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Nate asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

What is the democrats strategy for winning in November?

Please let me preface this by saying I don't have an affiliation with any political party in particular. This is a bi-partisan question.

It seems to me that the Democrats have absolutly no strategy or idea about what they are going to do when they retake control of Congress... except impeach Bush. Does this seem unethical to anyone? Regardless of your opinions on Bush, shouldn't a party gain power based upon their plans to implement new, better policy rather than their talking points about how stupid the current administration is?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are right that it appears their main strategy is being against anything Bush. Additionally, they plan on blowing up every scandal possible and not letting it die, included "scandals" that shouldn't even be scandals, like the "macaccca" thing. Republicans do not have the luxury of making honest mistakes (although Democrats do, take Harry Reids errors for example, just honest mistakes).

    They do have some platforms also:

    - A comprehensive immigration law (it is not good to do things one step at a time). This would include, no doubt some sort of amnesty.

    - Raise taxes. This may be in the form of rolling back tax cuts or other form.

    - Raise the minimum wage. This will do nothing, really. If I was a business owner, and I have to pay higher, I will look for more skilled workers who can do more work at a little higher cost. Supply and demand works, big brother doesn't always have to interfere.

    - Strategize about 2008.

    I'm generally a Dem, so this isn't meant to be harsh, I just get sick of politics looking like the tabloids.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To start with, they don't want to impeach Bush. Secondly, it is kind of hard not to talk about how stupid the current administration is, they make it so easy. But Democrats are planning to force the issue on the Iraq war, either fix it or get out kind of thing. Second, a higher minimum wage and any tax cuts allowed will be to the middle and lower classes (not the rich as Bush has done). Thirdly, to prevent Bush from removing any more of our freedoms and maybe take a few of them back (like not tapping our calls and maybe allowing some of us to disagree with the leadership without becoming anti-American--despite the fact that fighting for our freedom of speech is as American as it gets while fearmongering has always been the domain of the dictator). That is what the Democrats plan to do.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your observation has been noted by even Tim Russert (no friend of the Republicans). The Democrats have no vision, no platform, no policies to counter what they claim as failed policies of the Bush Administration. Democrats should be offering an alternative plan instead of spewing hatred and chanting their bumper sticker sound bites "Bush Lied, People Died." Give the people an actual choice! Impeachment is not a choice - it is playing out your hatred in the House of Representatives.

  • crear
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    there is not any question individuals are no longer happy with what the Obama administration and the Democratic congress has performed for this reason a procedures. i think of their in basic terms wish is to objective to cajole persons that the Republicans may be worse. (The "ok....i'm **** however the different guy is worse" argument). I frankly do no longer placed lots have confidence interior the Republicans the two....yet i'll be vote casting Republican in November (i'm on their area of the "i'm **** however the different guy is worse" argument). i think of the yank absolutely everyone seems to be greater susceptible to purchase the Republican area of that argument at this factor as properly. The "racism" factor will no longer help the Democrats....if something it will make it worse for them.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am not a democrat but I see that party the same as you and I think it is very unethical for them to continually complain, condemn, and criticize the Bush policies and not have any dramatic changes or repairs to the faulty segments of the Bush policies. If they do gain power, it will be because the voters are that gullible. I, however, give the voters more intelligence than that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Right now the republican strategy is to let the Democras nominate someone. That should do it. Good greif Clinton the Anti- America is front runner? She is a liberal but will hold us to Iraq if she wins. I can see bill in drag now chasing girl pages down the hollowed halls of the white house as the first man:).

    Arnold is the top man for the job as far as I am concerned but he can't run.

    Among the democrats is a crowded field of butt kissing fools. kerry, liberman , gore, who has gone eastern as no one in the south wants him. personally i like dean of all of the Democrats, and I think he would have the best chance of any of the easterners of carrying the south.

    Unless the democrats can find anopther moderate like Clinton(as in bill) someone, not really known the republicans will grease their way back into the presidency if they run anyone outside or short of donald duck.

    Source(s): yahoo news
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Day One: Put new rules in place to "break the link between lobbyists and legislation."

    Day Two: Enact all the recommendations made by the commission that investigated the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

    : Raise the minimum wage to $7.25 an hour, maybe in one step. Cut the interest rate on student loans in half. Allow the government to negotiate directly with the pharmaceutical companies for lower drug prices for Medicare patients.

    Broaden the types of stem cell research allowed with federal funds

    "Pay as you go," meaning no increasing the deficit, whether the issue is middle class tax relief, health care or some other priority.

  • 1 decade ago

    first off you cant claim no party affitiation. thats like saying you no clue. you must have an opinion about something. i have never heard anyone say the democrats would impeach bush. a president has to break the law to be impeached. stupidity is not illegal. and whats going to happen in november is the replacement of a morally bankrupt congress and the installation of a new one

  • N3WJL
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    They don't have one other than running against BUSH. All the ads I've seen for Democrats only point out that the Republican opponent voted with bush 95-98% of the time. I know NOTHING about the democratic congressional candidate from the ads.

    Source(s): n3
  • 1 decade ago

    After the last six years, I'd rather elect a party that has no apparent idea what to do (Democrats) as opposed to an administration that won't change course when circumstances change and the advocated policy is flawed.

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