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Lv 4
topher asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

I'd like to know what this "New Direction" the Dems have planned is?

They say they have a new direction... What might that direction be? Never heard what the actual direction is that they want us to go in.


Yeah, I never heard any solid "This is what we are gonna do and this is how."

Update 2:

So let me break it down capu

1. How about we descriminate against those whom have more than us!!!

2. Drive all business and the job market over seas

3. Let the minimum wage earners stay minimum wage earners without trying to advance their own staus in life, we'll just give them everything

4. Lets leave the mess so that another dictator can come in and take control

5. Human Embryo harvesting

6. Why not let groccery stores negotiate prices with farmers while you are at it

7. Let's cater to the Socialist Left

8. So that welfare users can have it instead

9. Let terrorists and illegals in without question

10. No you are right

Update 3:

ynotgayle - I agree that this will be a good kick in a butt for the GOP.

7 Answers

  • Ynot!
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't know what that direction is but even though I did not vote democrat I am glad the Republicans lost and I will tell you why, they had become too complacent and not follow through on what they had promise they remind of a sports team that is ahead by 19 points in the fourth quarter and end up losing by a point and after the contest one ask why didn’t the team that was ahead by 19 points keep playing like they did for the first 3 quarters instead of playing prevent defense for the last quarter. This might be the kick they need to set a agenda like they did with the contract with America so the American people can have a clear choice and actually have something to vote for and hopefully this time stick to their agenda.

  • capu
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Well, you don't listen, because it was said a billion times.

    1. Higher taxes ONLY ON THE RICH.

    2. Reduce corporate subsidies.

    3. Raise the minimum wage.

    4. Getting out of Iraq on a faster time table or benchmark or whatever the hell you want to call it today.

    5. Increased stem cell research

    6. Allowing medicaid to negotiate drug prices with drug companies

    7. No more pandering to the religious right

    8. Stop Bush's unbridled spending.

    9. Return civil liberties that have been taken away

    10. Allow terrorist's the vote, (just kidding.)

    That is just the beginning. Many more changes coming.

    I would respond to your responses but we could go back and forth all day, plus your responses are just plain silly and illogical. Your question said you had heard no plan, I was telling you there was one. Because you don't like it, doesn't mean there isn't one. I've had years of having to deal with plans I thought were stupid, now it is your turn.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They want Immigration reform - which will now happen because it was blocked by the Republican congress.

    They want fiscal responsibility - Almost sounds like a traditional Republican theory - tax revenue should not be used for subsidizing Haliburton.

    They want a clear objective for Iraq - Stay the course is not a clear objective - They would like the Generals to get what they want, not what Rumsfield says they can have.

    They want to refocus on catching Bin Laden and bring down International Terrorism.

    They want ....well, you can find all this on your own. Just listen to what Bush said this morning, he was praising them for it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Any political party will promise a "new direction" even if they have no idea where that direction will lead to. The Dems took the House but no one knows what they plan to do in this "new direction" At least though, they have some power. I mean they can bring certain issues to the forefront, even if they have no idea what the heck they are doing. That's a start at least. For the past few years, they have hardly made any headlines.

    Source(s): common sense
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  • 1 decade ago

    It would to involve more Strategy in the War,get out and redeploy to the areas Osama Is really Hiding,and to help the economy rebuild after Bush's Corruption.

  • 1 decade ago

    Really. I can't believe that people would vote for candidates who refuse to say what they are going to do if elected.

    I only wish that only the people who elected these idiots would be hurt by their actions, but we will all suffer due to the ignorance of the average voter.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's talk,

    like Kerry's secret plan for Iraq,

    They have no plan they won on lies per the usual for them.

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