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My daughter is 9 and believes in God how can I help her understand her beliefs better?

My daughter is 9 years old and has never gone to church a day in her life. But bless her wonderful heart and her great friends she came to me the other day to tell me about her belief in God. I am so very proud of her and want to help her with her belief, but now I am concerned about churches in town. I am a catholic but my husband is lutheran(yes mixed). We both have strong faith, but we have yet to find a church that we are comfortable in. Here is the kicker my son who we both love and who our daughter idolizes has said straight out that there is no god and he doesn't believe at all in him. I don't want my son's beliefs to color the budding beliefs of my daughter. Is there a good way to handle this? My son is 17 and will soon be 18 and he has this tendency to belittle a person's belief in god. (He has done it to friends of his).

32 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Many so-called religions try to get children as young as possible and indoctrinate them with scare tactics. Be careful, your daughter is probably being told thing by other kids that they have heard in their religious instruction. Some of this can be helpful but some of it can be very damaging. We were careful to keep our children away from any teaching that spoke of a judgmental punishing God. These ideas pretend to be religion but they are simply control tactics. They make people insecure and unsure of Gods love for them.

    I suggest that you look for a book that is simple enough to explain the various belief systems of the world’s religions without going into to much detail. Explain each of these to your child and tell her that she will have plenty of time to decide if he wants to join a particular church when he is old enough to make an informed decision. We did this with our youngest and he saw the compassionate nonviolent ways of the Buddhists as making the most sense to him. He has always emulated this Buddhist idea of nonviolence in his dealings with others. I guess what I’m saying is be careful who you let form your child’s idea about God, because she will be stuck with that idea for a long time. .

    Love and blessings Don

  • 1 decade ago

    Yay!! Keep her involved with the Faith. Continue to take her to Mass, most Catholic churches have a little "Sunday School" program, try to in roll her in that if possible. Make sure that she's been baptized, get her receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist (Holy Communion).

    But realize that you are the first teacher.

    In order to educate your daughter AND your son, you must have a good education yourself. I would suggest watching EWTN, they are an awesome Catholic tv network (

    You could also take her to Benediction/Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. I'm sure they have it at your church. Go as often as you can, sitting in the real Presence of Christ is such an amazing thing. Teach her the Rosary too. Oh my, the Rosary is such a wonderful thing. There's so much you can do, faith is such a wonderful thing!

    I do strongly advise you to go to and look at some of their little links and things. They have a section that explains things and parts about the faith, a Q&A section where you can have priests and professionals answer, a grate religious catalog, and an online radio.

    Peace and Prayers,


  • timjim
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If you are Catholic and your is husband is Lutheran, why in Gods name has your 9 year old daughter never been in church? You should be ashamed of yourself. Find a Bible believing, Bible teaching church and stay there. If you feel a little uncomfortable at all that just means the pastor is doing his job, and preaching the truth. We are not always supposed to walk out of church feeling good. The word of God is a 2 edged sword that cuts right to the heart of our being and exposes our sin, and that never feels good.

    But Gods grace covers all sin.

  • 1 decade ago

    How about letting your daughter take a part in finding a church? Take her to various churches, and when you get home, you as a family can discuss what you liked or did not like about the service. This way, she can learn about various churches, and perhaps you will find a church that you feel comfortable with.

    I think you should talk to your son about belittling other peoples' beliefs. He does not have to believe himself, but he should respect others' rights to believe, just as he would want respect for his choice to not believe. Ask him to not say anything negative to your daughter, and explain to him that she is at a young age where words can be very hurtful to her if he is not careful.

    God bless your family!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Take her to the Catholic church, have her baptised, and attend Mass weekly.

    Try to encourage your son and husband to do the same! If your daughter is trying to be a saint, dont hinder her. Take her to Mass. Let her recieve the Sacraments. Teach her about her faith. Also teach your husband about Catholicism. Then the two of you can raise your daughter and even your Son in the fullnessof the Christian faith.

    God bless,


  • 5 years ago

    Your historical past may be very complete and I praise you in your honesty. I have continuously feel that sexuality is not whatever soiled, or to run clear of, and or forget about. In as a lot; if mum and dad/guardians engaged in conversations with their kids, teenager pregnancies, sexual transmitted sicknesses, sexual mental trauma might be curtailed or on the very least minimized. Beyond the scope of the tabloid sensationalizing oPlain Palin household; there are quite a lot of famous examples of failed communications at the so much fundamental stages. Runaway young adults ingesting, stealing, abuse of medicines and being pregnant are inform-inform indicators. Because of the Presidential Campaign, this topic has been silenced and painted lovely for censorship. Frankly medically assigned and over-the-counter contraceptive might were an further abilities within the Palin Family; as in lots of different households throughout America. The clash emerges out of secrecy, deception stemming from manage; and phony imagery. Its a horrible plight created to false out the sector, by way of enclosing a jail on self and others. Oddly faith and now not a dating with God can turn out disastrous. False guilt from now not measuring to the tone of the drum and or Biblical ideas is a robust situation of weaponry. The guilt for the daughter is significant both generated from uprising of innocence. Bottom line, option has eluded Bristol as does in lots of circumstances in America. Now that the milk has been spilled, crying wont help the demanding situations of the long run; best nurturing. How unhappy while option eludes us; or is stripped away; notably with rape and incest.

  • 1 decade ago

    That is a very difficult situation. You might try a Bible church (like I went to Berea Bible Church) or a non denominational protestant church. It's great that she knows and loves God at such an early are so right to encourage it. As for your son...he is nearly (legally) grown and soon you will not be able to tell him what to do. It is sad that he feels this way about God...but the wat to reach him is not shoving it on him...that will only drive him away. Try talking to him and asking him to go with you to church. Insist that he go at least once or twice just to give it a chance. If he is going to come to God it will be his decision. I hope this helps...God Bless! :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Find a good Bible teaching church, attend Sunday school as well as the regular morning services, and ask your son to join the family. He may hear the truth, and have a change of heart and mind. God bless you all!

  • 1 decade ago

    Ask her for a definition of what is God to her and what does it represents and what he has done and what he is doing. And must churches they stick their hands into your pockets first, the only real church is the sanctity of you home, Christ prayed by himself he did not needed witnesses. And let your son believe what he wants he could be right or as long as he follow the commandments what church makes you do that?

  • 1 decade ago

    Prayers are one of the strongest of any religion or church.

    The best is to have her build a personal relationship with God, and once she realize the friendship with God, she would understand that a religion isn't necessary. I know God is working in all or most churches, as long as there is one true believer in that Church. I prayed to God on that Question, God said not th join any Church, to go to them all, or what one he leads me to, to get and learn their perspectives and give my own.

    Perhaps your son is lacking attention, and feels left out in some way to do with religion or God, perhaps he feels God is not working with him, perhaps God is working or building your son differently, He will come around in the time God appointed him, I am not saying not to work with him, please do, to help him understand certain things about the way God works.

    God Bless

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