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jaco asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 1 decade ago

In case USA decides to pull out from Iraq , do you think the others are tough enogh to 'stay the course'??

If americans pull out from Iraq, do you think the other super powers like the UK/Japan/Australia etc will be tough enough to remain back to help Iraq and it's 'democracy'?? Do you think maliki is the most concserned about the chance of americans rethinking their strategy in Iraq??


to rence dude: ofcourse you can't be me dude silly. if you didn't want my points what can I say ? Still you get 2 by the rules. no problem , I took 2 from your question somewhere else just now. Could you try to be a bit more focussed while giving answer or just speaking? I think you are trying to communicate something. or is it because I am not intellectually on the same plane as you are??

10 Answers

  • Schona
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The UK has already begun the retreat. I expect Australia and others to follow. We are too deeply entrenched to do exactly that very quickly. Democrats know this. We are likely the ones who will remain behind to help Iraq.

    There are much deeper reasons aside from democracy for Maliki's call to remain in Iraq indefinitely. There are ties between Iraqi leadership begging us to stay, Saddam's death sentence, and Don Rumsfeld's resignation yesterday. Maybe something on the scale of Watergate from the Nixon era.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    The Coalition invasion of Iraq has irreparably damaged Iraq as a sovereign nation. If the American forces pull-out now, the other nations will follow. The resulting void will catapult the Iraqi nation into a sect-vs-sect-vs-sect power struggle. Thus the resulting government that emerges from that struggle, will be even more dangerous than the government which was overthrown.

    Yep, our forces are in quagmire. Yeah, it's too late to say that the idiot president should have never sent our forces over there. But now that we are there, we need a strategy to stabilize the country, then get out. Too bad that it will not be an easy task.

  • 1 decade ago

    What course? Democracy has to come from the ground up, or it is a false, imposed democracy. If the Iraqis can't "stay the course" then maybe they deserve what they get. Keep the sanctions in place and keep an eye on them, and American business (and world business) will reward them with business contracts if they do good.

    If they do bad, of course, we're going to have to deal with it AGAIN. But at least we'll have a breather and everyone will have time to think.

  • 1 decade ago

    Noone has the resolve to stay on track now except the USA. Not a chance.

    Lucky for the weak, we are not going anywhere. This would be a huge screw up by the new Congress to abandon all the good we do--even though the NY Times never report it. Hope they don't blow it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Its not a queston of tough - its a question of survival. Without American troups which make up 90% of the coalition forces the cut throat Iraqs would kill them all. They would have to leave.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dude, silly question, We are out of Iraq & Afghanistan you just can''t see it yet, it's over. But wait, wait a second I hear the Iraqi's calling , they are calling you ! You, you big brave Macho Man. Go for it. But wait you don't have a problem murdering Innocent , unarmed women and childern do you? I thought not, SEE YA! Don't want your points , and could never BE YA ! !

    Source(s): Lon Fhd--phx18
  • 1 decade ago

    If the U.S. leaves no one can stay, the US currently has approximately 150,000 troops there, the next country is UK with only around 3,500 if i remember from a class correctly...the radicals would win on shear numbers

  • 1 decade ago

    No, I think all involved need to work together to support one another. And then gradually withdraw.

  • 1 decade ago

    without the backing (money, military strength) there is no way anyone else would stick around.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think they are gonna get up and run the h.e.l.l. out of there...

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