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Repeat YOU support immigration enforcement?

I've asked this one before a couple times...anybody got new views on this?

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The irony is that instead of enforcing pre-existing laws they tightened immigration laws such that it's tough to get your granny legally into the country today. Or your spouse.

    But then illegal immigration, like drugs, and securities fraud and other crimes, are things that the Government would like to SAY they are doing something about, and so they pass laws and prosecute the occasional violator. But really their friends are benefiting from the status quo, so they don't want to succeed TOO MUCH.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's too broad a question to give a simple yes or no question. Do I support strict border control? Yes. Do I support mass deportations for non felons? No. What people refer to amnesty isn't George Bush waving his magic want and making every illegal alien a citizen. Instead it would allow illegal aliens who currently, under existing immigration law, don't fall into a category that would allow them to apply for a green card. They would still have to submit all the necessary paperwork, pay hundreds of dollars in fees, pass a criminal check and perhaps an interview before they get their green card.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you are going to make a law, why should you be against enforcing it? If you go to Mexico illegally, do you think they are going to let you off so easy as they do here? They would toss you in jail and you will sit there for months before even coming before a judge if you do even then. No wonder they are coming here and stealing us blind.

  • Yakuza
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    We are enriched by legal immigration.

    We are Not enriched by uncontrolled, massive, immigration (legal or not), because it creates chaos and societal disorder.

    Illegal immigration is not an issue about race, color, ethnicity, class, or nationality, since illegal aliens are of many races from many nations.

    Those trying to make a race, color, ethnicity, class, or nationality issue of it do so because all of their arguments are weak and unsustainable excuses.

    There are many valid issues:

    Crime is a serious issue, but only part of the many issues costing U.S. tax payers a net loss of $70 billion per year;

    burden on education systems;

    burden on healthcare systems;

    burden on hospital systems; 84 hospitals closed/closing in California;

    burden on welfare systems; over 32% of illegal aliens collect welfare

    burden on Medicaid system;

    burden on Social Security and Medicare systems;

    burden on border patrol systems; ever increasing numbers are needed;

    burden on insurance systems; illegal aliens can/will not pay for damages they cause;

    burden on law enforcement systems; costing California billions per year;

    burden on prison systems; 29% of state and federal prisoners are illegal aliens;

    2.3 million displaced American workers; partly because half of all illegal aliens that don't pay taxes, and greedy employers that don't pay unemployment taxes, Social Security, Medicare taxes, etc.;

    voter fraud; burden on voting systems;

    I ,like most Americans want illegal aliens stopped now, and do not want another amnesty program (a.k.a. guest-worker program) that will quadruple the problem, just like the amnesty of 1986 did.

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  • 1 decade ago

    uMmMm.......ii DonT GeT uR kUeSTiOoN BuT iF uR TRyIn ToO SeY IF i SuPpOrT oPeN BoRDerSz uMm YeS i DoO CuZ PpL wHo MiGRaTe ToO DaH u.S.a HaSz A ReaSoN DeY DonT DoO iT JuZz FeR FuN u NoE.Nd No iM NoT iLeGaL Nd iF i WuSs Ya PpL WuLDa HaVe ToO DeaL WiF iT

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think your asking whether or not I support open borders.

    Am I right?

    No I do not.

  • 1 decade ago

    when the people immigrate to anothe country is because they have a necesity

  • Dark
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Of course I do.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    NO new views, I still say deport, deport them all......Illegals suck

  • 1 decade ago

    yes, of course.

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