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Why do Crazed Anti's bother us in the hunting forums??

You got to have more to do in life than try to base a useless arguement over the morals of hunting. How about you try something you fear? i tried skydiving and guess what it is fun. I tried bungy jumping..guess what it too is fun.

Please find a new hobby like basketweaving. I tried that too..guess what it is fun.

6 Answers

  • DJ
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Modern Americans have been conditioned that hunting and hunters are "bad" and that wild animals would be happy if just left alone.

    Whether or not this is an intentional conspiracy or not remains to be debated, but the fact that it's true is unarguable.

    The truth is, animals are neither "happy" or "sad" and their harvesting by humans in the wild is part of NATURE that has been going on for millions of years.

    One facet of this conditioning that fascinates the heck out of me is "anthropomorphism", that is, assigning human traits and characteristics to animals. It causes kids to grow up with a false and distorted view of animals and then to take ridiculous position like being "anti-hunter" and to joining terror groups like PETA.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They think they're making a difference, when in reality the money the gov't makes in license fees and from the tax/sales of hunting equipment, is too greatly relied upon and will never, ever go away. They all envision a world like a Disney movie where everything should run free and a monkey, a giraffe, 2 hippos and a lion can all sit at a bar and talk about the time the hunters used to chase them. If all of these people aren't vegetarians, I urge them to go see exactly how and where their food comes from.

    Source(s): I like macrame over basketweaving...
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yep, these people are unemployed, DO NOT want to work, but crtitize everything everyone does, sitting on a computer all day long while the rest of us work our behinds off. Just like PETA..... they dont want any animal touched for any reason..... what about the food chain? What about the fact certain animals are raised for slaughter and to feed us, chickens, horse for beef....ect.....

  • 1 decade ago

    Because some people just aren't happy unless they are making other people miserable.

    I don't enjoy hunting (shooting & archery yes, hunting no) but I don't see any reason other's shouldn't be allowed to enjoy it and discuss it without interference.

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I figured they had nothing to do, except sit inside and play with the computer. They must be afraid of fresh country air and nature. You may have saved one of these poor confused souls, with your suggestion.

    Source(s): Bowhunter in Ohio
  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not in this forum much, but I assume it's because they feel strongly about it. Why not just ignore their posts? If they don't get a rise out of you, maybe they'll stop.

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