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A Muslim question from a Christen man?

Hi, im a student studing criminal justice and in my socioliogy class we were disscusing how SOME muslims believe in a "holly war". so i would like for some muslims to answer a few question.

What kind of muslims believe in " holly war"?

Do most Muslims hate Christen and Jews and why?

Are there differnt version of the koran?

Is there a sociological reason that explain attacks against other religons?

When and why do most muslim nation hate the west?

8 Answers

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    Hello my young friend..You have asked few good questions which I would like to answer.

    Since you are a student you must bear in mind that there exist so many misconception about any thing. Likewise there are several misconception about Islam too.

    1. The "Holy War" is considered by the non-muslims as " JIHAD ".

    You will be amazed to know that there is no concept as such, of holy war in Quran.This concept came into being when CRUSADE was launched.

    As for Jihad, the Quran propagates it to kill your evil inside you and your society.This is bigger Jihad and the lessor one is to fight those who oppress you.Jihad literally means to struggle.

    2.No. The muslims dont hate the Christians and Jews as they are the 'People of BOOK'

    " Say : We believe in God and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham and Ismael and Issac and Jacob and the tribes and in that which was given to MOSES and JESUS and in that which was given to all prophets from their Lord. WE MAKE NO DISTINCTION BETWEEN ANY OF THEM and to Him do we submit." ---The Quran

    3. No there is only one version of Quran all over the world.

    4.On the contrary Islam spreads brotherhood of mankind.....

    " Do you love your creator ? Then love your fellow creatures first "-- Mohammad.

    " We have not sent thee , O Mohammad, but [as] a mercy unto all creatures."-- The Quran,[xxi, p-326]

    " Whosoever is kind to to God's creatures, Allah is kind to him."--The Quran

    " Who is the most favoured of Allah ? He from whom greatest good comes to his creatures."--The Quran

    " All his creatures are Allah's family for thier subsistance is from him, therefore the most beloved of Allah is the person who does greatest good to Allah's creatures."--The Quran

    " Assist any person oppressed, whether muslim or non-muslim."--Mohammad

    " Make peace among them with justice and act equitably, surely Allah loves those who act equitably."--The Quran [49:9]

    5.Yes most of the muslim nations consider the west as agressors and the west has failed to convince them that they are not, hence the hate.

    Hope you are clarified.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What kind of Muslims believe in " holly war"?

    ALL Muslims believe in Jihad which is the struggle against any attack on a Muslim land. for instance, if your country gets invaded and occupied by foreign enemy, it becomes an obligation for every Muslim man to fight back until the land is liberated.


    Do most Muslims hate Christen and Jews and why?

    NO, that's not true at all. the differences are political differences and NOT religious ( ex: Israeli occupation). they ALL worship the same God and Muslims are allowed to marry from the people of the book (Christians and Jews)


    Are there different version of the koran?

    there's only ONE version of the Quran in it's original language which is Arabic


    Is there a sociological reason that explain attacks against other religions?

    the only attacks i see on religion is Christians attacking the Muslim faith, (almost every church does and recently the mother church's Pope Benedict)

    Muslims never attack Christianity or Judaism, there may be differences in beliefs, never the less ALL prophets are equally respected by Muslims.


    the Muslim nation hate the WESTERN GOVERNMENTS and not the people, the conflict is a political conflict because of the western greed and control over that part of the world.

    they hate the imperialism of the world super powers.

    the US and the UK have a long history with the middle east.

    since the 19th century.

    hope this helps you.


  • 1 decade ago

    personally i do not hate people of other religions.

    those people who claim to be muslims and hate others, for face religion, gender or whatever are not true muslims.

    as for holy war those people are driven by hate and have been brainwashed into beliving that the west or any other group has it in for them. Islam is not about raging holy war on non muslims, it is about spreading peace.

    It is an Arabic word the root of which is Jahada, which means to strive for a better way of life. The nouns are Juhd, Mujahid, Jihad, and Ijtihad. The other meanings are: endeavor, strain, exertion, effort, diligence, fighting to defend one's life, land, and religion.

    *******Jihad should not be confused with Holy War; the latter does not exist in Islam nor will Islam allow its followers to be involved in a Holy War********* -please readd this---

    The has been unchanged there is no revised edition, or new edition. there is only version of the Qur'an.

    The Qur'an ("Qor-Ann") is a Message from Allah to humanity. It was transmitted to us in a chain starting from the Almighty Himself (swt) to the angel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad (saas). This message was given to the Prophet (saas) in pieces over a period spanning approximately 23 years (610 CE to 622 CE). The Prophet (saas) was 40 years old when the Qur'an began to be revealed to him, and he was 63 when the revelation was completed. The language of the original message was Arabic, but it has been translated into many other languages.

  • 1 decade ago

    In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

    I will try to answer to your question:

    1. "Holly War" is being done only during the Muhammed Prophecies. No "Holly War" should be in place as to "Fighting Enemies" after his time, holly war in todays world is raise our children, be good in the Islam Path.

    2. No, Muslims do not teach hatred towards any other religion, expecially towards Jewish and Christianity, as we believe in all prophecies. This can be seen in Al-Qur'an (2)Al-Baqarah:

    [62] Those who believe (in the Qur-an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians, any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.

    [87] We gave Musa the Book and followed him up with a succession of Messengers; We gave 'Isa, the son of Maryam, Clear (Signs) and strengthened him with the Holy Spirit. Is it that whenever there comes to you a Messenger with what ye yourselves desire not, ye are puffed up with pride? Some ye called impostors, and others ye slay!

    **and in the (109)Al-Kafirun:

    [1] Say: O ye that reject Faith!

    [2] I worship not that which ye worship,

    [3] Nor will ye worship that which I worship.

    [4] And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship,

    [5] Nor will ye worship that which I worship.

    {6] To you be your Way, and to me mine

    3. There is only ONE Al-Qur'an.

    4. Individuals/groups of people who uses any religious to hide their own individual/group will should not be categorised in any religion. For instance Adolf Hitler, he was a Christian, but was Christians categorised to hate Jewish?

    5. The 4th answer should be able to answer the 5th, but to specify, we never hate West, again, if one person/group/country with a religion hated the west, does this mean all of that religion hated the west? As an example Christianity during Vativcan Romans, crusade (which is a holly war) went through Europe does this mean that Christianity teaches hate?

    Source(s): Hope this helps...
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  • 1 decade ago

    2)i don't...if a person is good to me..why hate them..I was in US &there I found that people there are nice...but I think the gov. is what most muslims don't like..I think from what I read here in yahoo answers that American people do to...


    4)I think cause of the I explained in (2)..

    I didn't answer all your questions cause people have said similar things to what I think....

    peace..........good luck in your studies....

  • 1 decade ago

    no muslims do not believe in holy war

    the Qur'an says muslims are not suppossed to take christians and jews for friends


    no those are just idiots who take the Qur'an outta context

    because the west thinks muslims r terrorists

    Source(s): muslim
  • 1 decade ago

    I am not a muslim, but in answer to your last question, I would say 'Read your history books'.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if Islam allows me to marry christian or jewish, should i go kill my wife by now? No

    Quran divided non-muslims into two group:

    1st are those who did not fight you for account on religion, neither kick you out of ur homes.

    [8] Allâh does not forbid you to deal justly and kindly with those who fought not against you on account of religion and did not drive you out of your homes. Verily, Allâh loves those who deal with equity.

    Quran 60:8


    the 2nd group are those who fight muslims on account of religion, and kick them out of their home.

    [9] It is only as regards those who fought against you on account of religion, and have driven you out of your homes, and helped to drive you out, that Allâh forbids you to befriend them. And whosoever will befriend them, then such are the Zâlimûn (wrong-doers those who disobey Allâh).

    Quran 60:9


    -no there is no other copies of the Quran, it's only one unchangable book.


    i personally don't hate the west, because there are those who are good and kind, i personally treated kindly by christians. however, why don't you say the west dislike muslims. hate not only comes from the muslims. but the problem is because they see the occupation of Iraq, aggressive silent attack against lebanon and palastin. and then unfair statements against the muslim world. it's like imagine seeing your brother, sisters or mom killed infront of you and then calling you a terrirst!

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