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Do you still think about someone from the past?

I still think about a girl I went to school with 12 years ago. Never dated her but wonder what ever happened to her. it is silly of me to want to find out?

28 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No,go for it!!! find out. A friend of mine from work was also wondering about a girl from school

    when he was 12 . Twenty six years later he managed to track her down through Classmates

    and found out she had a boyfriend. But, she agreed to see him any ways as friends. She ended up breaking up with her boyfriend and now they have a long distance relationship.

    Source(s): Experience - Friend from work.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, of course not it's not silly at all!! There is a guy I worked with about a year ago (well 11 months ago) and I haven't seen him since...but I knew him about a year and a half. We always flirted constantly and he even gave me his number, but I never followed up on it b/c I thought it could be a joke, and now that I look back, it wasn't a joke. I miss him terribly and hope that I run into him one day again. I think there are some people you never forget. So from now on, if I ever have feelings for someone, I'm going to let them know before it's too late, because regret is a horrible thing to live with!! :)

  • 1 decade ago

    I do it all the time. I reflect back and reminisce on fond memories. I never think it's silly to want to find out. It's like coming across a classmate on the Net that you haven't seen in ages and want to catch up on the good times.

    Just let the bad past remain in the past and use it towards lessons of today, but always reflect on the good past to help you through your trying days.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, count me in. I missed this guy who I met in my secondary school and it has been almost 10yrs and I can still recall how he looked like. Best thing is I found him in my friendster's list, although we never know each other but at least I still get to find out how he's and who he has been out with. I think it's not silly of you but I find ourselves weird, how can we miss and think of someone for such a long period of time? Somemore, the feeling is still so strong & infatuation is never gone. Try to locate her in friendster or something else. That may lead you to some clues. Good luck!

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think it's silly. It's common for people to have a feeling of nostalgia creeping up on them unexpectedly.

    I know a guy from my kindergarten days back in UK who my mother says was my best friend, but now, continents apart, i think of him sometimes, but have to live with the reality that i may never hear from him again.

    So, if you can, and if you have the opportunity, why not catch up with her?

    No harm done there...

  • 1 decade ago

    Not at all - I still think about a girl I was engaged to before I went into the Marines back in 1968. Saw her several times til 1976 after that we just drifted apart, but; i still think about her. Almost left a good job for her once; but, remenbered something my father told me. "who you would marry at 21 is not the same person you would marry at 25".

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it is normal, I never had a boyfriend before my husband, and we have been married for 16 years and I still think about the people I liked in school and hope the best for them, I try not to linger on the thoughts because that is not productive to your marriage. =)

  • 1 decade ago

    Nope,,, I do to.. I think of many ladies in my past,,, some from almost 40 years ago ,,, I graduated High school 1970,,, and would really like to know where there life has taken them,,

  • 1 decade ago

    If your married and have a family yes. If your single Go for it, what have you got to lose.

    Yes i do sometimes but it's just a floating wonder, I'm happily married so that might be why.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, not at all. Many people do that. In fact even when you are with a person you often wonder what they were like when they were little or younger as far as how they acted and their personality.

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