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Why should an answer be removed because of thumbs down?

I am sure others have had this happen as well. To remove an answer because some one disagrees with it is censorship and should not be allowed. I agree some answers are dumber than the question asked but they sould not be removed because of the number of thumbs down it receives.

Americans demand their freedom of speech rights and this is in violation of free speech!

Why do you limit free speech Yahoo answers team? But of course you violate your own rules of conduct all the time so why should this be any different?

I say let all answers stand and not remove them and I realize some are pretty bad but don't censor!


I have had several answers removed...not because of any reported abuse but because I several have disagreed with my answer. Not vulger or profane but just because they disagree with the information even when I back it up with references and proofs.

Update 2:

example: someone asked about bras and fitting them.

I said that a bra can lead to breast cancer and is a #1 cause of breast cancer.

I then gave two medical documents to prove what I said...I received 3 thumbs down and at the 4th one my answer was removed...

to me that is censorship and I do have my facts right!

Update 3:

this is for I didn't read it in a tabloid you can read the sites for yourself then decide who is correct:

I hope this clearifies this for you and anyone else who wishes to read it.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't think your answer was being removed. I am trying to find the question so I can prove it, but I can't yet. I think you may have fallen under the "threshold" problem -- where answers are "hidden" if they have too many thumbs down. These are NOT removed and can be shown again simply by resetting the drop-down menu at the top of the answers part to "Show All Answers" or another choice. This setting will (usually) be remembered and not need to be reset. I think this is what happened to you. Sorry!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Get plenty of thumb downs, huh? Aww deficient youngster, recover from it xD Whether they agree or disagree with you, it is nonetheless handiest their opinion, it doesn't suggest you are correct OR fallacious. Taking away the disagree could be censorship and likewise simply pathetic.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bras don't cause cancer. Where are you getting your references? Out of the same tabloid you read that a three-headed Bat Boy was born?

  • 1 decade ago

    Free speech does not entitle you to have your speech posted on someone else's website. Yahoo has the legal right to post or not post anything they choose. You are not being denied the right to speak, they are simply choosing not to provide you a forum for that speech. Their right overrides yours in this case.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    The thumbs down doesn't cause an answer to be removed. Its when somebody reports the answer then it gets removed.

  • 1 decade ago

    You need to get your facts strait first.

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