition also matters a lot. If you are depressed. If you get angry often etc affects the enzymes in your body.

    The food also contributes - I know unripe pineapples affect pregnancy.

    I know of a lady who spent the last 6 months in bed with knees up most of the day to avoid her 3rd miscarriage - and she succeeded.

    Good Luck

  • jm1970
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I'm so very sorry.

    My sister in law lost three before having her four healthy children (in 7 years).....there was no explanation.

    I suggest you see a fertility doctor and have a full work up done. You could have a progesterone problem which causes miscarriages and is VERY easy to fix.

    No one will be able to help your fear and sadness until you actually have your baby, and even then, it won't be the two you I'll only wish you well.

    My sister and law and my cousin who lost 4 (and finally had one at 43) say they are very happy and have healed....occassionally the think of the ones they lost, but not often.

    God Bless You

  • 1 decade ago

    I am sorry to hear that. i had a ectopic pregnancy 7/28/06 and it was my first. I am into Hollistic Health and have done my research. The best thing to do is to start taking a prenatal vitamin it takes 30 days for your body to reap the benifits, Also Red rasberry tea helps strenth the uterus which is a muscle, drink at least 2 cups a day. Allow your body to heal before you try again also change your diet eat more green veggies like okra, kale, broccoli this also helps with the lining of the uterus you want to make that muscle strong so that it can help support that baby. Try not to stress that unborn baby feels every vibe that you are going through and that can cause the baby to terminate itself. You are still young and it will happen and this time you will be ready. Good luck

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The clear is at 20 weeks (after 20 weeks it is a stillbirth) - 12 weeks it has dropped a lot. However, if you have heard a heartbeat (that is over 120bpm at 8 weeks) and have had no complications your risk of miscarriage is about 3% or less - I was just told that by a perinatal doctor two days ago at my successful ultrasound at 9 weeks!!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'm sorry that you've had to go through that. My grandmother had quite a few of miscarriages between my aunt and my mom. Dont give up hope. The best advice i can offer is talk to your doctor about things that may help you. Or you can always have someone that you trust carry the baby for you. Or adopt. I know you dont get to go through the joys of pregnancy. But its better then nothing. I hope you get to have that little one that your praying for. But like I said dont give up. And make sure if you do get pregnant again to take things lightly dont do anything stressful

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