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Okay, I said I don't believe in the bible?

But, why can't I have a relationship w/ god? I feel him in my heart. He helps me w/ my problems, he answers my prayers, and he is there for me ALWAYS. He has answered ALMOST EVERY prayer I have prayed for another and myself. I feel that there may be certain things in the bible that are true, but most of it is Fiction. Do you REALLY believe that ALL of us, black, white, asian, Spanish, ect. came from Adam and Eve only?

28 Answers

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    I don't belive in anything but what is in Bikini Bottom, that was until we got the www.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are going to get a lot of different answers to you question--all based on each person's belief system (or lack thereof).

    You don't need to believe the Bible to have a relationship with the Divine. To restrict such a relationship to only those who believe the Bible also restricts the Divine. Of course, this is my interpretation of the Divine/Material relationship.

    Like I said earlier, it all depends on what you believe. Some people have a strict interpretation of the content of the Bible, while others have a broad interpretation. Some don't bother with *any* interpretation of the Bible.

    I personally have a broad interpretation of the Bible, as its stories can be found in religions across the globe (they just have a slightly different spin). In these religions you will find virgin births, sacrificial gods, creation stories--all with the same content but with a different cover.

    Listen to what *you* believe to be true. When it comes down to it, that is the only "truth." Don't rely on what others think. There is no such think as "heresy" or "blasphemy." The only ones who would say this about a personal relationship with the Divine are those with hollow faith.

  • 1 decade ago

    ...Hello. How do you separate truth and "fiction"? Sure I believe we are all decendants of Adam & Eve.

    ...If you live in the US as I do, we enjoy freedom to worship (or not worship) in whatever way we wish, or even dream up some religion to follow and hope God will accept us at the judgment - the question is, when you face God, what excuse will you have if you have chosen the wrong way?

    ...Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me."

    ...He claimed to be God - who is He to you? He is either a liar, a lunatic, a legend, or Lord - and He leaves you no wiggle room. If He is who He says, then there is no other way, no other legitimate god, and we must humble ourselves and believe on Him.

    ...I urge you to consider the claims of Jesus, and believe on Him.

    ...Whosoever will, may come.

  • 1 decade ago

    A person can have a relationship with God and not read the Bible literally. The Bible is a book of faith. The stories of the Bible relate various people's experiences and ideas about God, life, death, and in the NT, the Church. We don't read poetry and ask "is this true?" or "did this happen?" We read poetry, or a great novel, and it speaks to us or resonates with our own life experience. People who build their whole faith on the Bible, A BOOK, are really building their faith on a house of cards, that falls apart if you insist on making the Bible literal history or science.

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  • 1 decade ago

    the bible should be interpreted by each person it means what it means to you. i feel that you do love God and i think its awesome you have a connection and you pray. Not everything in hte bible is literal some stories are more for the effect of the event not the actions. So good luck with your faith and the people only critied because they truely don't understand what you do have with God or they are jeolus.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Think about how many religions there are in the world. How many use the Bible? Christianity and its various incarnations and Judaism. Basically, 2. Every religion in the world, and countless people who dont follow a religion, but still consider themselves spiritual, has found there own way to be connected to their God or Goddess or Deity or Holy Spirit. So can you. The bible is just a book, a myth on par with those of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Wonderful stories, but not nessissarily the Gospel truth (Hee, Hee, punny) Its great that you found your own path to a relationship with the God you believe in. Stick with your path and you will be more fullfilled than many so-called religious people.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ha ha ha .. this is very ironic.

    Here we have a person who claims to be a Christian and doesn't believe the idea that human beings as a species could be the result of a limited original gene pool which has undergone genetic variation over the ages. She happens to be in disagreement with other Christian individuals who are likely to be steadfast in their belief that she is incorrect, believing instead that all humans stemmed from Adam and Eve and by the hand of God became the variety of races we have today.

    I think we'er about to get an interesting lesson in natural selection and evolution here folks...

    Fighters, please shake hands and may the most able Atheistic/Christian win.

    {}{}{} r u randy? {}{}{}


  • 1 decade ago

    Well dear where else would they come from? have you read the whole bible? if you havent read the beging again and then tell me what you think. And then I'd like for you to read the back of revelation ok when you have done this let me know. And as I said before I'd like to keep intouch with you I left you to links and I'd leave for you all the time there is even a number would you like that I can send it to you and they will really assist you on your journey. The reason you dont believe it the bible because you have lost faith in what you used to belive in. Do you have dreams and visions if so we really need to talk. Ok when your ready I'll be waiting for you to email me back. this ministry has a chat room also so you may ask questions to your answers so try it out before you toss it out this just may be your chance to reavel the inner person that has longed to come out which you must give up the ghost your ready.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I won't blame or criticize you for feeling or thinking that way. That was my conclusion too, when I was much younger. I though the Bible is full of fictions and fables.

    As for the origin of the human races from the first couple, Adam and Eve. Let me quote to you some scientists' opinion, not my own: Here is one of them: Dr. R. L. Hotz, a biologist professor wrote an article on the Los Angeles Times, which was reprinted in Cincinnati Enquirer on the February 20, 1997 issu, p. A3.

    "Race is a social construct derived mainlyh from perceptions conditioned by events of recorded history, and it has no basic biological reality.... Curiously enough, the idea comes very close to being of American manufacture."

    Here is another scientific statement broadcasted by the American Broadcasting Corporation and printed in their ABC News Science website: "More and more scientists find that the differences that set us apart are cultural, not racial. Some even say that the word 'race' should be abandoned because it's meaningless..... we accept the idea of race because it's a convenient way of putting people into broad categories, frequently support them.... The most hideous example was provided by Hitler's Germany. And racial prejudice remains common throughout the world.", September 10, 1998.

    Furthermore, practically all evolutionists now agree that the various people groups did not come from separate origins, like evolving from different group of animals. In other words, they agree with bliblical creationists that all people groups have come from the same original population, although they believe that such groups as Aborigines and the Chinese have had many tens of thousands of years of separation."

    In fact, scientists today admit that, biologically, there really is only one race of humans, that is Homo sapiens sapiens.

    For a small example, my daughter-in-law has a blood mixture of French, Portuguese, German and Indonesia. My son has a blood mixture of Chinese, Japanese, and Indonesian. My grandson looks like a mixture of everything, but definitely has very close similarity to any of his ancestors.

    I like the Mandarin pronouns for "I/me" which is "wo", it is originally a combination of a "hand" holding a "spear" with the obvious meaning that "I/me/" (ego) is a powerful person holding a weapon of war. But "you" or "ni" is combination of "man/person" and a "balancing scale", meaning you are also just like me, a human being in equal status with me, another human being. While the word "he", consists of "man/person" plus "also", in other words, I am a human being, you are also a human being equally created like me, and he or the third person, is also a human being like us, so we are all human beings of the same standing, belonging to the same species Homo sapiens sapiens!

    I can not write to much here concerning the Bible, but there are hundreds of prophecies in the Bible which have been prophecied by more than forty different people of different occupations living in a span of 1500 years, which have been amazingly fulfilled to the letter from the time of Adam to our present days, which could not have been the imagination or genius invention of man. Not to mention about the power of the Bible in changing the lives of people, including myself. I was born a Buddhist to Buddhist parents and grandparents, but my father was later converted into Christianity and became a minister. I was influenced by my Taoist uncle, ten years of Catholic Education, as well as Pentecostal upbringings, studied the Quran from a Haj by the name of Rifai Burhanuddin for one year, but finally after searching the Bible, the Quran, the Buddhist and Taoists teaching, I come to the conclusion that the Bible could not have been the produce of human thoughts, however genius they could be, but just as the Bible claims: those more than forty writers were moved by the Holy Spirit.

  • 1 decade ago

    How can you believe in God, but not believe in the Bible? After all, it is HIS book, thats like calling Him a liar, saying parts are fiction. It's blasphemous. You can't do it. You have to believe the Bible to truly say you have a relationship with God, I'm afraid that maybe satan is at work here tricking you into thinking you have a relationship with God, when it's actually him,satan. He does things like this. I pray for you, satan is tricky don't let him deceive you like this. You can't believe in God and not the Bible.

  • 1 decade ago

    Science has followed the human bloodline back to one woman. Are you under the impression that the Almighty cannot manipulate DNA (His Creation) to His own purpose?

    For a non-believer it is interesting that you statement here is loaded, positively dripping with scripture.

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