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Transubstantiation, does it wierd anyone else out or seem over the top?

I never quite grasped this doctrine, that the wine and bread of the sacrament/eucharist become the actual flesh and blood of Jesus in your mouth. I know Catholics believe it, but am not sure if others do. Your thoughts?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hocus Pocus, pure and simple!

    (I was a catholic for 28yrs until I decided to study up on my "religion" from their own writings, and was amazed at the nonsense of it). They, themselves, convinced me it was false!

  • 1 decade ago

    So, the Catholics are worshipping the FLESH???

    That concept is false, for Jesus died ONCE for our sins, and does NOT come back to life everytime someone eats or drinks communion.

    Another reason the Catholic church is a non-Christian cult.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, many others don't believe this central truth of Christianity. But all Christians believed it until a few hundred years ago. What part of "Take and eat; this is my body" is ambiguous? What part of "My flesh is REAL food, my blood is REAL drink" is difficult to understand? "Real" is the opposite of "symbolic", is it not? It's interesting that those who claim to place their faith in the Bible are so willing to water down what the Bible plainly states, even the words of God Himself, when such divine statements don't agree with their own human traditions.

    Some things never change. When Jesus preached about eating His flesh and drinking His blood, many left Him and followed Him no more. Obviously they took Him to be speaking literally. If He was not speaking literally, if all these people were walking away from salvation over a simple misunderstanding, why didn't Jesus just speak up and explain that He was speaking symbolically? I wonder why? Hmmmm?


  • 1 decade ago

    No, I never understood nor grasped that concept. I always thought it was meant to be symbolic. The miracle is in the heart of the person taking communion, the depth of what it means to that person.

    edit to PauCyp -- ...And we all know Jesus *never* spoke symbolically, right? That argument holds no weight whatsoever -- Jesus was a master of metaphor.


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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    catholics are the only ones who believe in it.

    others believe it is a meir representation.

    Catholics believe in the precept of eating the body of a man makes you like the man because that food becomes apart of you therefore Jesus becomes a part of us.

    Source(s): Being a catholic
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I will definitely add this question to my Watch List.

    I am curious to the answers the Jehovah's Witnesses will give.

    Could you extend your question for seven days?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, I find the notion really yucky.

  • 1 decade ago


  • 1 decade ago

    Doesn't happen...

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