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Remedy for severe dry, chapped hands??

During cold weather, my hands get very dry and chapped to the point where they crack and bleed. It is painful. I've tried different moisturizers. I've even tried slathering lotion on my hands and covering them with gloves while I sleep. Nothing seems to work. Does anyone have any remedies/suggestions for this problem? Thank you!

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My mother in law is in health care and has the same problems - these work for her:

    this sounds nasty - but it helps 1) put some sugar in your hand about a tsp or a bit more, then add some oil - either body oil or olive oil works well - rub together (like washing hands), then add a liquid soap, continue to rub until sugar is dissolved... then rinse pat dry and slather on an intensive moisturizer....

    also using cork-huskers lotion helps quite a bit... some other lotions she has used are Aquaphor, curel for dry hands, and udder balm (yes the stuff they use on cows - but it works - especially if you slather on and cover with cotton gloves overnight)

    Don't forget to drink plenty of water too - your hands will crack if you are dehydrated

    good luck!!

  • 5 years ago

    Chapped Hands

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    6 years ago

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    Remedy for severe dry, chapped hands??

    During cold weather, my hands get very dry and chapped to the point where they crack and bleed. It is painful. I've tried different moisturizers. I've even tried slathering lotion on my hands and covering them with gloves while I sleep. Nothing seems to work. Does anyone have any...

    Source(s): remedy severe dry chapped hands:
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have the same prob every winter. It helped having reg manicures but v exp & cant afford them now - life changes! Avoid at all costs going outside without gloves in the winter. If yr hands are in the slightest bit damp, even if it doesnt seem windy, the cool air chaps and causes the splits to re-open. Other than that, as yr other answers say, hand cream on a reg basis, and by that i mean every few hrs will help.. My prob has eased by avoiding washing up, gardening etc. hope this helps

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  • 1 decade ago

    I use Cetaphil Therapeutic Hand Cream with Shea Butter. It is about $7 for a 3oz tube, and I think it works great! Use it in the morning, at night before bed (with gloves), but also use it each time you wash your hands as well as when you head outdoors. The tube specifically says it is for relief of chronic dry, chapped hands, and it is dermatologist recommended. You should probably use gloves if you wash dishes in the sink too. Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Vasoline or Petroleum Jelly is wonderful.

    No one said HOW though- except for the celophane lady... (good idea too).

    Wash your hand in warm water- but leave damp. Rub Vasoline on your hands while they are still damp- the Vasoline seals in the moisture. Put on Gloves (cotton) in a pinch you can use socks..

    Keep on over night. In the morning- your hands should be improved a great deal.

    Drinking A LOT of water throughout the day will help as well.

  • 7 years ago

    I'm really sensitive to perfumes, and I don't like using lots of the chemicals that are in hand lotions because it burns or makes me break out. And I really hate getting my hands greasy.

    But I found a great, hypoallergenic, and cheap, fix.

    As others have said, rub petroleum jelly (vaseline) into your hands, then wipe off the excess, then dust your hands with corn starch (the same kind you use for cooking) and gently wipe off the excess (leave a light dustin, just enough on to keep your hands from being sticky.)

    Then just go to sleep. The corn starch keeps your hands from sticking to the sheets or the pillow, and the vaseline seals in your own bodies natural oils. So your hands heal themselves.

    The first time I tried this, my knuckles were split and bleeding (vaseline is also good for sealing the splits and keeping air and water out of them, to keep them from stinging, like a bandaid.)

    But the next morning, I looked at my hands and couldn't believe it, they looked amazing, not only were they healed, but they were all soft and silky and with good plump, resilient skin. My hands looked younger than they had in ages. They weren't just unchapped, they looked healthier.

    Anyway, before bed wash your hands, dry them completely, rub in some vaseline to the backs of your hands and chapped knuckles, use tissues to wipe off the excess, then dust with corn starch and wipe off the excess.

    Then sleep. Your hands feel silky while you sleep, don't mess up the blankets, and wake up with softer, smoother hands.

    (I even wash my palms after applying it, since I don't like sticky on my palms, just don't get the backs of your hands wet.)

    Anyway, I was amazed how well this works, it's ubber cheap, and has no perfumes or chemicals.

  • 1 decade ago

    First off this sounds like its gotten bad enough for you to call the dermatoligst. If you don't want to do that I suggest going to Bath and Body Works. I used to work there and, they have some amazing products from their True Blue Spa line. Talk to one of the sales people there and, tell them the problem your having. Ask them about the True Blue Spa. All those products from that line contain shea butter which, is great for dry hands. If your hands are that dry don't overwash them and, apply lotion after drying your hands. Also, pat dry yours hands.

  • 1 decade ago

    Try Vaseline (the thick waxy kind) and then wrap your hands in selophane paper ( spelling of selophane is probably wrong. I'm talking about the plastic paper ) Do that for a while before you go to bed, then maybe try putting lotion on it every day and carry lotion around with you everywhere. And maybe get a manicure.

  • 1 decade ago

    Try a products called Aquafor. It comes in a plastic white jar. It has the same substance as Vaseline, but it was recommended by my dermatologist for dry skin. It works great, even on under eye bags.

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