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What would cause continuous ear infections in an adult?

I've had 3 ear infections in 4 months, what would cause an adult to get so many so quickly? It isn't swimmer's ear, just regular ear infection. I've been off antibiotics for 2 weeks and this morning I can feel the same pain in my ear coming back for a 4th time.

As far as I know, I take care of my ears and this has only started in the past few months.

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I was looking up some info on Chronic Ear Infections for you and ran across these sites on Chronic Otitis Media - causes and cures that I thought you might like to look at. There is too much information to post here or else I would - its hard to condense it into something that would be really useful for you.

  • 5 years ago

    Chronic Ear Infections In Adults

  • 4 years ago

    Recurring Ear Infections In Adults

  • 1 decade ago

    Do you use Q-Tips? Doctors will tell you that sticking ANYTHING in your ears is a bad idea. Try using hydrogen peroxide to clean them instead (if you do of course!). Also, do you live with smokers? Or around smokers? Any allergies? Sinus infections? If you live with smokers or are a smoker, I would cut that back considerably and you should see improvements. If you suffer from regular sinus infections or allergies, I would discuss an antihistamine with my doctor. A couple things to think about, but no where near all the reasons why you're getting these infections. I would speak to your general practitioner about it and if he/she cannot help you, ask for a referral to an Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist. Good luck!

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I have a son, Joey Niceforo, who is a young 27 year old tenor, with a group called "DESTINO" recording in Vancouver Bc, Canada.

    For the last few weeks Joey has had a cold. Just a few days ago he developed an ear ache, a swollen ear and loss of hearing. He was diagnosed with serous otitis media (middle ear infection).

    The major concern we have is that Joey and the Group DESTINO have been booked to open the Marie Osmond show in Disney World on April 3,

    Have a quick remedy for our son??

    Joey's ear got better just before flying.

    He also got the special ear plugs for flying, and arrived in Florida, from Vancouver, on April 1st. On April 2nd he told us the ear was almost 100 percent, and he will, with the other, great DESTINO tenors be performing, in the COLORADO BALL ROOM DISNEY WORLD tonight at 7 pm.

    This help was so effective, and helpful, to our young Canadian tenor, Joey Niceforo. I'm sure this input and therapy advice will, and has helped others.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I suffer from chronic ear infections. Mine get so bad that my face swells and have had to have a wick put in at least 3 times.The cause of mine is that I am a crazy q-tipper to the point that my husband has to hide them. I am like a complete q-tip addict and I will secretly buy them and sneak them in the house. I have not had an ear infection for almost two years now (knock on wood). I have started using antibacterial q-tips, at the first sign of a "twinge" I put Cipro drops in my ear and (most importantly) I amke sure that no water gets in my ears when I shower. I find that dipping a cotton ball in vaseline creates a barrier that keeps moisture and things like soap and shampoo out.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Yah, it really does sound like chicken pox. I got them (for the second time!) when I was 16 and thought I was breaking out in the most awful pimples ever. LOL! If it is chicken pox and she's got them that bad now then at least you won't have to worry about her getting them twice like I did. I wouldn't go rushing her to the ER (unless she develops a high fever) but it would be wise to put in an after-hours call to her pediatrician. He/she would better determine if it's chicken pox and if an ER call is necessary. Plus, are you sure she hasn't had a vaccination against chicken pox? It's pretty well standard nowadays and if that's the case then you definetly need to call the pediatrician. Also, it's possible that it's a bad allergic reaction so watch her closely.

  • 1 decade ago

    My nickname is earinfection! Sorry, I am not an expert! I saw your question and just had to say hello-

    At one time, I had incredible vertigo- I went to a Dr and he said I must be depressed. Well that was not so! I ended up going to a dentist and I had an impacted tooth that was very infected. I did not feel any pain in my mouth at all because I had some nerves that don't work.

    At this point, you might want to seek a second opinion from another Dr. Hope you are feeling much better soon!

  • 1 decade ago

    I have 2 strange Greatgrandmother had chronic ear infections for like 15 years...was treated by her regular dr. She finally went to an ear specialist, come to find out she had a brain tumor....Also, my mother paranoid about my Greatgrandmothers brain tumor, was a fanatic about cleaning and digging in her ears all the time...she broke down the skin and lining in her ears, and got the bone in her ears infected...she had to have surgery to have skin graphs put in both ears....I would see a specialist as soon as possible to rule out anything bad, and hopefully clear something up that is not tragically bad....Good Luck

  • 1 decade ago

    It sounds like it's time to get a referral to a specialist in inner ear issues. You shouldn't have to be on antibiotics this long. Oh yeah - if you haven't been recently, go see the dentist - you may have a tooth issue that is affecting your ear - sounds weird but it does happen.

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