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Does anyone really believe that we can contact the dead and that they watch us.?

My cousin regulary sees a phsyic/medium who tells her things no one else knows and gives her future foretellings and advice which so far have come true - these mesages are from her late father who died 12 months ago- the medium knows nothing about her but says things that only my cousin would now

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think it depends on the individuals belief. I find the thought quite comforting. As for mediums, perhaps some of them out there are genuine but the majority know how easy it is to make money out of someone that is vulnerable. People have been ripped of for 100's if not 1000's because of their grief, tell your cousin to beware!

  • 1 decade ago

    You have to be very careful when talking to mediums, many have had psychology training and can tell when they hit on something without you being aware that you have indicated it. Also they ask very general but leading questions such as "OH I can smell flowers, are flowers significant to you or someone close to you?" Of course they always are in one way or another, either you or someone else loves or hates them and you think "oh how did you know that?" Get the picture? However, I do believe that there are some people who can actually contact the dearly departed, the rule of thumb is, never to answer a question with anything other than yes or no and if you ask one make it very specific and direct. Also make sure the medium knows nothing about you at all. I have had some great readings in the past and some that were totally fake. Just be carefull and keep a very open mind.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes i believe that some people are gifted enough to contact the dead and call upon them for help and guidence. My dad died 13 years ago when i was quite young but i always knew that he was with me in some way and looking over me and protecting me. Sometimes i feel as if there is a presence around me or the room sudenly feels very cold, it may sound stupid but i know it's real. I have visited a medium a few times and she has told me things that even i didn't know but when i have asked other family members they have confirmed it. I wouldn't rely on a medium to tell me the future but i think that they can be helpful if you are at a low point in your life and you need some help or some guidence. You do need to be careful though as there are many con artists around but i don't think that you will ever truly believe that it is possible unless you experience it for yourself. Sometimes our loved ones can contact us through dreams and it's important to listen to what they are trying to tell you as it may help you in your life or help someone close to you.

    I think we just need to be open to the possibilities and who knows one day maybe you will have your own experience and then maybe you will truly believe that the dead do watch over us and guide us in our everyday lives.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think the belief in ghosts, aliens (the outerspace kind), seeing the future, telepathy, or any of that other crap should be classified as a mental diesase like someone who is bi-polar or manic depressive. People who see these things are either 1. Halucinating or 2. In desperate need of attention and making it up so people will listen to them.

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  • 1 decade ago

    If you aren't asking God for guidance and direction evil spirits are always there to answer.

    Remember the Garden of Edan?

    You better believe it! That's what channeling etc. is all about!

    The truth will set you free. Seek the Lord. He knows all the answers. Read the Bible. Jesus loves you.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have tried a wija board, and yes it worked, but why?

    you can move objects with your mind is it that? Still trying to work it out myself.

    I have a theory, if all time exists, all you have to do is tap into the right time zone and you will see all sorts of things.

    I do believe, to a degree, as I believe it is impossible for energy to die, it just leaves the human form. where it goes, no body knows for sure.

  • 1 decade ago

    there are people who are gifted and can actually converse with the spirits wary of so called mediums that say they can talk with the dead...some of us can cross over to the other side to help others but it is a gift that not many possess...a few mediums i have met, are sincere and when they touch my hands i can tell if they are real or not....they withdraw quickly almost like they are i ask them what they felt...youd be surprized at the answears....good luck

    Source(s): hedge witch ( a shaman/ wiccan person)
  • 1 decade ago

    I believe you can do it but you shouldn't, life was designed in a way that no one can know their future and I think it ought to stay this way.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm not sure about contacting them if they aren't haunting you but I do believe that ghosts watch us! Ever seen most haunted?

  • 1 decade ago

    i believe in ghosts....but i also believe in manipulative people who understand psychology :)

    ever watch a spoof-psychic work an audience? until the end....when they reveal what they are and what they've's hard to not 'believe'.

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