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Is it just me or does it seem like Christians are slowly but, surely being persecuted?

It just seems like the whole world is coming down on Christians. We are made to look like we are evil in the media. Everytime a Christian based movie comes out the Media and Hollywood comes down on it or they call it anti-semetic. Catholic Priests are being persecuted as child molestors even though 90% of them are innocent. How come you never hear about Rabbi's or Muslem Clerics being prosecuted as Child molestors? They are out there, the stories are just buried deep into the newspapers and they are made into non-stories. How come it is OK for Jews and Muslems and other religions to make fun of Christians in comedy routines or television but, if a Christian does a joke about a Jew or a Muslem it is anti-semetic or religious profiling? It just seems the World is againt Christians. I guess this all follows the Book of Revelations. Any additional comments would be greatly appreciatied?


A lot of good answers so far but, a lot more stupid ones.(The Haters) I will take into account that muslems are getting a bad rap too. In fact all religions to one extent or another get dissed. However, I just feel that Christians are the flavor of the month.

Update 2:

Some of you people need to wake up out there and stop getting your news and information from the New York times or the liberal media. The World doesn't revolve around you. I am not saying it revolves around Christians either. I am just saying look at the double standard out there.

61 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, they are being persecuted.

    Look at what they are doing to Christmas. They want to take Christ out of Christmas, and that is only time of celebration, they want to take that from us as well.

    Girls are being forced to convert to Islam, by force. Girls are being kidnapped and beheaded just because they're Christians by Muslim. A Priest was killed over the cartoon of Muhammad, and he had nothing to do with it, the only reason they killed him because he was a Christian. A Nun was killed over the what the Pope said, because she is just there under the Muslims hands and they killed her, because she was a Chrisitan, she had nothing to do with what the Pope said, but they killed her. A man got his head cut off, because he was a Jew b y the Muslims. A couple of men were forced to convert to Islam or they will kill them when they kiddnapped them. and many other more stories the Muslims are doing to the Christian and then they say it is the religion of Peace, give me a break it is not.

    And atheist, some of you defend the Muslim people and you don't know that your head is on the block as well. One day they will come for you, and your are going to say who will speak out for me, and there will be no one to speak out for you, and you will be forced to convert or you will be taken care of, believe it. If you don't believe it, read the Quran and you shall learn what is Islam is all about. It is for peace, but not for you, it is for peace only for the Muslims people only. They want to take over the world. Pay some attention, it is not like they are hiding it. They say it loud and clear, only so many people would rather have their head stuck in the sand, hear nothing, see nothing, and say nothing.

    The media is afraid of the Muslim and what they might do. Look what happened it was only a few cartoon. They rioted, killed, burned on want on a rage against everyone who is not one of them.

    God help us from all the Political Correct people. or is it Politica Crap!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, I suppose that with all the attempts at secularism of a nation based on Christianity we encounter in these latter days there is quite a bit of merit to what you say. However, persecution by definition requires at least two for it to happen. I typically opt out up front by refusing to be the victim.

    It is my humble opinion that the book of Revelations addresses the fact that the wicked seem to profit while the righteous are left to suffer. At the white throne judgment the righteous receive their due as will the wicked -- and those who are spared the lake of fire will see those who are cast into it receive their due as well.

    It is true that the murder of Christians for their religion is on the rise and there may come a day when I too must lay down my life for my faith. However, to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord and I am willing to take that stand if it becomes required of me.

    The bottom line is you are verifying many things which appear in the scriptures. The prophecy continues to unfold. The crux of the issue is that many are presently and will continue to be deceived through the sixth trump until the seventh.

    At that time all will become known.

  • 5 years ago

    some are blind to those who change into Christiasn and the persecution they face. Persecution of 3000 Ex-Muslim Christians in uk - (area a million/4) Channel 4/YouTube. corporations which include Ex-Muslim Council uk and Germany are there to help those who change into Christian and Atheist yet face intense persecution.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes but not as bad as history taught us.. Its not just Christians its anyone who follows Jesus. The world is turning its back on God. Its not at crisis levels yet but every generation is becoming more atheist.. When we reject God you will witness that more and more we are losing his protection and therefore you will see more calamities , Wars , Diseases , Earthquakes Famines, Whole Citys being completly destroyed . They call it Global warming and Perseucutions of our Priests Churches and Christians and more and more babies being destroyed in the Womb and the complete unawareness of sin Its all in the book of Revelations and its all being played before our very eyes and some people are ignoring the signs at their peril.. Then Jesus will return with a vengence and they will try to hide in the mountains from his wrath..

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  • 1 decade ago

    It is sure that all creatures will suffer. But it is guranteed that all christians I mean genuine christians will at one point or the other go through trials, tribulations and or suffer persecution. But christians are to count it all joy when diverse sorts of temptations comes there way for God`s ears are opened to the cry of the righteous and he promises that pain/ suffering will not last for long- thou sorrow may come in the night, joy cometh in the morning. I advise you to pray, read the bible, have faith in God and live as christ commanded- a life free of sin.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh come on!!! Everyone sins - Christians are no exception. The British government just released figures showing that a revue of sexual offenders showed three times the number of Christians than no Christians committed sex crimes!!

    Why do you not look at how the church and some Christians have changed? The church used to be based in and welcome the wider community. Most churches now are more exclusive and very reluctant to accept non Christians!

    Christians iused to preach and talk of the love of God, peace, tolerance, social unity within the church under his name. Just look at what some of the zealots and extremists are saying now and those are the people being heard!!

    Laws have been passed to stop religious persecution in many countries. Sadly the zealots are being seen as going beyond acceptable moral standards in how they approach non believers and theri refusal to take no for an answer. In short these people are seen as acting outside of morally accepted behaviour and in some cases in a criminal manner.

    Films about anything factual tend to exagerate and distort and Christian films are no different. And why, oh why, was there so much fuss about the Da Vinci Code? A work of fiction that the church went ballistic about!

    So the answer to your question is that Christians seem to have lost their prospective. Their attitudes are being seen as extreme, naive, dictatorial and intolerant of non believers. The world is not coming down on Christianity it is simply saying it will not tolerate the extremists in your midst!!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree with what you are saying. However, it is not limited to Christians. White people, particularly males, and Americans in general seem to be fair game as the target of any ill will. I would even go as far as saying that the bashing of white christian males is not only tolerated, but even actively encouraged.

    People need to realize that bigotry and intolerance are just as wrong regardless of the race/creed/gender of the recipient.

  • 1 decade ago

    wow buddy!

    you silly.

    if 90% of the teachers in your childs school district where innocnet of child molestation, would you still send your kid there? what if only 10% of planes crahsed? those are crazy numbers huh? and it's not christians silly, everybody knows it's a catholic thing. that's why protostants broke off from catholics in the first place, they thought catholics where vile and corupt, but that's old history now. Rabis and muslims don't do that stuff becasue they are a very prude people. abd unlike catholiscm if you do bad things you can't just go in repent and then rinse your hands clean. especailly for muslims. you don't here muslims doing that because the penality would probably be death, instaed of saying hail marry 50 times.

    and what about the Nativty Storey? hollywood made that? and everybody knows the jews control the Media, don't be supprised when they don't like christian movies. but you christains supports jews so what's the big deal anyway. Israel wouldn't exist without american christains hateing muslims.

    and more about your molestation thing, catholics just do it, it's in there history, look at the romans.

    muslims and jews are a very noble people. in the times when muslims ruled the world, they governed with tolernace. they allowed all three religons to be practiced in jeruslem, and would not convert anybody of the book ( jews or christians)

    however the catholics have the most bloody history ever. the spanish where especially bad. the african slave trade would not have existed if it wheren[t for christanity. that's a fact.

    the crazyest thing about christanity though, is that it's not native to america or europe. it's a middle eastern thing. the history of christanity is fresh. it's not the original hertitage of the anglo saxon to worship jesus.

    that's why eatern has rabbits

    why the changed jeusus birthday to dec 25.

    why we have carnivals, and alot of other stuff, the undercurrent of western culture is pagan, it's just been white washed by christanity. and if you ask me it's the pagan who are being peresucted not the christains.

    christians hold all the cards. the military is christian. the money is christain, the control is christian, just accept it becuas eit wont be that way for ever

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Since you feel the need to explain to such lengths that possibly Christians are being persecuted, I'm inclined to think it's just you.

    If you see what support Christians get from your president, it doesn't look like persecution.

    It is not OK for Jews or Muslims to make fun of Christians, just as Christians shouldn't make fun of other religions.

    Of course there is a chance that - since Christianity is so much linked up with Western culture - its popularity is on the wane.

  • carole
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think that Christianity is like a juggernaut that has lumbered through 2 millenia and has changed and shifted numerous times. I think that Christianity is shedding yet another skin and it growing in a way. I think what we are seeing is the last struggling vestiges of the old way, the old mind set. The world is getting smaller and we have reached a plateau on conversions. Christianity, as a church, must stretch to include teachings of unity and must stop the "my way or the highway" mentality if it wants the world around to see them for the good they do (just like America, incidentally). When there is a bully in town, everyone wants to see him fall, right?

    Believe me, when a clergyman of any faith harms children, it is big news. When a clergyman kills his wife or in some other way displays an unfitness for his job, he is ousted. And when a faith minds their own business, people generally leave it alone. There is no persecution here.


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