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Should black comedians use the "N" word?

In light of the Michael Richards fiasco, why is, or isn't, it ok for a black comedian to use the "N" word?

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Nope! It just adds fuel to the fire! I've always addressed my homies as '*****/My *****', but have since slowed down if not stopped. They don't complain-plus I'm grown! Just something we should all do!

  • 1 decade ago

    It's "okay" for a black comedian to use it due to the fact no one will say "Oh my god, he's a racist". But honestly, how often do you hear a white comedian start saying "Honkey" or "Cracker". I personally hate anyone using the "N" bomb. I think its a worse word then F***. And, by the way for delicious to say its about respect is ignorant. So its respectful to call your "brother" by the most derogatory word to describe our black brethren? Please, its the people that think like this that are the ones that ar the fastest to scream racist. You want to be respectful delicious? Don't say N**** or even N***a, say bro...because by saying bro your signifying closeness, with either version of the "N" bomb your just giving a continued reason to keep racism in the picture that does not need to be there. And the way I mean by keeping racism in the pic is your showing you want that word kept around...stop saying it to be "respectful" and help not say it and help do the best we can to show respect to each other. After all, being a white boy I don't call people I "respect" cracker or honkey...

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm white, so that's not for me to decide. But I will say this: the more YOU use it, the more common it becomes in the conversations of society. So stop being surprised and offended when whitey uses it.

    All the hoop-jumping Richards is being forced to do makes me wonder why the double standard is so obvious. Michael Irvine, the ex-football player now on ESPN, is always saying something racist...something that if a white guy said something similar he'd be fired. Irvine totally gets away with it.

    And black comedians are always using racism against whites in their acts. They never get called on the carpet for it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think it is up to the black comedian to do so. It is thier choice it is thier freedom.

    It is up to society and the audience to judge them for it. You don't like it, start booing.

    If enough people boo, then comedians will stop using it.

    I also think the sword should be double edged, If black comedians do white jokes but aren't labeled racist, how can you label a white comedian racist for doing black jokes?

    (aside from kramer's rant, that wasn't jokes, that was a meltdown from the heart, just like gibson's rant).

    I would find it highly ironic that it would be a racist rant that eradicates a racist word from our vocabulary.

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  • 5 years ago

    human beings could be allowed to declare what they desire. Whoever disagrees additionally disagrees with our freedom of speech. although, with that impressive comes a duty to no longer say specific issues to be considerate. You do make a element, for the reason that the two men observed as Richards a "Cracker-***." Richards is white and whites have a historical past of hating blacks, so because it particularly is why he have been given "blackballed." African-human beings do no longer use that be conscious to offend different African-human beings concerning the actuality that they are black. it particularly is socially appropriate that they use that be conscious.. stay with it.

  • 1 decade ago

    NO! I've never understood this. If it's wrong for a white person or hispanic person to say, it's also wrong for a black person to say. An insult is an insult. I've also never understood why women (black or white) will tolerate being called a "B!@#h" or a "Ho" by a black man (or white man). How demeaning!

  • 1 decade ago

    blacks do it all the time.

    farbeit for me to stop them

    even the naacp can't get them to stop it.

    even though they tried.

    i understand the in group/out-group rules about

    who can say what when & where.

    like only my boyfriend can call me baby-cakes.

    not any guy in the mall


    i admit the n-word makes me uncomfortable.

    i don't want to say it at all.

    it makes me feel extremely uncomfortable to utter it.

    but it is a strong part of the black culture.

    like gays taking the word 'queer' and making it their own.

    still not ok to say queer if you are not one.

    only if you are one.

    see what i mean about in-group/out-group stuff...

  • 1 decade ago

    i dont see why not b/c they basically are the N word so i guess if they want they can but they dont necessarly have 2 if i were a black comedian i probably wood juss 2 make other ppl laff

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think anyone, regardless of race, should use any word in a way that would "put down" any race. How can we speak of equality when our words are hurtful??? The "N" word is only one of many that should not be used.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I feel that if black people use it to describe each other, then as a white person I should be able to use it too. It should not be used casually by anyone, especially they ones It was made up to slur. You can't say its wrong for whitey to say it, but not a "brother". Deregatory of "*******".

  • 1 decade ago

    in my opinion nobody should have the right to say that word. it dosn't matter the race, it's still the same word and it still means the same thing. so no black comedians should not use the "N" word

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