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Fellow Christians I've got a request, will you help me please?

My daughter is sick. She had a strep infection, had been on antibiotics for a week for that, but all of a sudden she got sick again. Started running a High fever, vomiting, chills. Being on the antibiotics she really shouldn't be able to catch anything (dr. even said so), shouldn't get sick. But she is. I took her to the Dr.s office Wed. he ran tests at his office, they all came back negative, so he sent us to the hospital to have more invasive lab work done. I don't know what's wrong with my baby girl (she's 12). I'm worried, scared. Please will you please keep her in your prayers?



As I am sitting hee reading the answers, I am in touched so much by all of your kindness I am in tears. Thank you.

Update 2:


I believe thuroughly in the power of prayer, completely!! My daughters fevers are lower already, some of the tests are in, they are Negative. Which is a GOOD thing. She is feeling a little better, actually wanting food, first time in a week. Not letting her over do though. I actually slept for the first time in a week. Thank you all so much, from BOTH of us!! God Bless!

Update 3:

Well, I know it's been a while, but, finally all the test results are in. All were negative but one, Ebstein-Barr, it's kinda like Mono, but stronger, and takes a lot longer to get rid of. Big problem with it is she has to lay low for a while, no running around using a lot of energy, for her that will be almost impossible. If she does she will have a good chance of beating this, if not, there is a chance it could turn into something serious. But, with the people she has around her, we can jeep her from over doing it.

Once again I would like to think every one of you that has kept her in your prayers. It has meant the world to me.

God Bless You All !!!

Update 4:

Oh Yeah, I'm suppose to choose a best answer. But how? I mean, every one of you are so kind you all should get the 10 pts if I had my say. There is no way I can pick, I'm gonna let someone else pick. I can't pick any 1 yhat's better than the others.

33 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You'd be better off asking for donations. Prayer will get you absolutely nothing.

  • 1 decade ago

    I feel so sorry about it all.

    What I would suggest is that she could be equally allergic to antibiotics or to those specific antibiotics she is taking right now.

    Praying is a positive thing, and should be accompanied by active medical action and a thorough more accurate analysis of her medical condition.

    May God help you be strong and help her get out of it quickly.

    Do not be scared. Babies run through difficult times sometimes, and their tender bodies adapt to the harsh conditions of life. They are stronger than adults. Be strong.

  • 1 decade ago

    We will pray tonight.

    You pray about getting a second opinion.

    I heard a naturopath recommend 4 small cloves of garlic with applesauce in the place of antibiotics would be good also.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I do not consider myself any one particular religion. But what I do believe in is the power of human spirit. I believe that our souls are all connected somehow and when enough people pray or meditate or chant or whatever it is people do to become one with their spirituality I believe anything is possible. Modern medicine is a wonderous thing...but its not the ONLY thing that works. I will think of her. I will think of you and from the depth of my soul I hope she is ok.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I'll pray for her.

    But antibiotics will only work for some kind of bacterial infection. She may have a viral infection, or maybe the antibiotics made her sick.

  • 1 decade ago

    Trust in the lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto our own understanding.

    God is a good God, he is perfect in everything he does. Everything happens for a reason. Pray and don't worry, she will be fine. Speak her healing, " Say she is healed". Have faith in God and he will bring her out of this.

    I've learned that things are never what they appear to be. Trust in him, not what in what the doctors are saying/not saying.

  • mimi
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You need to take her to an ear and throat specialist asap, she needs more help then a regular Physician can give her and I hope you have a high quality lab where you live. Prayer is a good thing, but excellent medical care is a good thing too.

  • 1 decade ago

    I prayed for your daughter and you, sometimes 1 antibiotic is not enough, it takes two from different base groups. Don't be scared, when fear comes in faith is quenched.God Bless .

  • 1 decade ago

    James 5:14

    Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.

    Do it, sister.

    I on the same note am praying now

  • 1 decade ago

    I will remember her in prayer.

    Keep in mind that God uses what may seem like a bad thing for the ultimate good. Be patient and simply trust Him no matter what.

  • 1 decade ago

    I sent a prayer out for you.

    God Bless

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