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what does a "total loss" mean?
I recently wrecked my car (the bumper came off and some other minor damage was done) and the insurance adjuster said my car was a "total loss" and gave me money and my car back. What does a "total loss" mean? Is it just for insurance purposes?
11 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoneed help about cheating students?
i accidently kept the answer key to my recent test on my desk, it was hidden though. And I went to grade some tests and noticed it was missing. After my last class of students left, i went to grade the tests and 3 of them scored perfect on it. I think it might have been them, but really have no proof. What do i do about it? Any help please.
11 AnswersTeaching1 decade agoanyone have any lesson plans on greek mythology?
i'm looking for a one or two day lesson on greek mythology for my world history class. any ideas?
3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade agohow can i get certain friends onto myspace page?
can i choose who can be my "top friends" who are shown on my myspace page? how can i do that?
2 AnswersInternet1 decade agohow can i relax and make sex more enjoyable?
I've been dating this guy for 2 months and we have slept together a couple of times. But it hurts when he enters me. How can I relax and make it enjoyable for both of us?
9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoanyone know how i can download music onto myspace page?
every song i look up, i can't add to myspace page. is there another place i can get music?
3 AnswersInternet1 decade agoI don't use my ipod nano that much, but when I turn it on and play it for a couple of minutes, the battery
goes from 3/4 full down to showing just a little red. what's going on? I have the old style ipod nano
5 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade agodoes anyone have a hands on lesson plan to teach about supply and demand?
I'm trying to find something hands on for teaching about supply and demand to a 10th grade social studies class. any ideas?
1 AnswerTeaching1 decade agoi need help on a social studies lesson.?
I'm teaching a world history course, its 9th grade and the lesson is on the aztec, maya and inca. I was going to lecture, but I lost all my notes and dont have enough time to retype everything. So I devised a plan to have the students teach the lesson, dividing up into groups. Any suggestions? I've never done this before. Does it work? By the way, its a block(90minutes) class. Any help/suggestions would be great.
5 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade agoi'm looking for song lyrics; some of the lyrics are you are the star atop my treeyou're my dream come true
its a christmas song. I would just like the name of the song and the artist, if possible. thanks
2 AnswersMusic1 decade agoi really like this guy and he likes me too...and another woman?
He's stuck between me and this other woman, who just happens to be engaged. He's been completely honest with me the whole time, but it hurts. I've been thinking of doing/saying 2 things: either for me to stay out of the picture until he works it out with the girl; or I wanted to tell him to maybe stay away from her until she works things out. Which one should I do? Or something else?
4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agowhen are you no longer considered a virgin?
I think I've had sex, because I did bleed. But I never orgasmed. The guy was inside me. Does that count as having sex?
11 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agois holland the name of the country or just a province in the netherlands?
8 AnswersNetherlands1 decade agoI have wallpaper on my computer that I would like to use as a background on my myspace page?
Can I do that? If so, how? Thanks.
1 AnswerInternet1 decade agoi'm having trouble with itunes.?
I installed in my computer, but everytime I go to click on the icon, it won't come up. I've uninstalled it and reinstalled it and still nothing. Any suggestions? Thanks.
4 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade agoI'm kind of seeing some one. We see each other almost every weekend. We've slept together and he's stayed over
But I think he still considers us "just friends". He told me he has feelings for another girl, who is engaged, but that he's not rushing into anything with anyone. We've been seeing each other for about a month, he calls me every now and then and we chat online. I just want to know when its safe to ask him if we can move on and be a real couple without him thinking I'm pushing him.
7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agois there a place where I can mail my empty printer cartridge and get it filled up?
Instead of buying a new cartridge, can I mail it some place to get it refilled?
5 AnswersPrinters1 decade agowhich political party supports school prayer?
does either political party support school prayer? can anyone give me any information on what the republicans and democrats think of school prayer? Thanks!
14 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoi'm looking for a website where you can draw and a bicycler drives down what you have drawn?
Its a computer game or website where you can draw lines and then a little bicycle person drives down it. Please help!!
2 AnswersDrawing & Illustration1 decade ago