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I'm kind of seeing some one. We see each other almost every weekend. We've slept together and he's stayed over

But I think he still considers us "just friends". He told me he has feelings for another girl, who is engaged, but that he's not rushing into anything with anyone. We've been seeing each other for about a month, he calls me every now and then and we chat online. I just want to know when its safe to ask him if we can move on and be a real couple without him thinking I'm pushing him.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sounds like this guy wants his cake and eat her too. Play you when and if he feels like it, and if your not available then he gets a piece from her. Tell this guy to grow up and stop spreading the disease.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would go ahead and ask him. It can't hurt. What would you lose if he decided you were pushing too hard? Someone that just sleeps with you? It seems to me that if he is willing to sleep with you that makes some sort of commitment to you. I may be a little old fashioned for my age but I wouldn't let him think he was going to get to continue like this indefinitely. It used to be that if people had sex they were committed to each other. Now, we can be "friends" and still have sex. I just think that should be saved for special people.

    Good luck!! Remember: Ask him now.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are very foolish to have sex with a person who isn't committed to the relationship. He can leave without any explanation and you could get a serious STD if he is sleeping with others. You have done it all wrong. First you have the committed relationship, Then you get married. Anything else will lead to a sad situation for you.

  • 1 decade ago

    1st stop sleeping with him, then ask him how he feels about you. If you want to be more than a booty call you need to start acting like more than that. If you think you are on a real date don't sleep with him after he takes you home until you know which direction the relationship is going.

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  • 1 decade ago

    you like him more than he does you and you will get hurt. so force him to choose. Her or you. If he chooses her, then you will be hurt, but better be hurt now and find someone else, then continue on like this - as you know deep down he is using you ...

  • if he has already slept with u and conciders u still just friends then he is so playing u!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    be patient and wait ;) cause everything would be shown to you when its time.


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