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Do you really think that the Republicans will lose both the House and the Senate in the upcoming midterms?

Polls are not very reliable, but they were very skewed until recently, when they began to even out a bit as the election nears. Lose one, and if so which one, or lose both, or lose neither. Your thoughts?

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Probably lose neither. They may have a reduced majority in both houses as its unlikely that the democrats will pick up the six seat necessary to have a majority. As for the house, many districts are now considered "safe" through gerrymandering and the like.

  • 1 decade ago

    I do not think the Republicans will lose control of either the House or the Senate.

    One of your answers brought up Mark Foley. They conveniently forgot the recently deceased individual who was applauded by the Democrats when he came out of the closet and said he was gay - he had even had relations (not internet e-mails) with a former page.

    The democrats problem is that they have nothing to offer except for vitriolic hatred. I certainly don't believe that the rights and privileges of American citizens should be handed to anybody and everybody. I don't believe that we should abandon Iraq. I don't believe that if you have trouble in school you will be forced to join the military. When Bush got a tax decrease through, the economy soared. The deficit was halved. I believe that intelligent voters will be horrified at the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Howard Dean, Chuck Schummer, Hillary Clinton or Ted Kennedy having any more influence or power than they already do. Even if you are optomistic and say "Well if we lose the Congress, the next two years will be so disastrous that Republicans will rebound in 2008." I don't think that voters are willing to put up with two years of nothing and disaster.

    I don't think we will lose either the House or the Senate.

  • 1 decade ago

    The House, a good chance of it going to the Democrats. The Senate will stay in the GOP's hands. But we got another week and the Democratic Party can still screw up the House vote. And the GOP can still pull a November surprise.

    But I would like to see a divided system - it keeps things on an even keel. No one has too much power. And even if the House is Democratic, the President still wields tremendous power. It's just aht someone is watching him and not rubber stamping is every whim. Clinton found that out. Hell, he was impeached by a GOP lead House. If that body would have been Democratic, no way.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Repubs will lose the House definitely. The Senate will be closer. Ironically, I think it may go back to the days when Bush first stole the 2000 election and it was 50/50 with Cheney breaking ties in the Senate. I think that is why the administration is cozying up to Lieberman so much.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Republicans hope that if Kerry is made the issue--it takes the emphasis off the war and Mark Foley---that's why everyone so far is predicting that the Republicans will keep both houses. Being that some Republicans have actually dared to claim that they were ahead in early voting so far--I can see how they can make that prediction..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Republicans are a right wing extremist, at this point they are under estimating the will of the ppl. They think that by dividing ppl they will win and they hope that god is on there side!! soon they will learn a lesson god does not work that way, God unifies elevates and creates with love and harmony, he doesn't put humans under categories he treats everyone equally. We'll find out though November 7, 2006

    Source(s): prior knowledge
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Im not sure about the House but there is no way the Democratic Party can take the Senate. They need six seats and I cant see them getting more than five at best.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Gain control of the House

    Republicans maintain control of the senate but only by about 1 or 2 members.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am neither Republican nor Democrat, but I'm very disappointed in the job the Republcans have done.

    However, I predict that the Republicans will not lose enough seats in either body to lose their majority. It is a virtual certainty they will lose more than they gain but I predict they will keep their majorities.

  • 1 decade ago

    The polls are wrong, people lie now a days about who they will vote for because people lable them for voteing one way or the other. The republicans will not lose control. the dem's will not gain control of anything

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