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How do you get a guy to dump a girl?

I know a bunch of you guys out there say stuff about who your friends are dating and they ultimately dump them. What are some of these magic phrases?

I have a relative who is dating a girl whom everyone in the family hates. Even the grandparents. She is manipulative and so is her mother. They have pulled all kinds of crap behind everyone's back and then she goes and cries to him and he takes her back.

Please help me out by giving me something to say to him. I don't need nasty/attacking, I need thoughtful reasoning.


Here's a few more details for the "its none of your business" little girls who are obviously as psycho as the girl in question:

Her mother drove her to his campus to spend the weekend with him. His parents were furious - he was only 18 and she was only 17. Her mother wants her to get knocked up because my relative is a good catch. He's very smart and comes from a close family.

She has had numorous embarrassing emotional melt-downs in public.

She did cheat on him (and he took her back).

I think he has low self-esteem and she is feeding on this. I am the only one who has not said something to him and I just can't let him waste his valuable study time on this any longer. He needs to know there are numerous girls much less trouble.

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    this girl is only a user _k_ not to be mean. you need 2 talk 2 whom ever your brother who is going out with this girl and tell him in a way that he would understand that he is only being used. i had the same problem except that my uncle was going to marry this lady. I sat down one-on-one and told him and i quote " this lady is only using you and trying to turn your only family against you" if the grandparents even hate or dislike then you sit down and have a talk with this GIRL and see why she is beign so mean to you and why she is tyring t turn your family on you brother or whomever this guy is. Need more help you can e-mail me at

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If he can't see her for who she is, all you can do is talk to him about it. There is no 'magic' phrase that will get a guy to break up with a girl. Sometimes guy's need to date the 'wrong' girls to find qualities they do/don't like. It's a learning experience, hence the whole reason to date different women. If you knew exactly what qualities you did & didn't like right off the bat without experiencing them, we as people wouldn't need to date.

    By sabotaging the relationship prematurly, he will not learn his 'lesson' in this life-experience and will more than likely find a girl with similar traits. Hopefully he is a smart guy and will figure out that she isn't for him...or maybe she is what he is looking for...?

    Source(s): Wisdom vs knowledge
  • 1plum
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    hmmmmmm this is tuff nothing nasty? what do u think guys say nice stuff NOT.well tell him that there is a guy that has her number on speed dial. say that she has a nasty attitude and that she is out to hurt u. say that the famil really loves you and that this is not the right girl for u. tell him to just stop n think about all of the things that she has done to him and tell him to ask himself is that what he really wants? or simply take him out on a date and have a nice girl just so happen to bump into him.... hey you said nothing nasty.... or u n the family can be honest and just tell him that if he keeps seeing her that no 1 will talk to him any more

  • 1 decade ago

    Hopefully this guy is an adult. If he is let him alone and butt out! The "family" doesn't need to approve of the girl HE wants to be with. I get that it would make things easier but that isn't always the way things work. From experience on being the most loved girl the son is dating to the one that I pray he let's slip through his fingers girl it isn't your place to judge unless she is cheating on him - then of course let him know that. But if the onlyproblem is that you can't stand her leave them alone. Every family and every relationship is different. YOU can not choose who HE wants to be with. The more you try the more he will go to girls that are bad for him. Just stand by him in his decision and if she hurts him be there to support him.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think this is so spiteful what you are trying to do. it is none of your business interfering like this....what if your relative really loves this girl, i doubt he will be thanking for it, and trying to break them up...and what a nightmare the whole family involved in this conspiracy....maybe you should get a life of your own to concentrate on, and just for the record you said you dont want nasty/attacking you said this because you know what you are doing is wrong.

    Source(s): Osiris.
  • Angela
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The worst thing you can do is attempt to slam this girl. He will simply rebel by cementing this relationship even tighter with her.

    Sooner or later he will figure it out for himself what kind of girl she really is. Until then all you can do is watch and wait.

    If you meddle your relationship with this relative will suffer.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would get some concrete examples of things she has done that bother you and sit down privately with your relative and tell him exactly how you feel. If he doesn't want to break up with her, then you just need to avoid her and her mother. Ultimately, he has to live his own life.

  • 1 decade ago

    The only thing that I could say to this, Is just sit him down and let him know what you have to say. Tell him that your about to say stuff that he might not like but he needs to hear you out. Then in return you need to accept whatever decision he decided. If he decided that he is going to stay with her you need to accept it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think the key words are "everybody in the family hates". Maybe this relative of yours in return hates everybody in his family. And so the girl that your relative is dating, bring your relative a sense of "fresh air" to the family situation.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why not just let your friend live his own life without interference from you or anyone else. If the girl is manipulating him he will find out on his own eventually. If you butt in and he decides to stay with her anyway you will have put a big, maybe irrepairable hole in your friendship.

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