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  • Question about breast examinations?

    I received a letter from the hospital regarding my mammogram. The Interpreting Radiologist found something he felt requires further examination. I am to call my referring physician for more information.

    I usually have 'normal' mammograms.

    What kind of test(s) should I expect? I don't have a history of breast cancer in my family and I haven't found any lumps with self-examination. I am 53 years old - white female. I get mammograms every year (since I was 40 yrs old)

    Any information would be helpful since I am a bit worried.

    3 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Where to find book binding thread/cord?

    Hello, I am looking for a particular thickness/thinness of book binding thread or cord. Where do I start? I have been to a few online sites, but have not found the right product. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Catalytic converter for a Chevy Prizm- change or trade?

    I have a 2001 Chevy Prizm with about 108,000 miles on it. My 'check engine' light came on and I had it inspected. The mechanic said that the catalytic converter may need replaced. Should I replace the converter or seek out a new car? The car runs well otherwise. I am concerned that this is just the beginning of the high cost of repairs for the car. Would it be worth it to fix it or just replace the car?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Advice about taking cats to the vet....?

    My husband and I took our 2 cats to the vet on Saturday for their annual check up. They are litter mates, but very different in temperament.

    Rose is larger (longer) and is more docile. We didn't have a problem gathering her up and getting her into a cat carrier for the trip.

    Lily is smaller and more aggressive. She put up a fight- including 'screaming' and struggling not to go into the carrier. It took 2 of us to get a 12 lb cat into a carrier.

    Lily was also aggressive with the vet when it came time for her exam.

    My questions are- next year when we do this again- how should we go about it? Should I contact the vet to get a mild sedative for Lily? Should we put her in a pillow case and then put her into the carrier?

    I am looking for good advice from those of you who have 'been there.'

    Both cats did well at the vet- they need to loose weight, but, that's another question for another time.

    11 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Question about buttermilk?

    My husband said his father put pepper in his buttermilk. He (my husband) was wondering if this a regional custom? Or, is it maybe age related? (The buttermilk drinker was born in 1906). Does anyone else do this? My husband's father was from the Steubenville, Ohio area.

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Buttermilk question?

    I have a recipe calling for buttermilk as an ingredient. I can find 1% (low fat) buttermilk in stores, but not "regular" buttermilk (if there is such a thing). If I use the low fat buttermilk, will the recipe turn out o.k.?

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • When to remove the straw?

    After installing a new sidewalk in our front yard, the contractors put down grass seed and straw to help start a new lawn for us. We can see the grass is coming up. But, it is now November and the first frost was last week. When is a good time to remove the straw? Or, do we let it stay there until spring? (We live in N.E. Ohio)

    9 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Question about eating at night?

    I am being inspired watching "The Biggest Looser" in t.v. I would like to stop eating at night- does anyone have any suggestions on how to stop? How do you avoid temptation? What foods should I be eating at dinner that would curve the night cravings? I get a bit hungry around 8 pm or so. I go to bed between 10:30 and 11:00 at night.

    19 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Questions about colonoscopy?

    Yesterday I had a screening colonoscopy. The doctor biopsied my ileocecal valve. He also said I had some inflammation and perhaps have mild diverticulosis. I am familiar with diverticulosis, but I am concerned about the ileocecal valve. The results will be back in 7-10 days. Has anyone else had a similar exam? If so, what should I expect? Thanks for your thoughtful responses.

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Are you ready?

    Six months from today (June 25) is Christmas! Are you ready? Have you thought about it? I haven't. I will start saving for gifts, though.

    11 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Literacy rates?

    I am working on a project and I need some data. How do I go about finding the literacy rates (and illiteracy rates) for cities in the U.S.? Is there a website to check out? I am interested in a few counties in Ohio.


    1 AnswerOther - Education1 decade ago
  • Civil response to snippy comments?

    This question is for all of those who work for the public. I work in a public library and we get the occassional patron/customer who doesn't like our rules. We get the comment "I pay your salary" quite often. I would like a polite but potent response minus any sarcasm which could get me into more trouble. Any suggestions are welcome.

    8 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • What is sushaw?

    I work in a public library and patron found this name in an old recipe book. The "original" source has long since passed away. We could not find it listed in a standard dictionary or in several cookbook sources. The "author" lived in Tennessee for a time. Does anyone have any ideas?

    We know it isn't sushi. The patron promised to comeback with the rest of the recipe. But, she said some of the other ingredients were flour, salt, sugar, etc. Standard stuff.

    Any help is gratefully appreciated.

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Cleaning bite guard?

    I have been using a bite guard at night for several years to prevent me from grinding my teeth. My question is about cleaning the guard. Other than toothpaste, do any of you have suggestions for cleaning it? What has worked for you? What should I avoid? Thanks!

    7 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • How do I write there are 3 twos(tos, toos, twos) in the English language?

    I have tried and but I haven't come up with an answer. Any ideas?

    25 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Any ideas of how fix cracks in thumbs during winter?

    I am using bandaids and lotion, but the cracks seem to come back. Any idea of how to fix this? I know it's not all that important compared to other problems.... But I would like some suggestions as to how to repair the cracks (red, bloody sometimes and tender to the touch).


    9 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • NBA Playoffs and Championship Series 2007?

    This is "sort of" related to my question- mostly,it involves travel planning.

    When are the NBA Playoffs and Championship games? I ask this because my family is planning a reunion in the San Antonio area around playoff time.

    We will be booking flights and hotels shortly.

    I know the Spurs are fairly good and may likely end up in the playoffs. So,I want to know about when they start... so we can be prepared!

    We won't go to the games (tickest cost too much). We want to know if we will be sharing our reunion with happy, rowdy fans!

    4 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Gerald Ford Eulogies?

    I am looking for the text of the eulogies delivered at Gerald Ford's funeral service in Grand Rapids, Michigan. There were 3 eulogies given that day: Jimmy Carter's, Donald Rumsfeld and Richard Norton Smith, Director of the Ford Museum and Presidential Library.

    I have searched the Ford Museum and Presidential Library site, and found nothing. I have tried Googling the searches. I can find the Eulogies delivered at the National Cathedral, but not in Grand Rapids. I have found articles about the funeral, with excerpts from the speeches, but not the full text. Any ideas? thanks!

    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Help with a a gift for my 13 year old niece?

    I am looking for a "manicure" gift for my 13 year old niece. I don't want nail polish, I am looking for a buffer, cream for the cuticles and a nail file (something along those lines). Any ideas where I can look for this? I am trying online, but I am not getting the results I want.

    thanks for your ideas.

    21 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Who wants to try these trivia questions?

    I work in a public library and a woman calls us every week with trivia questions. We think she is entering contests. Anyway, here are this week's trivia questions- we found the answers, but I was wondering if there are any Trivia Champs out there willing to try???

    1. Why is there a string attached to a box of Animal Crackers?

    (Barnums crackers, to be exact_

    2. What do Sissy Spacek, Jimmy Buffet, Clara Barton and Jesus all have in common?

    3. When is the next "House Bling" conference and where will it be held? Hint: House Bling are Christmas lights.

    Good luck! :)

    6 AnswersTrivia1 decade ago