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i have a friend who goes into have her wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow well they have to cut them out and she...?

smokes pot will that affect her ne at all will it cause nething to go wrong? what if she was to smoke pot tonight? i keep telling her she shouldnt smoke pot cuz its bad for her but she doesnt listen to me much when it comes to that?but if someone could help me feel better that shell be ok tomorrow that would be nice..thanks

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    Source(s): DDS
  • 1 decade ago

    The only time wisdom teeth are cut out is when they are impacted, that is they are laying parallel to the gums and not vertical as normal teeth are. As for the pot, they will sedate her to pull the teeth and especially if they must be cut out. The pot may have an adverse effect and she should tell the oral surgeon before they do the procedure. Some medications can react and cause very serious side effects and in some cases even death. I do not say this to scare you, I tell you this because it is better to be safe than sorry.

  • 1 decade ago

    your retarded why would pot have any effect on her getting her teeth pulled,ive been smoking pot since i was 12 im 36 now and believe me its a lot better for you than cigarettes, alcohol ,suger and caffiene...if you want to really be a good friend buy her a bag for afterwards because shes gonna be hurting. by the way dont listen to these yahoos she has more of a chance of having an allergic reaction to the vicoden or tylenol 3 that they are going to give her then some complication from laughing gas,who the hell are you ignorant people anyway?

  • 1 decade ago

    Smoking of any kind, pot or otherwise, reduces blood circulation. This can slow healing time and increase the risk for infection. In addition, she will be given a general anesthetic and a local anesthetic during the proceedure. Her pot smoking can affect how these pain killers work for her. This could increase her risk of complications. She should avoid smoking anything until her stiches are out. After that she can go back to her bong.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I had mine pulled out, they were cut out and I got about 2 stitches in each one. I never smoked pot so I don't know how that would affect her, other than that she should be fine.

  • 1 decade ago

    i don't think it will effect her. i had mine pulled out and i smoked pot but not the day before only occasionally. the reason they have to cut them out is because the roots sometime wrap around the jaw bone. so they cut them out and eventually they will pop up and fall out. that's what happened when i got mine pulled out. don't worry she'll be ok.

  • 1 decade ago

    She could get dry sockets if she smokes anything after she gets the extractions. Painful.

    Aside from that, it might be time to grow up and lay of the weed.

  • 1 decade ago

    U don't worry. She should be ok. Tell her to quit smoking. It kills brain cells.

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