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mark g
Lv 6
mark g asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Should Liberals have their own political party?

Why doesn't the Democratic party and the Liberals form seperate parties? They are not real close on the same issues anymore. As an Independent I like alot of the Democrat's and their platforms, but the Liberals frequently keep me from voting for them as I am afraid of their influence on the candidate once elected


Let me clarify, First I am independent, I voted a split ticket last election. I voted for Bush. No regrets on that. I think Kerry is an idiot. I also respect democrats like Joe Liberman whom I do not believe has anything in commen with Liberals

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Democratic party marched farther left after the evaporation effect cause by the party's moderates jumping over to the Republican party in the 90s. Most moderates left the party over its stand on abortion and gay rights. The Republican party now enjoys a center/right majority. This coalition is splitting up over the Iraq issue, however.

    If moderates begin to return to the Democratic party, the entire face of its platform may change and move closer to center.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    The Black Panther celebration For Self protection became broken up by way of the FBI interior the 1980's. They killed the chief and smeared the names of the remainder of the founders. That became a harsh lesson for many Blacks. we don't actual choose a political celebration because of the fact Blacks understand our minority numbers do no longer fairly sway as lots interior the political technique as some have self belief outdoors significant elections. how many elected Senators are Black? how many have there been? under 5 in 230 years? Blacks have been so disenchanted by way of the U. S. political gadget. Now ask your self how many White human beings might vote for Barack Obama if he have been area of a Black nationalist political physique and ran on those themes? He'd have consistent with hazard, what? 13% (the proportion of united statesa. this is Black) of the country's vote? that may not win an election! we are fortunate sufficient to have a Black candidate with a perfect notch practise and credibility to bypass extra effective than merely Blacks. have self belief it or no longer, Black human beings are ill of being categorized seperate by way of race as "the different American". we'd like solidarity with all peoples right here in united statesa. too! Its merely we'd like equality and the comparable admire too, to no longer be patronized and introduced with none attention.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if you're a moderate as i am (and it seems you are), historically speaking you will note that the real threat almost always comes from the right.

    now wait. before anyone starts pointing out so called "leftist" communist movements of the past, please note they all ended up as authoritarian, freedom depriving governments - those are hallmarks not of the left but of the right.

    don't get me wrong, i am not a lefty either, but i do view the left - at least in its benign American version - to be by far the lesser of the evils.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The liberals hijacked the Democratic party long ago and they ain't letting go of their grip.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I hate to tell you this but if you like the Democrats and their are a Liberal.

    If the shoe fits, wear it with pride.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    amen, i tottaly agree with you ..... its better to be an independent, and look at each caniidate for what he stands, not his political party affiliation.

  • 1 decade ago

    Vote Nov 7th or you get more Bush on you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dude, she's right.

    You are a liberal

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