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religion question?

This ? is for my own benefit. I have been pondering and talking to family members- so i am know asking for other opinions- if you have something sarcastic to say please kep it to yourself.

Jesus was a Jew, fact! If we are to follow in His footsteps...

Shouldn't we be Jewish? In the true religion sense. We know there are false religions, but how does someone know what religion is the true religion. Just wanting different points of view.



No KC- I was raised Baptist, the Bible says there will be false religions. I am human and hold no one above God!!! Thank-you for your answer.

30 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes ,Jesus was a Jew.

    But the prophesy was that the day would come when men would worship God in their hearts and not in a temple.

    That men would worship God in spirit and in truth.

    Jesus came to show the way.He came to fulfill the law and Prophets. This means we are no more bound by the ceremonial law of circumcusion and sacrifices. To be a true child of Abraham is to be one in your heart. This means that you have been saved, born again.

    To follow him means to be Christ-like in our actions and deportment.

    They were first called Christians at Antioch. That was a term of derision. It meant that those folks were being Christ-like in their actions.

    To be a true child of God is not to necessarily have a label on you, but to be Christ-like in your life.

    Remember when Jesus was here, on the earth, there were the followers of Jesus (Christians) and the Jews who worshiped the one true God. The problem with the Jews is that they did not recognize the messiah when he came on the scene, and had him crucified, when they said they had no king but Caesar. When they did that, God turned from them and gave his bonafieds to a new people who were not a people. THE CHRISTIANS, or followers of Christ.

    Through persecutions the christians spread through the known world. Each group of believers the same as the mother church at Jerusalem. But soon error began to enter in. Some did not want to follow the rules that Jesus made for the church. Some wanted to make up their own rules. Some wanted to take the place of God in the church. These were the beginnings of denominations. But through it all the true church carried on. It went through the persecutions in Asia, Africa, The Roman Empire. At times seeming to be gone ,but always reappearing as strong as ever. At times there only seemed to be a few, but truth will beget truth and grow. Through the dark ages and past the reformation (but never a part of the reformation) the true church kept on preaching and making disciples and baptizing, those who were able to bring forth fruits meet for repentance, into the church. Through the purges of England, Spain, France, Germany and even the New World(the Americas). It is still alive and well today. and if you truely want to find it, make sure your heart is right with God. Now go find it!

    What to look for? The church that practices old fashioned, old time salvation. Not some back room, read a booklet, sawdust trail, romans road and shake a hand. Look for real mourners who cry out because of the sin in their lives to God for salvation. For folks who can tell of a time and place where God saved their soul. Who when God spoke peace to their heart came up off the altar ready for whatever God would do with them.

    Source(s): KJV Bible, Church History, My Own Journey In Search Of The Truth.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are no absolutely true religions or "the" one true religion. They all started with superstitious primitive beliefs in special magical powers or connecting with special supernatural forces. These super powers and otherworldly forces provide ways to gain an advantage in life by appealing to, worshiping, sacrificing to or somehow utilizing those magic powers. Every culture had it's Religions and magical Gods, the Jews and Jesus were relative latecomers to the religious arena. The Hebrews that walked out of Egypt and the Catholic Church simply borrowed all the stories, titles and special magical powers they could use from all the other Gods and endowed them to Yahweh or Jesus, and what they couldn't use they demonized. To the Christian Church all other religions are Pagan religions. But all this is not relevant to which religion you should choose, and it doesn't really matter who did what to whom centuries ago. Humans are a very tribal species and have a great need to belong to a group, so just pick whichever group mentality you feel most comfortable with because if you boil them all down to the bare essentials there's just not much difference in any of them. Only the magic words you recite and the name you call when you conjure up or pray for your daily bread, or whatever? Personally, I've decided I don't need any special magic powers and if there is an almighty unified creative force, and I have a sense of and believe there is. Then it gave me everything I needed for this life on the day I was born, and most certainly does not require or need my worship, why should I ask for more?

  • 1 decade ago

    Christianity was originally seen as a branch of Judaism, if I'm not mistaken. However, Jewish thought had become an obsession with law, and Jesus changed that, focusing on the heart instead, and clarifying what the law really meant. Should you be Jewish? Yes, if you want, but I see Christianity and the New Testament as the better way to look at the Old Testament, and to me this makes the NT scripture and Christianity correct.

  • 1 decade ago

    The hyper-religious will usually tell you their particular brand of religion is the only way - they can not tolerate disbelief in anyway.

    Then there are some like some mid-eastern religions like Buddhist and Hindus who believe it doesn't matter how you get to know God just that you have some kind of positive relationship with him.

    I think any religion that demands total belief and then threatens you with some-kind of hellfire or damnation should be shunned - they are destructive and dangerous in the long run. I'll leave it up to you to look at the news today and decide for yourself who's fighting the wars and cutting off heads.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The Bible is the only book that has been proven to be 100% accurate. Jesus was Jewish which is correct, but he came to fulfill the law. The Jews of that time and the Jews now were still practicing the law of Moses. If people would just read the Bible and not just assume what it says...then they will see that it is the total truth. There are prophecies that are in that book that no man could have just "predicted" by guessing. I don't know how I got on this subject, but I when I astart typing, I can't stop.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus was a Jew, but remember John 3; 16 " That God loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten son.........."

    All of the first diciples were Jewish and Jesus even said he was sent to the lost sheep of Israel. However, the keys to the Kingdom that were passed to Peter were used to accept first Samaritans and then Gentiles into the Christian congregation.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Being Christian means following Christ or Jesus. Much of the Christian foundation and beliefs are based on Jewish tradition and jewish teachings. Judism is be base of the Chrisitan religion. Only you can choose which religion you wish to follow. The religion that feels right in your heart and makes you feel loved and comforted is your true religion.

  • God sent His Son, Jesus, as the Messiah or Saviour for the Jewish people, God's chosen ones, according to the Old Testament. The problem was that the Pharisees and high priests convinced the Jewish people Jesus was not the Messiah they were waiting for, and not the Son of God, so God said, "Whoever believes that Jesus is the Son of God and was sent to live among mankind to die on the cross for all our sins, they shall be written in the Book of Life and they will not go to hell on the final Judgement Day when the world ends. They will go to heaven to be with God for eternity if they accept Christ as their personal Saviour in their heart of hearts. True story!!

  • 1 decade ago

    No, we shouldn't be Jewish. I believe that Jews are saved under the Torah. I believe Christians are saved through Jesus. As long as we're both saved, and both happy, there's no need to convert.

    Are you presuming yourself higher than God by saying "We know there are false religions"? They may be false in your mind, but that doesn't make them wrong. What religion is the true religion? Any religion (even lack of religion) which espouses peace, love, and humility - It's following in Jesus' footsteps, after all!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    True. Christianity started out as a branch of Judaism for just that reason. Unfortunately, orthodox Jews decided that Jesus was not the Messiah, but only a misfit blasphemer. So Christians had to branch away from Judaism. Which belief is correct? Each one of us must make that decision for ourselves. If Jesus was indeed a liar or a lunatic, we have no business worshipping Him. But if He truly is Lord, we can do nothing else BUT worship Him. The choice is ours.

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