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Can someone tell me what Michael Richards said that is causing all the problems in the US? I'm in the UK?

I heard something about Michael Richards using really bad language and people walking out of his comedy gig. what happened?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It just goes to show you that no matter how hard we work, how much we earn or the amount of education we have - people out there still think and will always believe that we should be hanging from a noose.

    Michael Richards' rant comes as no revelation to me nor any other black person. Racism is alive and from what I can's doing rather well for itself. It's not a sad day, it's just an ordinary day when you're dark skinned.

  • Dwayne
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Michael Richards, as Cosmo Kramer on Seinfeld was the only reason to watch the BORING show. Not that I ever watched it. (Not all the time anyway.)

    So he flipped out. He said some bad things. How many people haven't got mad at someone else? At the moment he just said whatever. He said he apologized, and if he is true with his apology. We just need to let it go. I think the guy can be very funny.

    My concern is what took place before he flipped out. How would you feel if you was him in that situation. Just say it was some Hispanic people or even Asian people.

    Michael Richards still has my support.

  • 1 decade ago

    I disagree with voiceofreason. Perhaps the hecklers were "disrespecting" Richards by interrupting his set. However, Richards' response went far beyond mere disrespect. It was "hate speech." While the US Constitution allows freedom of speech, hate speech is not protected. "There are legal remedies, however, when hate speech crosses the line into threats and intimidation." ... "Both harassment and threats must be directed at specific individuals. Blanket statements expressing hatred of an ethnic, racial or religious group cannot be considered harassment, even if those statements cause emotional distress."

    According to the website above, it sounds like the hecklers Richards verbally attacked might have grounds for a lawsuit. (No, I'm not a lawyer.)

    Richards started his tirade with, "Shut up! Fifty years ago we'd have you upside down with a f------ fork up your a--."

    "You can talk, you can talk, you're brave now mother------. Throw his a-- out. He's a n-----!" "Richards shouts before repeating the racial epithet over and over again."

    If you are able, watch the video of his tirade.

    In a San Francisco Chronicle article, it noted that Richards did perform Saturday night without incident. The Laugh Factory allowed him to perform after they'd been told he was going to apologize. Richards chose not to apologize at the venue where he previously shouted the racial epithets and obscenities. The Laugh Factory now says it won't allow him back until he does apologize. Richards has since apologized on David Letterman's "Late Show."

    Source(s): hate speech: (See "Speech Codes") Here's a link to my follow up question about Richards being prosecuted for hate speech:;_ylt=AjvoA...
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree with what tallblack said. As a black person, I don't see what all the fuss is about. We put up with this racism everyday. America still is a racist country, people just try to hide their racism. Michael Richards just said what a large portion of the white community has been wanting to say, no surprise to me at all.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Michael Richards was doing a comedy show and was being heckled by a couple of black guys so he called them "N*ggers" and was going on and on about it saying if this was 20 years ago

    they would have a Fork up their A*s.

  • 1 decade ago

    Look at this

    I guess he got all p i s s e d off at these black guys in the audience and started to use racial slurs towards them which offended many people. He got out of line and possibly comited career suicide by this outburst. What an a s s h o le!

  • 1 decade ago

    he apparently was heckled at a performance and the heckler apparently was black and he just went off. Called him the n-word and told him something like if this were years ago, you would be hung or something like that. Go to and type in kramer racist for CNN's report. Very disappointed in him.

  • 1 decade ago

    he was getting heckled by people at the show, saying he wasn't funny and stuff. then richards started yelling back and using racial slurs like the n word..

  • Jim G
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Here is the video link from -

  • 1 decade ago

    COOKIE YOU GOT IT ALL WRONG. You need to review the entire clip. Those "hecklers" did not call him a cracker initally, it was in response to being called the N word. No one was as low as Kramer. Kramer scooped down to a new low.

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