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i was a catholic and i was empty until i found Jesus,thanks to the Bible and not some Man-Made Doctorines!!?

Who was in the same situation as me?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am Catholic.

    Jesus has always been in my life.

    I give thanks to God the Father for

    + Jesus Christ, God the Son,

    + The Holy Spirit

    + The Catholic Church

    + The Word of God, the Bible

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    With love in Christ.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's sad that you left. I've been doubting my faith for a little while, but I see that about 99% of Catholic doctrine is biblically based. Doctrines are mainly about HOW to do things, not WHAT to believe. For example, there's a section on family and what is considered a moral way to have a family and what is not. Most of it is what most Christians believe anyway, but it's written down so that it's harder to change. What makes people think that, OK, the Bible stops after the book of Revelation? This is limiting God. There have been prophets and events that have gone on that need to be recorded. Didn't God exist and make his existence known between the Pentateuch and the New Testament, those books were all written after Moses wrote the Pentateuch, what makes them any more valid that Catholic doctrine?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well I am happy you have found some thing to believe in but if you go back through history and read the new testaments - which was written and rewritten by many men and the read the old testament which was written and rewritten by many tribes and groups of people and it was really started by the pagans - who were men - you might come to the conclusion that what you are reading today has been written and rewritten by many men, religious groups and of course the pagans got things rolling. Guess it might be man made - think about it.

    Source(s): student of religious history.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I was raised Catholic. As an adult, I started questioning things such as why do I need a priest to tell me I'm forgiven of my sins. Only God can do that. I also don't understand memorizing all the prayers. I believe praying can only come from your heart, with your own words, not recited. I still haven't found a Church I'm totally happy with, but I am happy with my new found faith.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I was raised a Catholic and left it for about 15 years now.. I listened to other denominations, studied the Bible, and left Catholicism. You are right, most of their beliefs are just traditions of men.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Bible is written BY MEN!! There's no difference. You seem all fired up about finding Jesus so I want to ask you this. Do you recognize Him as he is described in the Bible as having bronze skin and hair of wool or do you continue to hold onto the false image of him with blonde hair and blue eyes? Would your love for Him change if his true persona was finally brought to the masses--who by the way are well aware of the Bibles description but refuse to recognize it and bring it out. So is the wisdom of man.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am thankful to God to see another Catholic has seen the light. My wife is Catholic but, like you, knows that the teachings of Roman Catholicism are in error and in violation of Biblical commands. She attends church to worship the Lord and to be strengthened in her spirit. Continue in your relationship with Jesus Christ as you are doing and the Lord will bless you and strengthen you. Make sure you have your own Bible to read and study, and do so on a daily basis. For the Word of God is alive and active; able to discern between flesh and bone, soul and spirit and is useful in all aspects of our lives. The Bible is clear in its teachings about idolatry, graven images, the fallibility of all mankind -including the pope and Mary- that all have sinned & in need of salvation- including the pope and Mary- that Mary had other children after Jesus and thus was no longer a virgin, that we pray directly to the Father in the name of His Son Jesus Christ through the power and assistance of the Holy Spirit -note that Mary isn't mentioned- that we are saved by grace through faith and not of works, that we only have one Mediator between God and man and that's Christ Jesus -not Mary- and numerous other teachings which are at obvious odds with the teachings and beliefs of the Roman Catholic church. Do you believe the Bible or do you believe the teachings of men? My wife is Catholic, but even she knows that what I've said is true. She merely attends church to worship the Lord and commune with Him and to be strengthened in her Spirit. God bless and be strong in the strength of the Lord.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you were a well informed Catholic you would know that the "man-made doctrines" you speak of are believed to be inspired by the same Holy Spirit who inspired the Bible that you yourself give thanks to.

  • 1 decade ago

    so basically you were never a Catholic, and this is just another dig at the Catholic church, as you are really implying that Jesus is not to be found in the Catholic church, still nice try.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "My biblical interpretation is better than your biblical interpretation!"

    "The Holy Spirit is stronger in me than in you! That's why I'm right and you're wrong"

    Ah, individual interpretation. That's why we need one true Church. Try researching the Catholic Church again. You'll see it's necessity, and how bible-based it really is.

    Blessings to you, brother.

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