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Do you APPROVE of those KID Leashes Like the ones the use to WALK Doggies????


I agree those are the meanest things in the world. If you can't handle your kid then don't take them in public is my moto lol

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    thank GOD someone else said that

    those are the most white trash-ish things ever...not to mention ridiciously ugly

    and i feel sooo sad for the kids :[`````````

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree with Boss Brat and Venus - with all the animals (who pretend to be people) out there on the loose today, who wouldn't want a little extra security for their kids if they really care about them? I look at it this way - if the kids are on a leash, they can't get away from their parents, and the parents always know where the kid is. The kid can't get in as much trouble, because they can't get far enough away from the parent to do it.

    I don't feel sorry for kids on a leash at all - don't forget, some kids have learning disabilities or disorders that they don't know how to stay next to their parents. And as for not taking the kids outside in the first place if they're not kept on a leash, you think that's humane? That's like keeping them in a cage - WHY NOT SHOOT THEM - it'd be more humane than locking them up.

    My son is three years old, and moderately autistic - but I don't keep him caged up inside the house, he likes to play outside - but since he IS autistic, and doesn't always respond when spoken to, we use a leash to keep him safe and keep him from running out into traffic while he's playing - it's not an issue of treating him like an animal, it's a matter of keeping him SAFE.

    And after all that, I love when someone walks by and says "Man, I feel sorry for that kid being kept on a leash..." My response? "I'd rather have my son on a leash than have him need a muzzle like you do...."

    Father Wolf, Rev.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that their intent is to keep the child from wandering off. If you let go of your child's hand for a few seconds, that is all it takes for them to wander off. They do kinda put people off because of the comparison to dog leashes. So, for that reason, it isn't the greatest idea to use them because people would look at you as though you were cruel, not that you were being a concientious parent.

    I used a wrist one (one end connected to my wrist and the other connected to her wrist) when we were in malls or the grocery store, after my daughter disappeared a couple times. Once she took off to the rides in the mall, and the other time she was just hiding under a rack because she thought it was a great game. At the age she was, it was hard to get her to understand the importance of staying with me and in my view. That thing didn't really work that well though because she would just pretend to be a dog and crawl around on all fours barking because she was, and still is, crazy about dogs. I finally just kept her in a cart when we were shopping until she was old enough to know that it was important to stay with me.

    My biggest fear as a mother was, and still is, that someone would snatch my child. It would only take a few moments of distraction for your child to disappear.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, had to use one for my little sister when she was young. She was very well behaved, except for when she was curious about something and she just went after what she wanted to see. She climbed out of shopping carts as you reached for something on the shelf, she wriggled out of your grasp when holding her hand and ran to whatever she wanted to see, she was a regular Houdini! We bought one that was a harness around her chest and we could attach to our wrist or waist, and she never got away again. Didn't take her long to realize she wasn't going anywhere either, and after a while she just stopped trying. It may not look great, but some kids are determined to go and that's what stops them. Look at it this way: would you rather have a kid on a "leash" or a kidnapped/injured/dead kid? Sometimes you have to choose between those.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I've never wanted one for my kiddies, I kinda feel the same way, but there have been times, in large crowds, like at the sesame place amusement park, where it might have come in handy. My husband lost our 4 year old for about 15 minutes, I was paniced. So I no longer look down on those who use them when I see them at the mall. They are at least showing responsibility for their kids, if maybe a little over protection.

  • 1 decade ago

    I used to say they were cruel, but I don't say that after seeing so many children kidnapped from their parents in stores and such. If putting a little harmless leash on a child will keep them safe and out of the hands of perverts, you bet I approve.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not all kids are the same & if this helps to allow a wandering & free-willed child some freedom in public, yet allows him to stay close to parents or guardian, I approve.

  • 1 decade ago

    HELL NO!!!!! and why you ask? Well...... when I was young (long time ago) my mother would attach one to me and also my brother! UGH!! I absolutely hated it. I t was so embarrassing too. Alot of people can't remember sh+t when they were small, but, that is something I will never forget! Even now......if I see someone from my childhood, wouldn't ya know it, the first thing that they'd say????? yep!!! I remember when your mom use to walk you two like you were dogs or something!!!! was VERY embarrassing.

    Good God, don't hook your kidz up like that!

    Source(s): Just ME!!!!!!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have mixed feelings about them. On the one hand, I myself have never and would never use them because they do appear deameaning and besides there was no need for me to use it because I keep a constant eye on my children. On the other hand, if there are some less vigilant parents out there, better for their children to be embarrassed than kidnapped, raped, and murdered - another tragic statistic.

  • misery
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Oh no!! I saw one on a kid at the zoo! I thought it was terrible... but I know how some parents need to restrain their kids... I wish there were some better alternatives...

  • 1 decade ago

    I think they are awful and look ridiculous. Parents should be better able to handle their kids

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