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Nancy D

Favorite Answers10%
  • What is your opinion on Rick Santorum's remark today?

    He said President Obama is wrong for apologizing to Afghanistan for the "accidental" burning of the Quran when they owe US an apology for the deaths of 4 of our soldiers during their violence. This act was not done intentionally and the U.S. is apologizing? AGAIN? Did we ever get an apology for the beheadings? For the burning, hanging, torturing, and killing of our American soldiers?? Rick Santorum will certainly get my vote this election! Obama is a sad excuse for a President!

    5 AnswersMedia & Journalism9 years ago
  • Hello? No one has mentioned anything about the 70th anniversary?

    of the attack on Pearl Harbor? This was a time in History we should never forget and it saddens me that not very much is mentioned about it.

    6 AnswersHistory9 years ago
  • About this SECOND trial of the Susan Wright murder case, that happened in 2003?

    She was convicted of murdering her husband and in 2004 was sentenced to at least 25 years in prison. I know you can't be tried for the same crime twice but yet she's getting a new trial because the judge said her lawyers didn't defend her properly. So, what I'm trying to say here is why this could happen to her and why not Casey Anthony? There has got to be SOMETHING overlooked that they could still try Casey for and get her back in the courtroom. And no, I don't want to hear to forget about this and it's over and done with. It bothers me to no end that little Caylee's death is still left with thousands of questions unanswered. I know there's got to be something different, the way they word the charge or whatever that they can get her on. They left so much important information out of the trial which would have made a big difference in the verdict; the jurors even said that. I'm just so sick and tired of all these little flaws and technical procedures in our law system. Please try to be nice in your comments or answers. The Casey Anthony case has really bothered me from the beginning and it makes me sick to my stomach to know Casey is walking around probably without a care in the world. Thank you

    6 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago
  • What kind of questions do they ask you in a lie-detector test?

    when you have to take one for a law enforcement job interview? I know someone who has been trying to get a job in law enforcement and has failed this test 3 times. Don't you think that's kind of strange? Do you think this person could be dishonest or trying to hide something?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • About the Casey Anthony case?

    Everyone says, ok she's not guilty so that's the end of it. But what about all these other cases where someone is found guilty or not guilty and then many years later they re-open the case because of new evidence and the verdict is turned around? Couldn't that possibly happen here? And the question still lingers, what happened to Caylee Anthony? I read real crime stories and watch cases on tv all the time and I refuse to believe that this is just the complete end to all these unanswered questions.

    6 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago
  • Concerning getting a divorce, is it true that in some states?

    you have to be separated from your spouse at least a YEAR before you can even apply for one? My daughter went to start divorce proceedings and her Lawyer told her that she had to be separated at least a year! She lives in SC. I live in PA and have never heard of anything like that. I got divorced many years ago, got a Lawyer and just started everything right away.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • Questions about these codes of my Father's Military Service?

    I have tried to research my Father's Military Service from WW2 and have come to basically a dead-end, mostly because of a fire that happened in July 12, 1973 that destroyed almost all records from 1912-1959. All I could receive was a Final Payment Worksheet and an Enlistment Record. On the Payment Worksheet they have a section that says, Previous Organization (or place), which states: 88 CAV RENSQMEC7. Does anyone know what this means? Also, a section that says: MON. DISCN. BY REASON OF: AR15 365 DE MOB. Any ideas? I know his date of enlistment, his serial no., his rank, about how long he was in, where he trained, where he was deployed, etc. I know he was wounded and was hoping to find out more of maybe where that happened or anything else of importance. I also know he was in the Infantry. Someone told me the Archives of Military Personnel Records in St. Louis, MO, where I received this information can't be the only place they keep important records like that. Does anyone know of any other way I can go about this? Sorry for all this sometimes confusing information but I feel this is very important to me. Thank you.

    5 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • Wasn't Phil Spector tried twice and then found guilty?

    Can't they do that with Casey Anthony?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Did everyone hear about the death of Knut the Polar Bear who just died?

    I've been following that little guy since his birth at the Berlin Zoo and this deeply saddens me. Especially when they said they hope he was not poisoned. He was only about 4 years old.

    2 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Why do so many ask History questions for homework?

    Ok, when I was a kid, they didn't have computers so when I had homework, I went to the library, found what I needed, and sat down and studied. Today if they can't find it on the computer, they panic! Call me old-fashioned or whatever, but do they just want to get their schoolwork done quickly or don't they really know anything at all? I know things have really changed so forgive me for asking.

    3 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Why do so many ask History questions for homework?

    Ok, when I was a kid, they didn't have computers so when I had homework, I went to the library, found what I needed, and sat down and studied. Today if they can't find it on the computer, they panic! Call me old-fashioned or whatever, but do they just want to get their schoolwork done quickly or don't they really know anything at all? I know things have really changed so forgive me for asking.

    1 AnswerHistory1 decade ago
  • Why do people continually make fun of other people's beliefs?

    I was always taught when someone makes fun of someone or something, that they must be very insecure about something. It's fine to give your opinion but very rude to make fun of other's beliefs.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How exactly did the Republican Party start?

    I get so confused with both parties always going back and forth on issues. Why can't everyone just be one party?

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • How exactly did the Republican Party start?

    I get so confused with both parties always going back and forth on issues. Why can't everyone just be one party?

    1 AnswerGovernment1 decade ago
  • To all disbelievers of Archeology and the Bible?

    I have many books on Biblical archeology and have just purchased one called Lost Treasures of the Bible. I just want to know how many can still say they don't believe what is contained in the Bible when there is so much that has been found relating to people, places, situations and everyday life pertaining to what is in the Bible? I find these discoveries truly fascinating and can't understand what more proof some people may need.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Would like opinions on Casey Anthony being tried for murder?

    Do you think she murdered her daughter, Caylee? How do you think she did it? Her trial should be starting this Spring and I'm really anxious to see what happens. Hope it's televised.

    2 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Has anyone watched the series The Pacific?

    I just would like the opinion of others. I think it is very good but Band of Brothers was still the best.

    6 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Just got an email about Obama lying when he said his father served in WW2?

    His dad or stepdad were only about 5 during WW2! How stupid are we to believe everything he says without checking it out?

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever heard of The Philadelphia Experiment performed in 1943?

    Saw this on the History Channel about the Military experimenting with electrical and magnetic forces and making a ship and crew disappear which resulted in drastic results. It was Top Secret. Any real truth to it?

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Hello? Does anybody really care what day it is today?

    How soon we forget and seem so uncaring. Hardly heard ANYTHING about Pearl Harbor Day and the significance it should mean to our country. Is that what is going to happen to 911 someday?

    6 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago