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Lv 5
Jez asked in Arts & HumanitiesBooks & Authors · 1 decade ago

How different would the world be without Harry Potter?

Serious Question. Do you think that the success of Harry Potter has shaped the literary world? What has it's impact been and how different would it be if that oh so famous secretary had not dug out JK Rowling's manuscript and forced her editor to read it?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    it doesn't matter for me and lots of people i know,we can read another book and imagine something more from another literature.

    seriously,i don't like harry potter that much. well, even it against the world about what i said,but i'm honest with myself.........i can say and tell u guys again and again that i don't like harry potter that much. anway i'm not some kind of presstimistic,i have the reason about what i think.

    yeah,harry potter is fun,i accept this. but it some kind of instant fun.

    i'm not sure,but i guess that the writer had planed for the book to return to be a film,'cause some scene and some gag is some kind of film's trick.

    yeah,harry potter is full of imagine,i accept. but in same way is the kind of instant imagine.

    the reader will have no chance to imagine something more than the letter in the book.

    compare with the another writer as "roald dah" ,"michael ende" and bra bra bra. they gave the reader more space to imagine something out of the letter and the words in a book. reader can see a new whole world by their feeling.


    i know u guys that so harry potter mania will hate me 'cause what i said. so let u hate or agrument about me,u have your own's right. for me aswell,i have my right, i will still say the same thing................

    i don't like harry potter.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, we wouldn't know what we'd be missing if the series was never written. There'd probably be some other bestseller that would captivate the entire literary world that everyone would be obsessed about.

    I think that Harry Potter hasn't really shaped the literary world, but it definitely has impacted how companies market products and how there are books, websites, toys, posters, etc that have to do with Harry Potter. So it definitely has impacted our society. I think the best thing that has happened since Harry Potter is that kids are more willing and enthusiastic to read now, generally speaking.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It wouldn't be any different from what it is now. I would be waiting for the next Percy Jackson book and waiting for The Hunger Games to come out next year and playing with my pet Lizard like I would be doing anyway. Really, the Harry Potter books are good, but they aren't life changing. All the other authors would still write the books that have come out now

  • 1 decade ago

    much better; jk Rowling is a very mediocre writer and it would be much better if kids read Tolkein, Alexander (the Taran wanderer seriies),CS Lewis, Joan Aiken, etc. There is some absolutely fantastic children's literature out there and Harry Potter is simply mediocre. I have read several novels, just to keep up with what my cousins are reading, and have been massively dissapointed by the unimaginative writing, the poor characer developlent, etc. The only advantage of the HP books is that you can read them extremely quickly (since they are badly written, you just need to catch on to the basic story line and you can consume hundreds of pages in a few hours). They remind me most of the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys series, which you could also read extremely rapidly, but which nothing to enrich your literaray experience...unlike Tolkein, Alexader, CS Lewis, Joan Aiken, EB White and all the great classics of children's literature.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It is a book. It is not the Bible, Torah, or Koran. The literary world would be juts fine if it happened or didn't. However it is a great thing that it sparked the imagination of so many children.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes, i think that JK had a huge impact to the world. after harry pottet everyone turned to write magical stories. althought different but magical. some even dare to write about simular things. to create all of that books means alot to the literature world. i think that with harry she opened the fanasy to everyone

  • 1 decade ago

    Any book, especially one of such popularity, has an effect on culture and personalities. Kids would probably be "less beleiving" in mystics, wizzards etc.

    Also, the Lady who wrote the books wouldn't be blowing her nose with $100 bills...

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It's got a lot of kids interested in reading, that's always a good thing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well duh it made a difference. A lot less kids would be excited about reading. Now you can just watch them on the movie screen but, the books are sooo much better. Any kid could see that from reading the book!

  • 1 decade ago

    Idon't think it would have worldly affect unless it was banned and all the books were burned

    But if H.P. never came to be there would have been something else.

    Good books though!

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