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What is your most valued possession?

Not big stuff, like cars and houses...just something that means a lot to you. Mine is a 100+ collection of cookbooks, silly as that may sound.


Not people or pets, that's a given. Some THING.

Update 2:

Odd how no guys have responded to this yet!

12 Answers

  • kate d
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A friend of mine brought back a bracelet for me from Indonesia, he works over there for 6 months of the year. I,m Australian.

    he bracelet is handmade by a villager out of leftover stainless steel welding rods that are used at my friends worksite, they have been plaited together, it is truelly a magnificent piece and I picture the poor villager working on this bracelet for days by hand to get it shaped and smooth. My friend told me he gave him a small amount of money but it was equivelant to a months pay. I dont take it off.

  • 1 decade ago

    My pictures. I have pictures of my daughter when she was little (she's 29) and of my grandkids and of my son (he's 6). These can never be replaced - ever. I could never go back to when Ang was a baby or a toddler and take them over again, so they are my most valued possessions.

  • 1 decade ago

    My guitars, I started playing when I was fourteen years old and my Momma and Daddy bought me a fender acoustic starter pack, later that got me an acoustic/electric ovation, it's blue and pretty, although we never had much growing up they knew how much my music meant to me and was very happy to be able to buy those for me, they also bought me a bass guitar, but they are close to me because they remind me to follow my dreams and also remind me how much my Momma and Daddy love me.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, since I don't feel that I own my kids or my animals... I would have to say my photo albums. Due to some circumstances they are the only way I can remember those things.

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  • Photographs!

    Source(s): ♥
  • 1 decade ago

    My most valued possession, if people are a possession, it would be my family. If we are talking about non living possessions, then it would be my piano.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have on my key chain a old Quarter that my late Father drilled a hole in it and had on his key chain for years . I feel like he is near me when I touch it .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My music. I love makes me happy, or sad. Nostalgic, angry or energized. I cannot imagine a world without music.

  • 1 decade ago

    My computer. I couldn't live without it.

    I also greatly value my mind.

  • 1 decade ago

    a necklace my father gave me before he past i wear it every day now

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