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Do you think Bush is Un-American?

Bush always talked If your not with me your Un-American... I think He is the most Un-American Person whos only out for Himself...


Wanted to let all of you People know that are saying Bush did not call People Un-American if they were not with Him is a bold out LIE...Bush did say this a numbe of times...What is wrong with you all ??? Either you are lying or just dumber then a dirt ball... You pick which one you are...

31 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer



  • 1 decade ago

    President Bush should be honored as one of the greatest President's ever. He has spent the past 6 years moving America ahead. Our economy is being restored, our income taxes are being reduced, we have not had an attack in America since 9/11 (attacks by fanatical muslims have been a fact of life since 1968 when Bobby Kennedy was assinated), Homeland security is in place. I don't know why people feel that the fanatical terrorists should have the same rights as citizens. To protect our country from terrorists is a monumental task and he has taken it on - something that Presidents before him were unwilling to do. The liberals would give away our country and allow us to be attacked in a minute. If they believe they can talk to the fanatical terrorists why don't they go to Baghdad and do just that - no protection for them from our military. They won't because they are cowards incapable of intelligent thought and constructive criticism. The un-american are those who would give away our country.

  • Fallen
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    No, he isn't un-American. And to the answerer who said why doesn't his daughters join up. Does everyone forget that the people who joined the military do it on their own FREE WILL!!! They are not forced into it! They joined so they can protect this country, to give people the very freedom they take for granted everyday! It is sad though to see the people who join the military thinking they will get free ride through college and end up -oh no, big surprise- called into war! No one is forced to join, they join up knowing the possibilities and risk involved! Anyone who disrespects that is un-American! Anyone who disrespects the President, who actually had the backbone to expose our enemies and go to war with them is un-American! I will admit though, some of the choices President Bush has made recently are not good, but that doesn't make him any more un-American than it does the very liberals that belittle him and insult him and our military every chance they get! If anything that there is un-American!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You certainly are misinformed or misled or you are just telling a cold, black lie. He has NEVER said that anyone was un-American. Even the terrorists. He HAS said that they mean us harm or they want to kill us or many other negative things of them but NEVER has he said they are un-american. You have a right to your opinion, no matter how warped it may be, but I will not allow you to tell a lie without letting you know it is as lie.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well, that all depends on how you define "American," right? The redneck in Texas has a different idea than the antique collector in But at the end of the day, our bedrock is the Constitution, and Bush has certainly pissed all over that in the name of "conducting the war on terror" - which basically means he's working in tandem with the terrorists to strip us all of the very rights that make us Americans. The fact that so many people STILL support him in this just proves that freedom to choose (for the time being) doesn't necessarily mean you'll make the right choice!

  • 1 decade ago

    Saying that someone who is not with you is un-American is in itself one of the most Un-American statements you could make. The whole idea behind being an American is that you don't always have to agree with the President/government and you are allowed to speak your mind without punishment.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Questions like those are very controversial. I don't think everyone have the correct definition of what makes someone an american and what might make them un-american. So as for me i think an american is someone who stands up for what they believe, considering in most countries people don't have the freedom to voice their opinion. thats pretty simple. so you're all americans, get over it lol.

  • jercha
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    get a life

    Bush is old news and a lame duck. Time for a new president

    Lets get a president that does nothing and says meaningless quotes for 4 years so no one can blame him for anything.

    How about an actor. An actor would have great charisma. Who can dislike a charming hero from the movies.

  • 1 decade ago

    He's an idiot. I hear he told Osama that he was going to make him touch a girl and get cooties, too. Childish crap. Saying "if you aren't with me, you aren't patriotic" reminds me of grade school girls. "If you aren't my best friend you are a rotten egg."

    Bush would like you to believe that a vote for him is a vote for patriotism...a vote for him is a vote for God...and a vote for him will change everything...Anyone still supporting his agenda just doesn't know all of the facts...or only has the Fox News network on their cable TV.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What's un-American about being only out for yourself? You just called everyone here un-American! LOL

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your wrong. Bush is a true American whose intrest is to protect our country and it's people. Don't always believe what you see in the press. He is a smart man to curb to movement and advancement of the Islamo-Facists in the middle east which will secure our safety and security in the future. In addition, look at our economy growth over the past four years and the complete recovery and record breaking numbers of our stock markets.

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