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which country you think is threatening world peace?

so many countries have been accused of being evil, though most of them has never been involved in any wars. which country you think is causing threat to world security and stability?

60 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The United States and Britain!

    And here is the reason for it since the first World War!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    World peace is not a real thing. There may be peace in one place and in another war or Genocide. In Darfur there is Genocide. I don't see the peaceful nations of France,China,Germany,Spain,Japan, or Italy doing anything to put a stop to it. The UN which was started by the United States and was an idea of Woodrow Wilson spawned from his league of Nations has been deaf to the needs of these people. You can't send in supplies without having protection from the Arab militia that is killing the people.

    You can't scream peace and fade into the crowd, You can't point out injustice and turn a blind eye. These countries have a record of being do nothings. If you win the award for peace you need to achieve something.

    I know the US is in a stupid war in Iraq and most Americans are against that war. They were lied to by the president and his cronies. A president who was not elected by the people but appointed by his dads Supreme court justices.

    In defense once they were in there the American people wanted to remove Saddam who was a butcher and allow the people of Iraq a chance to elect a government. They did this but the Sunnis and the Shiites won't live by their elections and continue to fight. The best thing now for the USA is to get out. Let them resolve their differences. Something they have never been able to do for hundreds of years.

    The US wants to go into Darfur with medical aid and food. But they are stretched too far. The US has asked France for help and the other nations. The problem is this idiot Bush can't get a consensus because they feel he is an idiot. And so do I. But the American people are not idiots and we do not appreciate all the people of other countries thinking we are. Americans have always been there when there are natural disasters. They were there with relief and money during the Tsunami. I know my brother works as a leader in US Aid. When we had the disaster in New Orleans who came to our aid? France? Italy? Germany? Japan? China? Russia? Denmark? How about nobody. Actually Hugo Chavez in Venezuela offered some help but mostly to make us feel bad.

    I can say Bush and FIMA were of no help either.

    So when you talk of peace remember it takes action to create peace. It doesn't happen by siting on the sidelines throwing stones at those who try to make things better.

    The Countries supporting Terrorism are responsible for threatening World peace. I for one feel the Saudis, Iran, Alcaida, Afghanistan, Hamass, Israel,The PLO,Pakistan,and the Countries in Africa in the Sudan who do nothing but get rich and exploit the children and people of the poor countries of Bangladesh,Pakistan and Darfur are the biggest threat to world peace.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As an American, I'd say America. For some reason, we can't seem to see that the reason most of our families came here was for the peace and freedoms. What do we do? Turn around and put our noses where they don't belong. I'm very sorry if anyone gets all hot under the collar and I'm not saying that no one should ever offer help and support to other nations; but that's what it should stay... aide and support. By no means should we be forcing our beliefs upon countries that prospered and thrived for thousands of years before white "America". Of course, there is evil in every nation and that cannot be helped, except maybe if the world finally realizes that it's round after all.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you've never heard of it, that one. Russia and China are fighting with the USA through the terrorist issue and countries in the Middle East, like Iran, of in the Pacific, places like Nepal or North Korea and Taiwan. The irony of it is those countries used as players like Iran, will take the aid and weapons given them and use them aginst all including those who helped them. China is getting pretty nervous about their own attack dog, North Korea. We got bit by guys like Saddam Hussein or Bin Laden, that we had been using against Russia/USSR. Every hotshot politician who wants to be the "BIG MAN" in the world struggles to make his country the most important to propell him to that position, right now nukes seem to be the objective. Then once everyone has at least one, somebody somewhere will have to be a bigger man than the next by using it on the other guy first. Just a question of who and when. WW2 doesn't count because the USA was trying to engage the world economically/politically when it started, and the after effects (compared to immediate casualties like firebombing Tokyo) were not understood. Now we know the whole world pays when every one is detonated, just a question of how much harm, for generations. World Peace? When humans are extinct I'm afraid, not before.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I am astounded by the answerers on this question who actually said that the USA is a threat to world peace. What is the matter with you?

    Iraq, Iran, The whole middle east. North Korea.

    I guess the old adage "No good deed goes unpunished" applies here. I hope you all do some real study of world events.

  • 1 decade ago

    "So many countries have been accused of being evil".... you say.

    The ONLY statements the US have made in that direction in the last 20 years was Reagan calling the Soviet Union the "Evil Empire", and Bushes 2002 State of the Union Address where he said that the "Axis of Evil was Iraq, Iran, and North Korea..."

    YOU state that those countries have never been involved in any wars ?? The Soviets invaded Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and Afghanistan... North Korea invaded South Korea... Iraq invaded Kuwait and started at 10 yr war with Iran... Iran invaded the USA (embassy) and held citizens hostage for over a year...

    Yep they are honest and loving countries...

    The true threats: China, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Venezuela and Mexico.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd give it to Iran. First of all, trying to go nuclear, with a loose cannon for a president, secondly, for supporting terrorists in Hezbollah, and probably Iraq, and lastly, for it's own crackdowns, it's destabilizing the entire region.

    I noticed a lot of people want to put a finger on the's hard building bridges when people are shooting at you, and even harder to restore peace, when your citizens are being beheaded just for being in the country.

    Would you prefer we left, and let Iraq turn into another Iran?

    Source(s): History teacher, Studies from the goverment files
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the only countries threatening world peace is the united states of america and thier boss israel

    north korea may like to but they lack the means

    the same thing with iran

    only the usa and american tourists americans in general threaten world peace - thier values and attitudes - 300 million of them and counting

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    human beings in different international places might want to correctly be killing one yet another, yet their moves do no longer "threaten international peace" as they do no longer frequently worry with something else of the international. An exception to this,among others, might want to be Palestine and Israel as this stirs up emotive emotions for the time of the globe. which include the rustic. despite the indisputable fact that, the rustic is accessible in for grievance because it really is often considered to attempt to impression the international, in the call of "international peace", through beginning a conflict. briefly, a militiaman raping a lady does no longer result the stability of the international powers, despite the indisputable fact that the numerous superpower beginning a conflict for although reason does.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think Israel is...If they attack Iran,as they stated a military operation in Iran is not out of discussion,this may lead to another world war...I don't think any country is starting so many troubles as Israel...and the war against Lebanon from this summer confirmed it...

  • 1 decade ago

    America. The country is full of gun slinging cowboys who seem to think they are in a John Wayne movie. If a nation's people want to **** behind a bush (excuse the pun) let them - if they don't want to embrace American culture (whatever it might be) allow them the choice. USA is trying to establish itself as 'world police' through terror tactics.

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