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what are you thankful for? not just when Thanksgiving comes around,all year round what are you Thankful for?

I'm Thankful for :

God's Grace

God's Plan To Include Me Since He Is My Creator

God's daily Blessings he outpour on me (even each breath is a blessing)

My Family

My Health

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The (relative) good health of my family.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm grateful to the Almighty, Most Holy, Most High, for...

    Creating me and loving me;

    Watching over me and guiding me according to His will;

    Not turning His back on me, not even when I turned my back on Him in my sin;

    Buying me out of sin and death into eternal life, at the terrible cost of His own beloved Son;

    Pulling me out of the cold, dark water where I was drifting and setting me on His Rock, to stand in His Light;

    Giving me a direct appreciation of some of the wonders of His magnificent Creation, such as:

    A flock of 11 tiny Cedar Waxwing birds all sitting side-by-side on a snowy branch, passing berries from beak to beak, all the way down the line,

    The smell of the warm summer breeze across the prairie,

    The taste of blueberries,

    The sound of kids having fun,

    The feel of a little girl's kiss on my cheek.

    And I'm grateful to you, for asking this question and reminding me how fully and richly He has blessed me!

    Praise, Praise, Praise God! May His Name be blessed and exalted forever and ever!

  • 1 decade ago

    I am Thankful for being one of the ones who Believes in God.And for having God own my side.I am Thankful for my Great health.Because with out it you have nothing.I am Thankful for My Husband and His great health.And I am Thankful for my Beautiflu children and Grand children and their great health.I am thank ful for all that the Lord has given to all my family.And allowed us to keep it by His grace.I am so Thankful for my Sisters and Brother.And their great health..I am thankful for living in the U.S.A. I am thankful for the ones That have fought and are fighting so that We may establish a peaceful world.I am thankful for the ones that knows Gods grace.And I am thankful for the kind people of the world those that give to the needed.I am thankful for all the many many blessings That the Lord has giving me...And the many trials and temptations He has seen me through..God bless the U.S.A. and all.I am even thankful for you...Kind spirit I can tell by your answer...

  • 1 decade ago

    I am thankful for all those things too. I am very thankful for God and my family's health. My dad passed away in August from cancer and I dont take anything or anyone for granted. God Bless!

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  • 1 decade ago

    A Healthy Son

  • 1 decade ago

    I am thankful to have a wonderful, supportive husband. Two beautiful children who give me unconditional love. And I am thankful I am still alive after all of my health problems. Without family or health, you have nothing.

  • 1 decade ago

    Of course, I am first and foremost thankful for my Lord and God!!

    But, running a close second are my 15 children, my 11 grand children, and my 12 great grand children.

  • 1 decade ago

    Lets see like you God and everything he has given me. My little girl my fiance who has supported me through the hardest times. My family friends my health I could go on forvever but I wont.

  • I am thankful that God has blessed me with wonderful caring family and friends and has allowed me to grow in his world..

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm thankful:

    for my family

    for my job

    that I have a place to call home

    that I'm not in pain

    that I am mentally strong enough to deal with most issues

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