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pagans only! unexplanable change?

My friend who is 38 never had much luck with the ladies, but since the first of this month, he has gone from a zero, to women that know him starting to grin and blush, then first time to ladies night in years got an unpresadented 10 dances and two kisses.

the day after that he ran into a woman he never met before, in of all places a book store! and got her number! the next evening she asked him out!

He swears he cast no spell, but had been thinking about doing on to get noticed. his only holdback being the law of three.

is it possible someone else put a spell on him, (I know that the universe extracts a price for useing magic) or did he think about doing a spell so hard that the intention made things change without his realizing it?

(sorry it was such a long one folks, BB)


he had given up hope of ever having another girlfriend before all this happened

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    His intention IS the spell. That is all that is needed. And positive attracts positive. He loves the ladies and they love him.

  • 1 decade ago

    That which is considered a spell is nothing more than the guided focus of intent. Incense, mirrors, burning herbs, esoteric ingredients, are all nothing more than props designed to help focus the intent, the will, down to a razors edge. Under the right conditions or sometimes even just the right person is able to focus to that degree(occasionally without a pre-planned intent to do so) and affect changes without the "props".

    When he said he didn't cast a spell, I'm sure he believes that. Sometimes the greatest change comes from within. A boost of confidence, a changed mental image of oneself and other such things can achieve amazing things in the same manner of that which some would call a spell.

    Sometimes it's best to not question why, just go with the flow and enjoy the good fortune that comes out way.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have intensely thought about more than one thing - which I had no intention whatsoever about doing a spell for - and had what I thought about come into my life within two weeks. I think it depends entirely on how strongly he was longing for someone. Clearly he was open to receiving what the Universe wanted to send his way, and thinking about it so much may have been enough to do the trick.

    Also, please tell your friend that there's nothing wrong with casting a general love spell. It's when you try to manipulate the motives of another person that you get into trouble. His karma should be safe if he's just casting spells to encourage more love opportunities to come into his life. If he's trying to override someone's free will, that's when he'll get into trouble.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's quite possible that his luck changed * because * he had given up -- that is, he had managed to let go of his sense of need. A person who is very attached to their need for a relationship often radiates that fact--psychologically, psychically, etc. Persons of the target gender pick up on the sense of desperation and are repelled by it: nobody wants to risk a relationship with someone who is clingy. (And experienced people also know that clingy persons often turn out to be psychic vampires--time and energy black holes.)

    So perhaps, once he relaxed, women didn't run in panic--and therefore they had more opportunity to notice nice things about him.

    I wouldn't discount the possibility of an unconsciously-cast spell, of course, but I see no particular evidence of one.

    Source(s): 53 years of living and learning, including 3 years of studying and teaching social psychology and about 30 of practicing magic. Two useful books for those interested: Zick Rubin's LIKING AND LOVING and Ellen Langer's PERSONAL POLITICS: THE PSYCHOLOGY OF MAKING IT .
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  • 1 decade ago

    Spells are not candles and herbs and walking in circles... these are merely tools in which to help the mind focus it's intentions. That is all. An adept, one who has practiced using their mind for a specific purpose, doesn't need these tools. Now, not saying your friend is an adept, but it sounds like this is something he really REALLY wanted to happen, so the tools and words were not necessary anyway.

  • 1 decade ago

    This pagan will answer you that it is *not* possible because this atheist pagan ranks spells up there with petitionary prayer -- it's wishful thinking.

    Just *thinking* about casting a spell, however, if he believed it would work, may have given him a bit of self-confidence. Self-confidence is an attractive feature in a man.

    I know some pagans believe very firmly in spellwork but I am not one of them.


  • 1 decade ago

    The attitude does it - not realy a spell but by doing certain things you can make yourself more attractive. Now if you add a bit of magik to it........

  • 1 decade ago

    Am not pagan...but a magic spell has signs doesnt it...

    find the signs of magic spells and read em...see if he fits in...

    if he doesnt...maybe his thoughts acted like prayers (youd call them magic)

    and he got what he finally wanted ^^

  • Jotun
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Maybe the ladies are desperate to not spend Xmas alone. Or , you know it was the pixies or something.

  • 1 decade ago

    Let him enjoy life, why do you resent his life


    meanwhile why dont you enjoy yourself by visiting this site

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