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sooz asked in HealthWomen's Health · 1 decade ago

UTI post-pregnancy?

I just had my second baby 3 weeks ago and a week after I was home from the hospital I got a UTI. I called the dr. and got an antibiotic and had a reaction to it 8 days later (sulfa rash). I called the dr. again and he told me to stop taking it and drink water and cranberry juice. Well 2 weeks later I feel like I have another one coming on. It is a bit of a pain in the butt getting hold of my OB and was wondering if drinking the cranberry juice and taking vitamin C actually works to cure the infection or if it just masks the symptoms? I also want to know why giving birth can cause UTI's? (I have not had a problem with infections for 15 years until now) I did not want to bring this up with the dr. again till my 6 week appontment. Can I actually cure this myself or do I have to bite the bullet and call the office again and take a chance with another antibiotic?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Cranberry juice and vitamin C can prevent and treat UTIs they stop the bacteria from sticking to the lining of the bladder or makes the urine to acidic for the bacteria to grow (I have heard both, I don't know which one is right). So yes they can be used to treat an infection and do not mask the symptoms.

    If you are in a lot of pain, go to a doctor immediately, if not if it is just burning or discomfort it is probably safe to treat it at home. If you have a fever though I would go to a doctor or the ER ASAP.

    Giving birth may have bruised your bladder or urethra, this should go away soon. If your uterus has slightly prolapsed and is placing pressure on the bladder it may take longer to heal. There are exercises you can do if you suspect this is the case, but I do not know how soon after childbirth they are safe. Consult a midwife if possible. OBs probably will look at you like you have two heads. Try gently holding up the bulge over the curved line that runs between your hips when you go to the bathroom. (I hope that makes sense *lol*, I am not saying you are fat all women have a small uterine bulge -- some of us have a large one too ;-) )

    Take probiotics in addition to the other treatments to help prevent the UTI from coming back. You can also buy the urine test strips at most pharmacies or online. They are not very expensive though they do only come in packages of 100. That way you can monitor your UTI at home to see if it is getting worse or better. (They work sort of like a pH strip and will tell you the level of blood, bacteria, etc in your blood). These strips are also useful to tell you if you have sugar or protein in your urine. Sugar in your urine can cause UTIs and is not a good sign in general.

    Stay on the vitamin C and cranberry juice (you can get it in pills if you prefer) and probiotics for 2-3 months (or the rest of your life they are really good for you anyway). To make sure this is gone and not coming back.

    If you are comfortable you may want to consider taking a LOT more vitamin C than is commonly recommended. You need a lot after giving birth it helps to repair tissues. I felt awful until I started taking it again. If you are going to take a lot buy pure ascorbic acid usually it is a powder you can sometimes find it at drug stores but more often at grocery stores as it is used in home canning. Commercial vitamin C pills may contain other ingredients that are not good for you in larger quantities. Vitamin C *may* also prevent SIDS either through breastmilk or when given directly to the baby. (DO not give anything directly to the baby without consulting your doctor or being very very sure of your research into dosages and side effects)

    ***Also if you are breastfeeding and you or your baby is taking antibiotics be very vigilant in preventing thrush (oral yeast). Take probiotics. Boil bottles and pacifiers (if used) at least every 24 hours. Try to keep your nipples dry. Wash your bras with GSE (grapefruit seed extract) or another anti-fungal. GSE and some other antifungals can be applied to the nipple as well and are safe for baby. Look for white patches on the surfaces of the babies mouth that do not go away when rubbed OR if your nipple is pink(er) where the babies mouth touches. Trust me you want to avoid thrush in your nipples/breasts. It is extremely painful.

    (I put some links below, they are not the best but they are the best I can find right this second and my baby just woke from his nap. I will add more later if I remember. Best of luck, sorry if this is too long. If you want more info and I forget to come back you can IM or e-mail me. Take care)

  • hillis
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Well, the truth that you best had UTI for the duration of being pregnant earlier than, does not imply that it can not occur whilst you are now not pregnant. UTI could be very natural. Now, the truly query is: Have you taken a scan? If now not, then what are you looking ahead to? It is the one means you are going to understand if you are pregnant or now not. The UTI is not going to intervene with the outcome of the scan. If you wish to be REAL definite, then cross have a blood scan performed. They're like 25 greenbacks at a females's middle in any clinic.

  • 1 decade ago

    When i got a UTI i was given a gel to insert which worked very well it was in a pink and white tub. and drinking a lot of water flushes out your system. good luck=}

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