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In all politeness, how can you say there is no God?

When you can look at the magnificience of creation and see the variety of rocks, birds, insects, and animals, as well as the various trees and plants.

I just want real answers please. Not half baked explanations.



Lets stop with evolution. Science has debunked that theory.

Look up the Law of Thermal entropy. It applies to life as well. Each cell is a micro-factory. The brain and heart are driven by electricity as are the rest of out bodies.

Evolution does not work, sorry.

28 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    in the Psalms it says a fool says" There is no God"

    If you put all the necessary "ingredients" together to make a single living cell ...ONE, not long would it take? would it happen at all? to have a creation there must be a Creator.

  • 1 decade ago

    You asked so here's my reasons for saying there is no God:

    First, you have to define the term "God." The problem with most theists is that this term is a moving target.

    In addition, because there is no evidence either for or against the existence of God, you cannot use deductive logic (a+b=c; therefore c-b=a). You can only reach a conclusion by inductive reasoning using the balance of evidence (90% of A is also B; C is B, so the chances are 90% that C is also A).

    I will assert (and others may shoot this down) that the only RELEVANT definition of God states that he intervenes to circumvent natural laws.

    If God circumvents natural laws, then it is impossible to understand natural laws. All scientific findings would have to include the stipulation, "it is also possible that these results are an act of God, a miracle, thereby making our research meaningless."

    However, since we have been able to expand our knowledge of natural laws (evidenced by every appliance in your kitchen), the scientific method works in this discovery. And the likely conclusion is that God, at least the intervening kind, does not exist.

    Additionally, if God is defined as all loving, all powerful, and all knowing, then it is impossible to explain suffering. Either God is not all loving (he acts sadistically), not all powerful (he cannot prevent suffering), or not all knowing (he created suffering by mistake because he didn't know the consequences of his actions).

    If God is less than these and/or does not intervene in our existence, then he is either non-existent or irrelevant. The classic argument is that I cannot prove that a china teapot is orbiting the sun directly across from the earth's orbit. But while I cannot prove this is not true, the evidence against it is compelling.

    The evidence against God is equally compelling, and while it is not possible to prove beyond any doubt, it makes more sense to live your life as if there were not God.

    It is more compelling to me that humans have invented God to reflect the thoughts of the ruling powers in a particular time. Because humans are always looking for reasons, when none are found, it was the natural inclination to declare the cause to be "God" (or gods). As the faith grew, miracles and laws have been ascribed to this Divinity, and an orthodoxy grows up around it.

    Successful religions over the long run also are accompanied by some level of economic well-being to the populace. Unsuccessful ones are seen as false because they don't lead to improved lives.

    Now it seems unhelpful to believe in such superstition. The only matters that aid in our ongoing well being are work, location, health, sustenance, and pure, blind luck.

    Regarding your amazement at beauty, there is also filth, slime, disease and chaos. If the only thing you look at is beauty, you are only looking for things that please yourself. This puts beauty squarely in the eye of the beholder.

    So, I don't believe there is any God. And you know what? It's okay if others do believe there is a God.

  • B SIDE
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    When a christian looks around him at the world in all its beauty, he sees god and wonders. When an atheist looks at the same world he sees the result of evolution and chance.

    Most of these people cannot look at the world _without_ seeing these things. The questions they are asking about the world have already been answered in their own mind.

    Try this: look at the world around you if only for a while- perhaps a single day- and keep in mind the ABSOULUTE CERTAINTY that there is no god. Whether or not it's true tomorrow BELIEVE it for today. You probably can't do it- but try.

    How can you say you believe in god's plan when the morning star still shines so bright?

  • 1 decade ago

    Using your approach to "facts", I can say, "There is no God." and then say, "God exists." without lying. Evolution works and has not been debunked. If you are going to say that cells are "micro-facories" and therefore are exempt from the Second Law of Thermodynamics, you clearly show massive ignorance of science. The Earth and life on it receive massive amounts of solar energy. There is no mystical energy that lets cells fuction, reproduce and not evolve. Last I heard, factories need power.

    By the way, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Maybe seeing the beauty was a favorable evolutionary trait.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You need to open your mind. Stop looking at it as a magnificence of CREATION, and start looking at it as the magnificance of evolution.

    Im assuming you beleive in the Christian God. Then, I can only respond to your question with another question: How can you say there is no Thor? Baal? Mithras? Ra? FSM? Osiris? Aphrodite? Venus? All of these gods (with the exception of FSM) are WAY MORE ancient than your God - yet you deny their existence. When you understand why you do, you'll understand why I deny the existence of your God.

    With regards to tater's argument of complexity: Does complexity mean that a Creator is required? And if so, then we would have to logically conclude that this God is even more complex than his creation. With that being said, and with the fact that you've agreed that complex things require creation, then who or what created this complex God? The excuse of "He always has been here" is bogus - or it can be just as easily used to xplain the origins of the universe - its always been here, just like your God!

    Hope thats not too half baked for you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I understand your question and how you feel. But then I feel that way about whether there is a god... I feel like, how CAN there be a god? It really just doesn't make sense to me. Like, where would he have come from? And what about before the world was created? And where is he during all these bad things that go on in the world? And, why do so many people hate in the name of god or religion.... I sincerely just can't make sense of their being a god. But I completely respect those who sincerely believe there is one....

  • 1 decade ago

    Dear j d barro :

    May I offer to you some thoughts on this? Whether we believe that God Created our World -or, it occurred through the processes of Evolution, there are things to consider about God expressing Himself in our lives:

    He's not a mathematical equation. He can not become part of someone's formulae. He can't be seen through physical "eyesight." He does not interfere with the evolution of this physical world, but exists along with it. He does not need your love to exist - He hopelessly loves YOU under any condition you subject Him to. He is not dependent upon your belief in Him -to Be. He just Is.

    One day, we all will know exactly where He is. It's not a destination. It's an intense intimacy. Physical intimacy can not substitute for it.

    The words below, express to me, an ultimate intimacy:

    "Come breathe upon me - breath of God

    Breathe upon me Spirit of the Lord."

    Now - think upon this. Something greater than self. Self having life only because the greater thing has Thought YOU, adores His creation of YOU and gives you life by breathing His force of life into you. Close you eyes and imagine this Power breathing into You.

    "My heart beats the echo of your Spirit,

    And my senses feel the warmth of your embrace."

    Close your eyes again - and listen to the beat of your heart. Imagine it is in rhythm with His frequency. Now feel the warmth of His Essence about you. . .

    Are any of you ever going to be closer to another Being than this?

    Humility is often learned a little later in life.

    Best regards, Lana

  • 1 decade ago

    There are rational natural explanations for the beauty we see around us. There are also horrible things in the world like natural disasters, creatures that inject venom into their prey causing them to dissolve from the inside out, horrible disease, etc... Are these wonderful proofs of a loving creator as well? Or are they in your mind the result of Satan or man's folly? I think the naturalist explanations make more sense and the other sounds like a series of rationalizations that people have come up with to continue to believe what they wish.

  • 1 decade ago

    The variety of rocks, birds, insects, and animals, as well as the various trees and plants, is NOT a prove of the existence of any god (your God or any "god of creation" of any religion)!!!

    If not, ALL the gods of ALL religions exists (God, Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, Zeus, Yiacatecuhtli, etc.), isn´t?

    Think about that.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe there is no God for several reasons. My main reason is that if there was a God then why is there so many killings and wars? Jesus died so others could be forgiven for their sins and that murder was against the question. So why do so many Christians commit murder? Why do so many Christians have abortions? The answer is that he does not exist...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your opinion of what is magnificent or beautiful extends through reality no further than your eyebrows. The universe came to be through physics and continues to proceed the same way. There is no room, nor need, for God in it. Try to realize this: Your incomprehension does not affect reality NOR other people's comprehension of it.

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