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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Why does the bible have Dragons and Unicorns in it?

They are surely not real. Here are the verses in KJV:


Deuteronomy 32: 33, Nehemiah 2: 13, Job 30: 29, Psalm 44: 19, Psalm 74: 13, Psalm 91: 14, Psalm 148: 7, Isaiah 13: 22, Isaiah 27: 1, Isaiah 34: 13, Isaiah 35: 7, Isaiah 43: 20, Isaiah 51: 9, Jeremiah 9: 11, Jeremiah 10: 22, Jeremiah 14: 6, Jeremiah 49: 33, Jeremiah 51: 37, Ezekiel 29: 3, Micah 1: 8, Malachi 1: 3, Revelation 12: 3-17, Revelation 13: 2- 11, Revelation 16: 13, Revelation 20: 2


Numbers 23: 22, Numbers 24: 8, Deuteronomy 33: 17, Job 39: 9-12, Job 22: 21, Job 29: 6, Job 92: 10, Isaiah 34: 7

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is why many atheists call it a "fairy tale".

    I have no explanation for it, although, now I want to check it out myself. Growing up, they never read us those passages.

    Actually, I believe that Judaism and Christianity have bases in Pagan religion, so that might explain the dragons and unicorns.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you are trying to put things in there that are not there.

    As for the "dragons":

    All the verses except the first 3 you've listed from the book of Revelations speak of "jackals" (except for a few which speak of "monsters"). Jackals as defined from the Merriam-Webster online are "1 : any of several small omnivorous canids (as Canis aureus) of Africa and Asia having large ears, long legs, and bushy tails

    2 a : a person who performs routine or menial tasks for another b : a person who serves or collaborates with another especially in the commission of base acts". The "dragons" spoken of in Revelations 12:3-17, 13:2-11, & 16:13 could very well be real dragons or figurative dragons. This book is a book of prophecy. Revelation 20:2 defines what the dragon is..."He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years"...the dragon...who is the devil and Satan.

    As for the unicorns:

    Job 22:21, 29:6, & 29:10 say nothing about animals of any kind. The others speak of wild ox. Merriam-Webster online defines an ox as "1 : a domestic bovine mammal (Bos taurus); broadly : a bovine mammal

    2 : an adult castrated male domestic ox"

    No unicorns!

    Be careful about trying to "read into" things too much. Without going back and reading all of them, I can say I remember a few of them contained figurative language...."like" comes to mind with one or two. If you remember from English classes in school, that would be a simile. Other forms of figurative language within the Bible include metaphor, hyperbole, and anthropomorphism ("attributing to God human characteristics or experiences").


    "If the literal sense makes good sense,

    seek no other sense,

    lest you come up with nonsense"

    (A Ready Defense - Bill Wilson)

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    YES!!! Look at Kent Hovind's creation science DVDs. He is an ex science teacher who debates the greatest minds of pro-evolution, publicly. Tapes of that are available too. Dragons include dinosaurs, yes. No, not like the Dungeons and Dragons kind. Unicorns ...why not? A lot has changed since the Flood, and global climate changes (ice ages, polar shifts, meteors) are still facts of earthly life. Isn't it condescending to say ppl mistook rhinos for unicorns??? Daaaa..... They also allege it was a wild ox, not a rhino. Depends on the translation. you may want to read a bible encyclopedia or a jewish one, at a reference library. Bound to have other sources to track down what is literal versus opinion/hearsay. ...Besides, it's in an Irish Rover's song ... about the silly unicorn who wouldn't get on the Ark :-)) surely THAT is authoritative! Really - go check the exhaustive encyclopedias. (Wow, listen to all these anti-christian haters! If they substituted the word gay, black, jew, or muslim in their posts, there would be hell to pay!)

  • 1 decade ago

    the Dragon is applied to wild asses Jer 14:6, wicked men IS 43:19 & 20, Heb. tan. Applied to Sea Monster Gen 1:21. Great serpents Ex 7:9, 10, 12, Cruel tyrants Is 51:9, Applied in the Gr. Dragon Satan Rev. 12:9, Antichrist Rev 12:3 This is from the Stong's Concordance. Unicorn is the wild ox. Num 23:22, Job 39:9-12, Ps 29:6. I hope this will help you. God bless you.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The KJV is a poor translation. The original KJV had over 3,500 translational errors in it. The Revised KJV has corrected a majority of such errors, but some glaring ones still remain, like those you mention. "Unicorns" appears because the translators chosen by King James were not well enough educated in the ancient languages to realize that the Hebrew phrase "horned beasts" simply meant "cattle" or "oxen". Look up those verses in any other translation and that's what you will find.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is a way of showing from the KJV itself that the translation of the Hebrew re’em as ‘unicorn’ is incorrect. In Deuteronomy 33:17, Moses speaks a blessing on the descendants of Joseph, saying, ‘In majesty he is like a firstborn bull; his horns are like the horns of a wild ox (Heb: re’em). With them he will push the peoples …’.

    The KJV translation says: ‘His glory is like the firstling of his bullock, and his horns are like the horns of unicorns: with them he shall push the people … .’

    The simile is appropriate if the reference is to the aurochs or wild ox, because they had huge, long horns. However, the main point here is the dilemma for the KJV translators who had elsewhere determined that the re’em was a unicorn.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I was raised reading the KJV Bible.

    I now read the Douay-Rheims Bible .

    Not only are there omitted books in the KJV but also Daniel verses 13 & 14, which are about Bel and the dragon.

    I'm glad I seeked knowledge and read these verses.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because Unicorns exist and have great spiritual power. They are invisible and pink. This creed, like any other is based on Faith and Reason. We know by faith they are pink. And we logically know they are invisible because we can't see it.

    The Horny Scriptures say the Big Unicorn created all things sexually but was never created. He is the cause of himself. So, if you don't believe in Unicorns, where do you come from?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if you can imagine it your mind can make an astral bodie with it

    if you have the faith of a mustard seed you can say to that mountain move and it will

    we can manifest fears ,hopes and dreams

    sure they arnt real as in flesh and blood real but they still have substance and form

    ,but the pure thought can simply disintergrate them in a second

    they are as a balloon just a shell projected by belief into being.

    the more than believe a projections reality the more form it can materialise

    just as children can manifest experience into fairies and goblins we cant see then untill we believe we can see them

    thats why god made meat eaters they attack these astral shells ,hunt them down ,when they attack them they just burst and are gone

    dont believe and your disbelief makes it so you can never see them ,but believing in them gives the power over you

    its a faith thing

    its safer to denie they egsist as madness is an illusion made real.

  • Lizzie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Are there ice cream cones and baseball in the Bible?

    What is your point?

    Seems a bit ridiculous to me.

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