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How do you feel about Bush signing the bill to build a fence along the Mexican border?

Bush signed the bill to build a fence along the mexican border today, and I...totally support him! I think that immagration in this nation needs to be regulated! We cant just have anyone wondering into our country!

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's I think the first smart move that man has made as president. I deffinatly support it and they should of done it years ago!!! I mean we are now at 300 billion people in usa and it keeps going up mostly because of them being preg and crossing over on their due date knowing we cant churn down a helpless woman.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ok thats ur opinion, but I lived by the border 4 38 yrs and they tried everything 2 stop illegals and nothin worked.They have a fence now that stands 20 feet tall in places and its always bein repaired from bein cut or the mexicans and others climb over the border.The coyotes who make these people pay should b shot on site and then the women and children should b helped up 2 a point. The men need 2 stay in their own country and change the government.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Haven't you figured out yet the Bush does everything half way or more accurately half as*ed? He uses 140,000 troops in Iraq when he needed and was told he needed 300,000 to win. In the beginning, he only sends about half is what is needed to help save Katrina victims. And now he's building a fence on the border that won't come close to keeping out illegal immigrants or terrorists.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think it is a step in the right direction. We just have to make sure it is patroled properly, how bout the national gaurd. We hae to stop or at least slow down the flow, 15 BILLION dollars a year is being stolen from the U.S. economy and going into the Mexican economy. How bout we put some of that into education?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would feel alot better about it if our government had just closed our borders after 9/11...but then both the democrats & republicans have repeatedly shown by their actions (or lack of action) that the security of America is not a priority! Do you know Homeland Security estimates 500,000 potential terrorist crossed our southern border in 2005?

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd be happier if it wasn't election time smoke and mirrors. Everyone can go back to their districts and say they had a hand in "securing the southern border" while glossing over the fact that the big fence they are patting themselves on the back for has no funding allocated to it. The only thing the Dems and Republicans can agree on is that they want their jobs back and if they have to fool the slack jawed yokels into voting for them, that's OK.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It seems pretty silly. Like a fence is really going to keep people out. It's a pretty big area, there is no way that every mile can be watched and regulated. Besides, you can tear down a fence, if you want in enough. Next thing he'll want to do is build a great wall around the entire US. Stupid. Why don't we use that money and put into education, so that maybe one day, smart men can run this country.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hallelujah! And I'm not even religious! LOLOL

    I fully agree, if we're going to talk about all this 'security' stuff, then let's start with some no-B.S. low-budget, common-sense stuff. Keep the answers simple and doable, and they'll be put into positive use....

    There's more to do, after the fence...they gotta keep going after the employers of illegals, start having 'straight talk' meetings with these cities that call themselves 'sanctuary cities' or whatever...

    this isn't 1902 anymore, our population's tripled in the last 100 years, the world has multiplied 6 times over in the same amount of time, so time for some more modern, relevant thinking on immigration...the 'gold rush' is over...

  • Bad M
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    We do need to control who crosses our borders but there is a cynical side of myself that sees the timing of this bill as nothing more than political window dressing to garner votes for Republican candidates... not enough action, politically motivated , not really a comprehensive bi-lateral action.

    The needs of the American public were not fully met nor did the bill's sponsor even try. I am disappointed but I guess it is a start.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it is a good first step. Sadly it is only 700 miles but that is a good start. Some idiots claim, "Oh fences don't help." But these people are morons. Of COURSE fences help. Fences help all the time to keep one group of people or animals out of the enclosed area. If fences didn't work then Disneyland wouldn't have tall fences all around it to keep freeloaders from getting in. Since there IS a fence, then Disneyland can regulate WHO gets in and can make sure those who DO get in have paid. Hopefully our fence will also keep the freeloaders and the trash out.

  • 1 decade ago

    About time. Now round up the illegals and force them to build it or get shot.

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