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Have you voted yet in the USA? because your decisions effect the rest of the world?

We can get a clue from your mid term election of what to expect.


Best wishes from the UK

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Thank you for inspiring me to vote...I am 54 and have never missed voting. My family is heavily into flag waving, are members of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and my aunt even worked as as secretary/receptionist on Capitol Hill for 50 years. We got to tour the White House and watch the Senate in action with special passes as a kid. I even went to the oval office once. I wanted to grow up to be the first woman president.

    This time though, it's different. I live in a district that the Democratic party has written off. I live in a state that the Democratic party has written off. They wouldn't even spend the money to get a candidate listed on the ballot to run for Senate.

    The last election, our polling place was moved OUT OF OUR PRECINCT. The mail says we live too far on the edge of our county for paper delivery same day.

    I've even worked as a poll worker for elections. I know the radio will say who won our state before our ballots even reached the courthouse for tallying.

    The last election we used touch screen voting. There was NO PAPER TRAIL. No receipt that you voted. No way to know if your vote was correctly registered on the machine. There is absolutely nothing to recount. I would say most poll workers do not own a computer themselves, yet are managing the votes on them.

    I have NO CONFIDENCE that my vote will count at all. When Pres. Bush announced that he has NO worries that the Republicans will maintain the Hill, I believe he means he has people to enter the voting machines and make sure he's correct. There is absolutely no way to know if they have been tampered with. The party with power does not have to yield again, unless we use paper ballots which can be recounted, and of course scanned by a computer to count, which will make the process timely enough.

    I have always believed in this country.

    They lost me when exit polls showed how people ACTUALLY voted, yet the final count did not reflect that.

    Your shred of hope will push me out the door. I am ill today, and thought this may be the first time I missed.

    I belong in the Senate, not Senator Lugar. He advertised with millions of dollars, WITHOUT a candidate against him. What a wasteful man. He is supposed to be a Rhoades scholar, but didn't digest the facts about WMD correctly at all and led us into this war which has killed thousands of innocents. If he had been in any danger of going himself, or any members of his family in deep need of college financing through the military, perhaps he would have poured over the reasons for war more thoroughly.

    Sorry, for any mispellings, I usually proofread, as I'm so particular. I would be an excellent, conscientious Senator. But, I better go vote. I only wish it would count.

    Please don't blame Americans if the results are not logical. Our voting process will not stand up to the standards former President Jimmy Carter uses when monitoring elections.

    Wish truth, justice, and the American Way Luck! Hopefully, I won't be patted down there, and my paper with my write in candidate taken! Ha! That is the only way to vote other than Republican in our corner of Indiana. . .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I voted, but a clue about what?The liberals are expected to win in the house that's all, they won't be able to pass anything they want because republicans still have the senate and President.

    Then we will over- turn them in the next election.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, but the polls are still open. Democrats mostly support open borders and amnesty, so you're right, the outcome of our elections today will have a major impact worldwide BUT especially here in the USA.

    Depending on the outcome, if I had money, I'd find a home in another country (I refuse to enter any country illegally). Because if our borders are opened even wider, if amnesty is granted, next step is NAU (North America Union) which means goodbye USA.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not yet, my friend...but I will...right after work! The polls close at 1900 hrs in Chicago, so there's still plenty of time!

    We let you down in the last election by allowing Bush to get re-elected. We won't do that again!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    I've voted but the polls are still open. Remember it's anywhere from 5-8 hrs earlier here.

  • 5 years ago

    while i'm vote casting for my President, i think of of what he will do to guard the persons of our u . s . a . first, and what his values are and how they're going to effect each and every of the persons who stay right here. needless to say, I ought to think of of ways his negotiations with different countries would be stricken via the concepts that he makes and the perspectives he has approximately coping with specific countries and their alliances or disputes with us. i ought to take all of those info into attention because of the fact they could effect each and every individual who lives right here. Our u . s . a . is efficient and that i choose our chief to be effortless, upstanding and unswerving to the persons he's right here to steer. i choose him to be good in his management and his approach of coping with different countries who could have disputes with us or who could experience the ought to artwork with us for the sturdy of our countries at the same time.

  • 1 decade ago

    You bet I voted! I got up early and everything... this is one of hte most exciting days of the year! And you're right, our decisions DO affect the rest of the world, thank you for not spewing American-hate and telling us it doesn't matter!

  • jh
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I voted absentee days ago, from overseas.

    I am proud to be a citizen of a country that bears such a prolific burden. I hope all Americans vote today (well, maybe one less democrat than republican in every district).

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I voted. First thing this morning. I am tired of how our country is being run. Hopefully we can get some people who will make a difference...for the better.

  • 1 decade ago

    my vote means nothing in my district . or state . Past fraud has shown Florida's election system to be a joke .

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