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serious question: Why is it in the strategic interest of the U.S. to keep supporting Israel, when its...?

existence is clearly such an affront to its arab neighbors, and when it causes so many people to hate us and want to kill us?

Seriously - I don't know the answer to the question, so I'm hoping someone will offer an intelligent response. Enlighten us, please.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is simple. Since early 1950s US strategic planners realised that whoever controls Middle East has substancial power in the world,because of all the oil in the region. They suggested that Israel might offer the US means to gain strategic advantage in the MidEast. Since that time many things happened that proved this to be correct. For example, alot of Gulf states were trying to gain independence.. Israel was recognised as the state that can be used to relieve the situation in the area..also if that failed, use israel as a military base to control surrounding territories.

    In Essence, thats what happened, Since it's establishment, it has received over $100 billion direct aid from the US, by far the most then any other country in the world. Alot of that money is spent directly to buy US weapons. Right now, Israel posses WMD, nuclear weapons, most advanced and biggest fleet of bomber planes in the world (2nd only to US). Other then US, it has the biggest military strengh in NATO. Israel has become , in effect, an off shore US military base.

    Source(s): Hegemony or survival- Noam Chomsky- everyone should read this book.
  • We support democracy and Western Civilization. it's also a good friend to us. Plus, it's their land.

    Probably the same reason we paid such a heavy price to help defend England in WWII. It would have been MUCH easier to let it fall to the Nazis. But much worse for the US and the world in the long run.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Easy enough, why would we not support the only democracy in the region? The rest are monarchy's or theocracies or out and out dictatorships. Personally, I don't care if it's an affront to it's arab neighbors. It seems like EVERYTHING is an affront to arabs, including the fact that most of us are breathing air. They need to get over themselves.

  • 1 decade ago

    I was going to answer your question, but Roch Cop said it better than I could.

    Israelis are the only good guys over there. They deserve our support.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It is in the interest of the US to support Israel because in doing so we always have a cause to meddle in the business of middle eastern governments.

  • 1 decade ago

    because the Jewish people have too much power in the us, they own most of the medias and newspaper, they own biggest insurance companies. and most of all they have too much power in the government itself. they have a very good spy network which they know everyone's secret. In one world the authorities are scared of them.

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