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Many republicans were seperating themselves from bush before the election ?

I am wondering if in the upcoming years we are going to see a lot of them who supported Bush make him a scape goat in order to avoid another election like the last one. I honestly want to know what you think. Can I have intelligtent debate on this one please both sides leave your insults at the door.


Okay how did I get a thumbs down for asking for intelligent

9 Answers

  • cantcu
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I believe those that are in office now, especially Republicans, are going to distance themselves from him, but that will be hard to do! None of my Senators were up this year, but they will be in 08!

    I think if they are seen as obstructive they are going to have a real problem in 08!

    We threw out 2 Republican Congressman who were incumbent and had several terms in! They were in total shock! They could not believe it!!

    People still harp on Clinton's BJ and who really cares! But they try and justify a war that is not justifiable and has killed 1/4 of a million people! You can be for the war all you want, but when you have body bags coming home 365 days a year for over 3 1/2 years, and are in a war that is longer than WW II and it is getting worse, not better, people are not going to forget that!

    I don't think they are going to be able to hide from their votes and their support of many things that were unpopular, even among Republicans.

    Bush isn't a scape-goat, he's the goat that they allowed too much power, too much corruption and they were rubber stamps for his policies!

    I loved one of our Republicans here bragging about the war on terror, which there is no such thing, and about"No child Left Behind that Bush wanted and Congress passed! The only problem was, and he didn't mention it, they never funded it!!

    I'd like to see people put the country and it's people first, not their wallets!

    Cosmic, you said the magic word: Bush! It will get you a thumbs down everytime! You are asking people to think, not be an idealog! Unfortunately they are idealogs who still don't get it!

  • 1 decade ago

    I know that in many states the Republican turnout was low. This is significant. Had they been willing to come out and vote the election may have gone differently the margins were tight.. So, do I say that they were separating themselves from Bush? NO, they were separating themselves from the Republican Congress, that had not stayed true to conservative values. We all knew Bush was slightly moderate, but we expected those in Congress to keep the republican standards. They didn't they deserved what they got. However, I would have preferred to see the ones like Chafee, Olympia Snow, McCain, and the other members of the so called gang of 7 get the axe. But, the democrats that were elected, if you really sat and listened to them campaign, sounded more like conservatives. The blue dog Dems have to stay conservative or their constituents will send them packing. It is going to be really interesting..

  • Mr Ed
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It's always like that. We gather round the leader when the leader helps us win votes, we distance ourselves when the leader loses popularity. Every political party does the same thing. And of course, if popular opinion changes, the tendency is to say: "That's the way I felt all along".

  • 1 decade ago

    may be they became intelligent to avoid the master ..

    heard of a story !!! there was a donkey a couple as his masters. every day they used to travel crossing the river with sand and all soprt of luggages ,

    once it was carrying salt bag , the greedy masters put more saying it gets a good price across the river ,

    but the clever donkey just immersed in the river dissolving all salt and walked free !!!

    the supporters have become wisely equal to the donkey !!!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My concern is that Bush's handlers are slowly backing away, leaving him by himself so the American public can see what a truly shallow and ignorant man he is.

    When george starts vetoing legislation, merely because it comes from the Dems, the GOP will be forced to step in and slap George down, so the GOP has some kind of chance in 08 to retain the White House

  • 1 decade ago

    They will if he joins up and passes many of Liberal bills that will hurt our country. Automatic citizenship or the so called pathway to it.More spending on pork projects. He has passed many bills that were not Conservative and they sat home this year or got tired of it and switched to Libertarian.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes - they were hiding from him - I'd love to hear that call when they would say ummmm George it's ok - stay home - I'm busy that weekend.... Or they don't answer the phone when he calls...with caller

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Neo wicker man. Exclusion and dominance does not work.

  • 1 decade ago

    The answer to your stated question is yes.

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