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Who benefits the most from mass media that is presented with a LIBERAL bias?

Or maybe even the reverse: who benefits the most from mass media that is presented with a CONSERVITIVE bias.

How might mass media be presented in a way that benefits everyone? Is this possible, even?

7 Answers

  • WikiJo
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Scotty has it right.

    For a taste of what we are missing, I suggest a sampling of independent, alternative & foreign news. What you see & hear will give you a quick perspective of how slanted our news has become.


  • 4 years ago

    The mass media is owned by company united statesa., they do inspite of the actuality that sells. This usa's politics and media were going perfect for the stunning 2 many years, because that's been promoting. If it doesn't promote, they're going to bypass decrease back to the liberal aspect, yet doubt it, because the companies are in various of circumstances conservative, they pick to save issues the way they are, with them creating wealth, and with us spending our money. contained in the previous, fairly some writers were liberal, yet no longer anymore. The radio and the television commentators are quite conservative, they don't rock the Bush boat one bit, no longer till now, even as he's a lame duck. Obama might want to correctly be the flavour of the month now, yet they're going to lay into him once he will develop into the Dem nominee. they're going to carve him to bits.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, if you follow that liberal means open-minded, then the public may be better served by a media that is liberal. That way, you get more sides of an issue and are left to make one's onw mind. A conservative slant to news programing usually involves one side present as correct and the rest false. Liberal might be "wishy-washy" because it's not determining what is right, just what is out there.

  • 1 decade ago

    Protest groups and neo -Marxists benefit from a Liberal perspective. It is not possible to have a media that benefits(educates everyone the same) as everyone has a different opinion and different levels of political literacy.Good media will question ideological assumptions and decode subtle meanings of reports.

    Source(s): Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman. A must read!
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It used to be that being a serious journalist meant you did your best to be unbiased.

    But that seems to have gone by the wayside.

    I switched from CNN to Fox News because they seem to be doing the best job of reporting FACTS not opinion.

    As long as the mainstream media is doing biased reporting, the country will just get more & more divided.

    It may benefit the Liberal or Conservative cause in the short run, but in the long run, I think it hurts everyone.

  • 1 decade ago

    The 6, soon to be 5, Major Corporations that currently own everything we see on TV, read in publications,(newspaper & books), and listen to on the radio. They are the ONLY one's benifiting now, and they have their own ajenda.

  • 1 decade ago

    Tune in to Fox News... it is possible!!

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