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dik asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Now that the democrats have the house and the senate.....?

Does this mean that I would be better off to stand in line with my hand out, rather than working hard just to have my income stolen from me in the form of taxes and given to someone else standing in line with their hand out?

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I know what you mean.

    Sometimes it is tempting to just quit my job and draw welfare like Democrats.

    (Then I could spend the whole day on Yahoo whining and hating.)

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm sick of hearing this myth.

    The Republicans think that people who work should pay taxes, which the government then hands over to the rich.

    Democrats think that the rich should have to pay taxes, and some of us think that the government should stop giving the super-rich most of the tax money in subsidies and other corporate welfare.

    Corporate welfare takes a much bigger hunk of our budget than welfare to the starving. That's just plain crazy.

    Democrats aren't going to increase taxes on the people who don't have money; they want to tax the people who have almost all of the money.

    Get it?

    (No, of course you don't, but I had to try one more time.)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    why is it you people who hate working and need to blame someone for your life being crappy always blame the poor?

    All social programs (Medicaid, medicare, ss, ssi, education, housing, food programs, school lunches, wic, vets programs, child support enforcement, etc only come to $13 a month per taxpayer, while corporate welfare is a whopping $3000 plus a year per taxpayer.

    Also 45% of the huge trillion dollar deficent is for war, past and present and the military. Why don't you take your anger out of the corporporations or the miliary industrial complex and weapons makers who are wasting the bulk of your taxpayer dollars?

    Why is it always the least among us, barely surviving. The hatred for republicans (and many dems too) is the little guy while the rich never get any complaint. I for one as a follower of Jesus who told us repeatedly to love the poor, hungry, homeless, and sick am so fed up with this attitude.

    Source(s): And if you are a member of the religious right or "moral values voter" did you forget God loves a cherrful giver and good samaritan parable and the workers in the vineyard working all day getting the same as the worker working an hour. Get mad at Walmart as their employees are the top users of Medicaid, wic, housing, etc in 11 of the `12 states studied. The working poor do work..those who don't are often old or disabled..few people can stay on welfare more than 3 years in a lifetime. It is a temporary solution to things like layoffs, injuries, divorce, difficulty finding a job,and things like that. Someday you will stand before God and answer when he says "I was hungry and homeless and sick and you didn't care and loved your money more than my children...more than people and their kids and you have to defend your attitude. If you can't, it depart from me., I never knew you. Is the possible consequences worth $13 a year (and less if you subtract vets, the old, and disabled who many feel an obligation to help)? That 13 dollars does a lot of good to help people struggling.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is just me, but I would rather have my income taxed and given to someone here in the US standing in line with their hand out as opposed to having my income taxed and wasted occupying a country that we should never have invaded in the first place.

    Let's see here if my math is correct: $340 billion dollars spent in Iraq, (so far), divided by EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD in United States, (300,000,000), comes out to about $1130.00 EACH.

    So every one of us could have stood in line with our hands out.

    Although I guess there would have been about 2,700 more of us alive for the hand out, so it would have been slightly less.

    But again, that's just me.

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  • Pop D
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You sound like a crybaby Republican. Wah, wah, wah. Grow up and join the militray. You guys all seem to say you support the war in Iraq. Go over there are stand up for you country or are you a chicken like your leader George W. bush?

  • 1 decade ago

    No it does not mean you would be better off standing in line with your hand out. I can see your under the misconception that democrats will raise taxes, and they will but only if your one of the super rich, if you are, then wtf you doing in yahoo answers?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No it means there will be a raise in the minimum wage so you'll be better off working.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The best thing to do is to learn a craft and get paid under the table. That way the Democrats won't know how much to steal from you to give to the lazy, and you can still eat.

  • 1 decade ago

    You would be better off if you would never work, start rapping and marry a bimbo who has millions.

  • 1 decade ago

    Total nonsense.

    I know several Republicans that live off the gov't.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are describing the welfare system of the 1970s. Those days are long gone.

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