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Why do Terrorists hate America?

Please I am really wondering about their motivation. Please no because we rule or they are jealious or name calling or racism.

They must be pretty motivated to be willing to die. So I want to know why? Or is this a question nobody knows.


In the art of war it says to beat an enemy you must understand why they fight.

Update 2:

Sorry guys Im not American either. Just one of your allies.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The list could be very long why people hate Americans. Maybe you do not know what. the rest of the world does.

    But I cannot understand anyone willing to die to kill Americans or any other people. Nobody is worth my life.

    America may be free, but they still imprison people without trial and torture them.

    Perhaps that is not representing freedom for everybody??

  • 1 decade ago

    Most of the Muslim terrorists hate Israel more than the USA, but if they can inflict deaths or destruction on the USA then it helps.

    Basically the USA is seen as a very strong military ally and supporter of Israel. Take out the USA and it makes taking Israel out so much easier.

    The accepted view is that the USA will not stand by and watch Arab nations destroy Israel.

    Bin Laden had a particular hatred of the USA as it had soldiers stationed in his home country of Saudi Arabia, and the USA was (and still is) proping up the ruling dictatorship of the House of Saud.

    Bottom line is that the USA has intefered in many cultures around the world, usually by proping up corrupt dictatorships (such as Noriega in Panama or Pinnochet in Chile), or funding death squads (Oliver North with his Iran-Contra scandal whereby right-wing paramilitaries were armed and financed by the USA without the knowledge of Congress in order to bring down the democratically elected Government of Nicaragua).

    It has its "paw prints" all over the Middle East and has funded both Governments and Rebel groups alike around the globe.

    It has interferred in Vietnam, Laos and both North and South Korea.

    The USA is now in both Afghanistan and Iraq, and might up in Iran at some stage.

    People in the various countries adversely affected by US politics remember these things, hence the reason why many of these terrorists are quite happy to kill Americans.

    Sad to say, hating the USA is almost compulsary for terrorists.

  • 1 decade ago

    When you are sitting in the U.S. and you hear news reports, bear in mind that the news reflects the interests of the country in where you are situated. I am an American, living abroad for the past 19 years and see the view from varying perspectives. There are terrorists on every continent. Their goals may vary but the one element they have in common is to kill innocent people to achieve their ends or to revenge acts which they deem has been committed against them.

    If we focus on America, there are a number of varying terrorists which hate the U.S.. The Muslim terrorists, which see our life styles as satanic because it so opposes those that follow the Muslim faith in the ultra-orthodox fashion and/or the extremists. In their minds, anyone who is not a Muslim is satanic and therefore, it is okay to kill them. It is not about them being envious of our freedom. Its about not wanting our way of life to influence their lives. Realize the power of and influence of the images coming from the Western World through the media, music, fashion, etc.

    The sucide bombers don't have the same values as we do. In other words, they don't value life. In dying for their cause, they become martyrs and have a higher place in heaven. Also, you should know that these terrorist organizations pay the families, of the sucide bomber. If their families are struggling economically, as many are in a great number of Arab countries, it provides an added incentive for them.

    I must note, that I do not intend to offend anyone by my comments. I wholly and full heartily believe that their are many Muslims and Arabs who desire freedom, peace and have a "live and let live" philosphy. Truly it is the extremists and the ultra-Orthodox who stand out by offending the sensibilities of morality and make the world an ugly and horrific place.

    The aforementioned is only one example. Within the U.S. itself, there are various terrorist organizations. Is not the KKK a terrorist organization and there are others that are similar to them.

    There is not a region in this great world of ours without internal or external terrorism. What troubles me to even a greater degree is the fact that Iran is close to nuclear capability.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I really wish I knew. I have wondered this on many a day. I have come up with a few theories, although in all honesty I can't prove them. Maybe it's because they are brainwashed from an early age and will hate anyone at the drop of a hat because someone tells them to, and they can't think for themselves. Another is that they sense America has great power and influence in the world, and they see that power as a threat. Again, these are just theories. But that being said, there are people out there on this planet who don't need a reason to hate.

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  • may be the problem is that all american belive all the lies from their leaders and think that if somebody is against ur policy ,he is terrorists

    the people outside U.S ,mainly the arabs belives that the terrorists are the american and all they want from our land is the oil even it worth OUR BLOOD and also countries like israel that all it policy is killing the women,children and the old people and take our land

    may be im wrong ,may be u wrong and may be both of us wrong that we can't live together peacefully

  • 1 decade ago

    I am very surprized at then again not at the lack of knowledge you show, despite literaly mountians of written well known undisputed facts.

    The American government has not let up since the end of WW11. Either overtly with the military or covertly via the once O.S,S., now C.I.A. overthrowing elected goverbments and replacing them with murderous tyrants. Globaly. Some big army base in the southern states trains young men from their own region, of U.S. interest, be it El Savedor, Chole, Saudia Arabia, Iran or Italy. They are trined in "counter gorilla warfare: which is really learnining to train DEATH SQUADS. Physc Opss. will mangle a few nice folk they kidnpped in middle of night and leave the bodies with eyes gouged out for friends and family to find. That will demoralize them. Lets see I recall one of the Dulles Brothers headed up the operation to to overthrow Irans'elected and beloved president on behalf of British oil companies. They were going loonie. They were abtuse in dealing with Iran and did not want to give Iran any $$ at all for their oil. I think U.S. President at the time advised them to work out a deal like U.S. oil companies had made with Saudia Arabia but they would have none of it. All this led to Iran President natioalizing the oil and kicking out the Brits. Only Iran did not have the talent in people to run the co. They offered huge saleries for those jobs and teachers. Briton threatened anyone that bought any oil off Iran would be in trouble. I believe Italy first dared and lost their ship. Briton seized it and never gave it back. While this was going on U.S. assures they would take care of it, while telling Iran not to worry they would not but in.

    When it comes to South America, it was decided after WW11 that all of it was U.S "sphere of infuence' In something called the Monroe Doctrine. This spells out how they would be treated as naughty children for threir silly beleif that resources as water and electicity should go to the people who live on the land. Anyways they have been mudered abused, and all disallussioned as all the water the energy etc. was all privitized by Americans, who right prized it out of reach for most of the populations and most cases just turned off all service in most ruralplaces. Then as they built mansions and flaunted ther wealth they refused to pay any tax, so people could even build clinics or schools. What could they do? American tax dollars paid for their government,army, weapons.....

    Iraq.....yes Saddam was a brute blah blah but he was a baby in diapers compared to your government. Just rember this when Saddam gassed the Kurds that was the only time he had chemical weapons because the U.S. sold them to him, not only that he was shown satalite photos that showed iranian soldiers had taken over the Kurds lands. C.I.A. thogh had given him 3 or 4 day old photos, so when chemical Ali did his thing as America suggested Iranians wre already gone and Kurds back home. One last thing Saddamm asked for permission first, and was assued via Judie Gulespie (you should look all this up) that the U.S. was not at all concerned about any border fights with Kuaite. Your government has a well deservered reason for being hated. You don't. Maybe you should take this up with them in case you are ever in danger of being terror victom?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because the good old USA won't stop manipulating their people financially, either directly or indirectly. We need to buy stuff for cheap to keep our consumer culture rolling. We think the almighty dollar can get us anything we want, until we come across people who don't have or need anything. Remember, Americans were considered terrorist under the British occupation.

  • 1 decade ago

    Terrorists are extremists by nature. These particular extremists are

    Muslim. They have subverted there Bible the Quaran.

    They do not hate America they hate non Muslims.

    and, no, you can't negotiate with people like that.

    Does that help.

    Thank you very much, while you're up.

  • 1 decade ago

    i believe that they don't like america becuase of the way the americian political system sees every country as less than themselfs, i also believe that the americians have set themselfs up as the police of the world and they will decide who gets to be in power in what country, and even if that country can have weapons or nucular power.Don't know who made the U.S. president GOD.but who ever it was better rethink his idea.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There could hundreds of reasons, and none of them could justify their actions. Many countries do not like Amercia, yes, we are a very stong and powerful nation, and we allow our people, many rights that other countries would never give their people, for fear of giving them any kind of "freedom". Yes, American always seems to be the "police" of the planet, and we are quick to render aid to weaker countries, and maybe that might be our downfall, but we are a proud nation, that is why many hate us, and many try to get here illegaly. Like I said, there are way too many reasons, good and bad for your question, but we are a proud nation and I will defend it with the best of my ability.

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