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molex77 asked in TravelAir Travel · 1 decade ago

Do you earn miles on American Airlines if you purchase giftcards?

My wife and I are moving out-of-state and we're going to give American Airlines gift certificates to family as Christmas gifts. I'm new to the whole milage thing and wanted to know if it was possible to gain miles for the money spent on the giftcards. I can't seem to find anything on the site.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think if you have a rewards credit card for a certain company (say, an airline), and then you buy things FROM that company, those dollars count more (usually double) toward the rewards than dollars spent on other things. So my guess would be look for an AA credit card with rewards (if it exists) and check out the policy on this.

    So what I'm saying is, if you use a rewards credit card to buy the gift cards from the same company, it might count.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Just general gift cards from an airline are not eligible for mileage accrual. The reduce the amount of the ticket leading to no earned miles.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    the previous respondent's are not incorrect, yet i will upload somewhat suggestion to make those responses sensible in a pragmatic way: First, lower price web pages oftentimes beat the airways' personal fare promotions, in spite of their "low fare assure." second, a number of those discounted fares are really eligible for mileage factors, others are literally not. because mileage eligibility isn't usually obvious on web pages like Pricline, etc., i propose proper right here mind-set: First, verify fares with American's personal website, AND do a value-evaluation with a competent fare aggregator, alongside with Kayak (both hyperlinks are below). Then do your value-buying on the lower price web pages that are literally not lined through the aggregator. Assuming you hit upon a low fee than what American can provide without delay, have a telephone in hand earlier you click "purchase" -- in case you call American without delay, they are going to be able to inform you if the pertinent fare base is eligible for mileage factors or not. in this way, you may make an cautioned desicion on the mileage/fee ratio, which feels like what you're utilizing at. reliable good fortune, and chuffed travels! Kango vacationer

  • 1 decade ago

    No--gift cards do not count towards mileage. You have to purchase from them or use one of the partner companies that also give you miles.

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  • 1 decade ago

    No, you do not earn mles for the purchase unless you used a mileage card like citibank visa that gives points for each dollar spent.

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